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Modeling Long-Lived “Super-Hydrostatic” Active Region Loops

Heating Function? E H (s,t). Modeling Long-Lived “Super-Hydrostatic” Active Region Loops. Harry Warren Amy Winebarger John Mariska Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC Solar-B Science Meeting Japan February 3-5, 2003.

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Modeling Long-Lived “Super-Hydrostatic” Active Region Loops

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  1. Heating Function? EH(s,t) Modeling Long-Lived “Super-Hydrostatic” Active Region Loops Harry Warren Amy Winebarger John Mariska Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC Solar-B Science Meeting Japan February 3-5, 2003

  2. Motivation: Understanding the properties of active region loops observed with TRACE Aschwanden et al., 2001, ApJ, v550, p1036

  3. Static Models Don’t Work! • RTVS (uniform heating) scaling law predicts very low densities for long loops. • TRACE observations show nobs/nuni ~ 100! • RTVS (foot point heating) scaling law gives densities that are higher, but only by a factor of about ~3. • Highly localized footpoint heating → instability. Winebarger et al., ApJ, in press

  4. Cargill et al., 1995, ApJ, 439, 1034 Rosner et al., 1978, ApJ, 220, 643 Dynamic solutions can be much denser than static solutions Warren et al., 2002, ApJL, v570, p41

  5. Cooling loops can be overdense near 1 MK

  6. Loops cool faster than they drain

  7. Delay between the appearance of the loop in 195 and 171 Simulated TRACE light curves

  8. 4-Jul-1998 (Aschwanden Loop #23) Winebarger et al., ApJ, submitted

  9. 18-Aug-1998 (Aschwanden Loop #2)

  10. Simulated loop cools too fast! EF = 2 ergs cm-3 s-1, δ = 680 s

  11. Not one loop, many filaments? – Consistent with the light curve 10 filaments, EF ≈ 0.2-2 ergs cm-3 s-1, δ = 680 s

  12. Filaments lead to flat filter ratios

  13. SXT→TRACE Loops

  14. SXT→TRACE Loops

  15. Light curves of loop cooling from SXT to TRACE

  16. Single cooling loop produces too much intensity in TRACE

  17. SXT/TRACE intensity ratios are consistent with filamentation

  18. Conclusions/Implications for Solar-B • Dynamics and filamentation are important in determining what is observed • EIS+XRT+SOT will provide an unprecedented opportunity to study the dynamical evolution of active region loops • More modeling is needed to identify signatures of coronal heating

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