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Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas. Financial Management Report. WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. 2010 School FIRST Rating. Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas. Rating: Superior Achievement. WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. 2010 School FIRST Rating.
FinancialIntegrity Rating System of Texas Financial Management Report WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2010 School FIRST Rating
FinancialIntegrity Rating System of Texas Rating: Superior Achievement WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2010 School FIRST Rating
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Financial Accountability Rating System This is the eighth year of School FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas), a financial accountability system for Texas school districts developed by the Texas Education Agency. Wylie ISD received the highest possible rating all eight years.
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD GOAL OF SCHOOL FIRST The primary goal of School FIRST is to achieve quality performance in the management of school districts’ financial resources, a goal made more significant due to the complexity of accounting associated with Texas’ school finance system.
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD RATINGS School FIRST ratings: Superior Achievement Above-Standard Achievement Standard Achievement Substandard Achievement Additional rating: Suspended – Data Quality
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD BASIS OF RATINGS Based Upon 22 Indicators (previously 24) Ratings Function of Aggregate Number of Points and Answers to Critical Indicators Five Point Scale for Most Indicators with Calculated Values Some Indicators Remain Pass/Fail
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD OVERVIEW OF BASE INDICATORS The 22 indicators are questions grouped as follows: Indicators 1-7 Critical Indicators Indicators 8-12 Fiscal Responsibility Indicators 13-15 Budgeting Indicators 16-18 Personnel Indicators 19-22 Cash Management
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD DETERMINATION OF RATINGA. Did the district answer No to indicators 1, 2, 3,Or 4? Or did the district answer No to both 5 and 6? If answered No to either, the district’s rating Is Substandard Achievement. B. Determine rating by applicable range for summation of the indicator scores (Indicators 7 – 22). Superior Achievement 72-80 and Yes to indicator 7Above Standard Achievement 64-71 or ≥ 72 and No to indicator 7Standard Achievement 56-63Substandard Achievement < 56 Or No To One Default IndicatorWylie ISD score: 75
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was total Fund Balance lessReserved Fund Balance greater thanzero in the General Fund? Indicator #1 School districts must legally have a fund balance to ensure adequate funding for operations. This indicator is designed to ensure that the district has a positive amount of fund balance cash (savings) that is not designated or “reserved” for a specific purpose. In other words, “Does the district have funds set aside for a rainy day?” Fund balance less reserved fund balance was $11,692,657 as of June 30, 2009. Status Yes Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was the Total Unrestricted Net Asset Balance (Net of Accretion of Interest on Capital Appreciation Bonds) in the Governmental Activities Column in the Statement of Net Assets Greater than Zero? (If the District’s 5 Year % Change in Students was 10% more) Indicator #2 This indicator simply asks, “Did the district’s total assets exceed the total amount of liabilities (according to the very first financial statement in the annual audit report)?” Fortunately this indicator recognizes that high-growth districts incur large amounts of debt to fund construction, and that total debt may exceed the total amount of assets under certain scenarios. The District’s five year percentage change was 44.5%. Status Yes Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Were there NO disclosures in the Annual Report and/or other sources of information concerning default on bonded indebtedness obligations? Indicator #3 This indicator seeks to make certain that the district has paid our bills/obligations on bonds issued to pay for school construction, etc. There were no disclosures concerning default on bonded indebtedness obligations in the Annual Report and/or other sources of information. Status Yes Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was the Annual Financial Report filed within one month after the November 27 or January 28 deadline depending upon the district’s Fiscal Year end date (June 30 or August 31)? Indicator #4 A simple indicator. Was the Annual Financial Report filed by the deadline? The Annual Financial Report was filed on October 30, 2009. Status Yes Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was there an Unqualified Opinion in the Annual Financial Report? Indicator #5 A “qualification” on the financial report means that we need to correct some of our reporting or financial controls. A district’s goal, therefore, is to receive an “unqualified opinion” on its Annual Financial Report. This is a simple “Yes” or “No” indicator. There was an unqualified opinion in the Annual Financial Report. Status Yes Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Did the Annual Financial Report NOT disclose any instance(s) of material weakness in internal controls? Indicator #6 A clean audit of the Annual Financial Report would state that our district has no material weaknesses in internal controls. Any internal weaknesses create a risk of our District not being able to properly account for its use of public funds, and should be immediately addressed. The Annual Financial Report did NOT disclose any instances of material weakness in internal controls. Status Yes Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Did the district’s academic rating exceed academically unacceptable? Indicator #7 This indicator simply asks whether the district’s accreditation status is in good standing. The District did not receive an Academically Unacceptable rating. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was the three-year average percent of total tax collections (including delinquent) greater than 98 percent? Indicator #8 This indicator measures the district’s success in collecting the taxes owed to us by our community’s businesses and homeowners, placing a 98 percent minimum collections standard. We must collect more than 98 percent of our taxes, includingany delinquent taxes owed from past years. A district earns up to five points under this indicator based upon its relative performance. The three-year average tax collection rate (including delinquent taxes) was 99.71%. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Did the comparison of PEIMS data to like information in the Annual Financial Report result in an aggregate variance of less than 3 percent of expenditures per fund type (Data Quality Measure)? Indicator 9 This indicator measures the quality of data reported to PEIMS and in our Annual Financial Report to make certain that the data reported in each case “matches up.” If the difference in numbers reported in any fund type is more than 3 percent, our district “fails” this measure. The aggregate variance between PEIMS data and information in the Annual Financial Report was 0.0001519%. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Were Debt-Related Expenditures (net of IFA and/or EDA allotment) less than $250 per student? (If the district’s five-year percent change in students was a 7 percent increase or more, or if property taxes collected per penny of tax effort were more than $200,000, then answer this indicator YES.) Indicator #10 This indicator shows the Legislature’s intent for school districts to spend money on education, rather than fancy buildings, by limiting the amount of money district’s can spend on debt to $250 per student. Fortunately, the Legislature did allow for fast-growth schools to exceed this cap. A district earns up to five points under this indicator based upon its relative performance. Debt related expenditures (net of IFA and EDA allotments) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009 were $923 per student. However, our five-year percent change in students was greater than 7 percent (44.5%), and one penny of tax effort was more than $200,000 ($308,587) for the year ended June 30, 2009. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was there NO disclosure in the Annual Audit Report of Material Noncompliance? Indicator #11 NO disclosure means the Annual Audit Report includes no disclosure indicating that the school district failed to comply with laws, rules and regulations for a government entity. Wylie ISD is required to spend at least 85% of the bilingual education allotment. These expenditures were less than the required amount by $59,698. The expenditures will be closely monitored to spend the underexpended amount within the next two fiscal years in addition to the required expenditures. Points 0 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Did the district have full accreditation status in relation to financial management practices? (e.g. no master or monitor assigned) Indicator #12 Did TEA take over control of our district due to financial issues such as fraud or having a negative fund balance? If not, we pass this indicator. The district has full accreditation status in relation to financial management practices. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was the aggregate of Budgeted Expenditures and Other Uses LESS THAN the aggregate of Total Revenues, Other Resources and Fund Balance in General Fund? Indicator #13 Did we overspend our budget? Our district will receive a negative rating on this measure if our total expenditures and other uses for the fiscal year exceeded our total funds available. Budgeted Expenditures and Other Uses were $9,016,890 less than Total Revenues, Other Resources and Fund Balance for the year ended June 30, 2009. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD If the district’s Aggregate Fund Balance in the General Fund and Capital Projects Fund was LESS THAN zero, were construction projects adequately financed? (Were construction projects adequately financed or adjusted by change orders or other legal means to avoid creating or adding to the fund balance deficit situation?) Indicator #14 Did we over-spend on school buildings or other capital projects? This indicator measures our district’s ability to construct facilities without damaging our Fund Balance. As of June 30, 2009, the fund balance in the General Fund and the Capital Projects Fund was $11,692,657 and $17,050,731, respectively. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was the ratio of Cash and Investments to Deferred Revenues (excluding amount equal to net Delinquent Taxes Receivable) in the General Fund greater than or equal to 1:1? (If Deferred Revenues are less than Delinquent Taxes Receivable, then the district receives 5 points.) Indicator #15 This indicator measures whether or not our district has sufficient cash and investments to balance Fund Balance monies such as TEA overpayments (deferred revenues). In other words, our District should have fund balance monies of its own that are at least equal to those dollars that are there due to overpayments from TEA, and we should not be spending “next year’s” monies this year. A district earns up to five points under this indicator based upon its relative performance. The ratio of Cash and Investments to Deferred Revenues (excluding net Delinquent Taxes Receivable) was 116.9438 as of June 30, 2009. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was the Administrative Cost Ratio less than the standard in State Law? Indicator #16 TEA and state law sets a cap on the percentage of their budget that Texas school districts can spend on administration. Did we exceed the cap for districts of our size? The standard for an administrative cost ratio in State Law for Wylie ISD is 11.05%. The actual administrative cost ratio for Wylie ISD is 5.94% Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was the Ratio of Students to Teachers within the ranges shown below according to district size? Indicator #17 This indicator measures our pupil-teacher ratio to ensure that it is within TEA recommended ranges for district’s of our student population range. Districts with a student population greater than 10,000 should have no more than 22 students per teacher and no fewer that 13.5 students per teacher. A district earns up to five points under this indicator based upon its relative performance. The ratio of students (11,305) to teachers (778) was 14.517, which is within the TEA recommended range. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was the Ratio of Students to Total Staff within the ranges shown below according to district size? Indicator #18 This indicator measures our pupil-staff ratio to ensure that it is within TEA-recommended ranges for district’s of our student population range. Districts with a student greater than 10,000 should have no more than 14 students per staff member and no fewer than 7 students per district employee. A district earns up to five points under this indicator based upon its relative performance. The ratio of Students (11,305) to Total Staff (1,537) was 7.3532, which is within the TEA recommended range. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was the Total Fund Balance in the General Fund more than 50 percent and less than 150 percent of Optimum according to the Fund Balance and Cash Flow Calculation Worksheet in the Annual Financial Report? Indicator #19 The district’s audit provides an optimum General Fund “Fund Balance” for the district. District’s should have no less than one-half and no more than one and one-half times this amount in Fund Balance, counting both reserved and unreserved fund balances. A district earns up to five points under this indicator based upon its relative performance. Total Fund Balance was 59.9298 percent of the Optimum Fund Balance calculated in the Annual Financial Report. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was the decrease in Undesignated Unreserved Fund Balance less than 20 percent over two Fiscal Years? (If 1.5 times Optimum Fund balance is less than total Fund Balance in General Fund or if Total Revenues exceeded Operating Expenditures in the General Fund, then the district receives 5 points.) Indicator #20 Are we “feeding off of our Fund Balance” to pay for salaries or other district operating expenses? This indicator notes rapid decreases in our undesignated Fund Balance (those dollars not designated as a “land fund” or “construction fund”) or emergency fund. A district earns up to five points under this indicator based upon its relative performance. Total Revenues exceeded Operating Expenditures in the General Fund by $3,707,421 as of June 30, 2009. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Was the Aggregate Total of Cash and Investments in the General Fund more than $0? Indicator #21 Does our district have cash in the bank, and/or investments? The aggregate total of Cash and Investments in the General Fund was $19,654,516 as of June 30, 2009. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Were Investment Earnings in all funds (excluding Debt Service Fund and Capital Projects Fund) more than $20 per student? Indicator #22 Are we using our cash or reserve fund (Fund Balance) monies wisely? A district earns up to five points under this indicator based upon its relative performance. Investment earnings in all funds were $22 per student for the year ended June 30, 2009. Points 5 Data Supporting Indicator
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD DISCLOSURES Reporting requirements for the financial management report. Per Title 19 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 109, Budgeting, Accounting, and Auditing, Subchapter AA, Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Financial Rating System, five (5) disclosures are presented in the School FIRST financial management report.
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Disclosure #1 Superintendent’s Employment Contract The school district is to provide a copy of the superintendent’s employment contract that is effective on the date of the Schools FIRST hearing in calendar year 2010. In lieu of publication in the Schools FIRST financial management report, the school district may chose to publish the superintendent’s employment contract on the school district’s internet site. If published on the internet, the contract is to remain accessible for twelve months. The superintendent’s contract is posted on the Wylie ISD internet site at www.wylieisd.net.
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Disclosure #2 Reimbursements Received by the Superintendent and Board Members for Fiscal Year 2009
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Disclosure #3 Outside Compensation and/or Fees Received by the Superintendent for Professional Consulting and/or Other Personal Services
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Disclosure #4 Gifts Received by the Executive Officer(s) and Board members (and First Degree Relatives, if any) in Fiscal Year 2009
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Wylie ISD Disclosure #5 Business Transactions Between School District and Board Members for Fiscal Year 2009