Mastery Objective: To: Answer questions on the worksheet about the media center policies andresources in order to perform basic tasksand searches in the media center such as: • check out a book. • locate fiction/nonfiction books in online Catalog and on the book shelves. • locate the media center web page • locate research databases on the media center web page. • Save to your h-drives.
Welcome Chiefs Cherokee High School North & South Media Centers
Things to do in the library: 1. Read a book, magazine or the newspaper in paper or Internet format. 2. Do your homework. 3. Do research for assigned projects. 3. Do research for assigned projects. 4. Work on PowerPoint and Excel Projects. 4. Work on PowerPoint and Excel Projects. 5. Use the Internet for school work. 6. Use Microsoft Word to type assignments.
General Library Information Regular Library Hours are:7:20 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.in both libraries. However, the After School Hours are as follows: North Library is open Mon. and Wed. until 3:50 p.m. South Library is open Tues. andThurs. until 3:50 p.m.
General Library Information When may Freshmen go to the North Media Center? Freshmen may go to the North Media Centerafter school on Mondays and Wednesdays andduring the school day with permission
General Library Information You will ALWAYS need your ID to check out items! Photocopies are 10¢ a copy. All computers have --- USB flash drive ports.The school store sells flash drives for$7.00. The media center will have some available for $7 also.
General Library Information There shouldNEVER be:Food / Candy / Drinks /ipods / mp3 playersORCell Phonesin the Library!
General Library Information Make an attempt to stay on task in the library. Respect others at all times. Don’t talk loudly to anyone in the library.
Library Media Center Staff Mr. Parker, Assistant Principal& Media Center Supervisor Ms. Mayher, Media Center Coordinator Media Specialists Mrs. Dennis, South Mrs. Bakanas, North & South Mrs. Martinez, North Media Secretaries Ms. Vanartsdalen, SouthMrs. Miller, North
Using Books in the Library Tall Bookcases =General Collection May be checked out for 2 weekswith your ID card.
Using Books in the Library Low Bookcases =Reference Collection May be checked out overnightwith your ID card. Encyclopedias
Acceptable Use Agreement for Internet: What do you think is acceptable use ofthe school’s computers? The AUA states the purposes and rules that You must follow when using the Internet.
Acceptable Use Agreement for Internet (AUA) The Lenape Regional High School District AUA Card Everyonemust read, agree to follow the rules,and sign the AUA policy agreement before ever using the network and Internet.
Sign the AUA Your signature means that you will abide by the rules in the AUA policy.
The AUA is displayed on the computer before you log on. When you click OK, youare agreeing to abide by the AUA.
Things not to do on the computers Use Social E-Mail, Chat Rooms, or MySpace Display, send, or print obscene/pornographic messages or pictures!
Things not to do on the computers Play and/or Download Games Violations of AUA could result in: disciplinary referral.
Internet Safety REMEMBER:° Nothing you type is private; therefore NEVER give out any personal information on the Web.° People you meet online are not always who they seem to be.° It is best not to respondto email from anyone that you don’t know.° Never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone you meet in a chatroom.° If you receive threatening information, tell your parents, teacher, or guidance counselor. For more tips, click on the Internet Safety link to the left under Departments on the media center web page.
Logging on / Password PASSWORD Your PASSWORD is PRIVATE and shouldnot be shared with any of your friends!**If you share your passwordwith someone, you are giving that person permission to go onto your personal h-drive. He/she could tamper with your work or even delete your work. USERNAME Your student number is your USERNAME and it will neverchange – so you need to REMEMBER it for all 4 years you are at Cherokee.
Computer Programs that will help with your schoolwork * Cherokee Book and Audiovisual Catalog * Research Databases / eBooks * Internet * Computer Applications
To bring up the computer menu, click on: Start and Programs
Select Your Program from the Start Menu INTERNETEXPLORER TO GET TO SCHOOL’S PAGE
Cherokee High School Web Page To access the media center page, click on Departments:
Media Center Page To Search for Books, Click On
Using the Research Databases and E-books at school and at home •Passwords are needed to use the databases at homeand often at school.• Pick up a bookmark with passwords in the media center orlook in your 2012-2013 Student Handbookfor passwords to the databases on page 43!
Applications Microsoft Office 2007 Start ... If you do not have Microsoft Office 2007 at home, save your Microsoft Office documents from school as Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 or Rich Text Format –to ensure they will open at home. If you use WORKS at home, you must save your documents as a Rich Text Format (RTF) so that it will open properly at school.
Saving Information Never use the disk icon Never save to the C Drive Always Save by clicking on Filethen SAVE AS!
Saving Information Save as to your H or Removable Disk Drive Flash drive H-drive H - drive
Printing There is no printing available in the Media Center from any of the printers on the media center floor. Save work to your flash drive toprint at home or email it to yourself.
How to Access your School’s Email Account Go to the cherokee home page and click on
Log into your email with your student number and school password
Logging Off Before logging off, SAVE ALL WORK! Then close all open programs You may now log off the computer ALWAYS use the log off option If you don’t log off, someone could destroy your work! NEVER use Shut Down or Restart the computer!
Cherokee Chiefs As librarians-teachers,we are here to help you! Please, come see us for any reason! Have a Great Year!