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Department of Transport. Report on the 2008 Local Government Budgets and Expenditure Review 2003/04 – 2009/10. Overview. Part 1: Institutional Arrangements Part 2: Municipal Roads Infrastructure Part 3: Expenditure on Roads Infrastructure Part 4: Developments in the Public Transport System.
Department of Transport Report on the 2008 Local Government Budgets and Expenditure Review 2003/04 – 2009/10
Overview • Part 1: Institutional Arrangements • Part 2: Municipal Roads Infrastructure • Part 3: Expenditure on Roads Infrastructure • Part 4: Developments in the Public Transport System
PART 1: INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR TRANSPORT Findings: • Functional assignment between roads and Public Transport is confusing and fragmented. [Agreed] • Poor coordination between Transport and other sectors undermines the efficiency and effectiveness of roads and public transport functions. [Agreed]
Institutional Arrangements for Transport DoT Response to address finding 1: • Roads Coordinating Body • National Transport Master Plan 2050 coordination structure • Committee of Transport Officials (COTO) • Transport Sector Coordination Forum • Host City Transport Technical Task Team
Institutional Arrangements for Transport DoT Response to address finding 2: • There is no coordinated planning of all the sectors leading to conflicting priorities.
PART 2: MUNICIPAL ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE • Finding 1: One effect of economic growth has been an increase in the number of vehicles on the roads [Agreed] • Finding 2: Vehicle overloading and breaches of road safety regulations continue to be major problems [Agreed]
PART 2: MUNICIPAL ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE DoT Response to address finding 1: • The Department of Transport fully supports the National Maintenance Strategy developed by the Department of Public Works. • The DoT recognizes that in the roads sector sending funds down to municipalities is a challenge, the current condition of the road network has deteriorated with inadequate maintenance plans in place • Visual Condition Survey aligned with the budget and planning process to schedule effective maintenance works. • Provinces should play a stronger role in assisting weaker municipalities and successful examples of this are KZN, Limpopo and Gauteng through the 20T programme.
PART 2: MUNICIPAL ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE DoT Response to address finding 2: • The Dot has an Overload control strategy, which includes the building and upgrading of weigh bridge infrastructure. • RTMC has been fully capacitated with an adequate management structure, which has developed a strategy to deal with road safety, regulations and management.
PART 3: EXPENDITURE ON ROADS INFRASTRUCTURE AND MAINTENANCE • Finding 1: Difficult to get a clear consolidated picture on municipal expenditure on roads infrastructure and maintenance [Agreed] • Finding 2: Secondary cities roads infrastructure budgets are set to decrease [Agreed]
PART 3: EXPENDITURE ON ROADS INFRASTRUCTURE AND MAINTENANCE DoT comments on finding 1: • Mechanisms to accurately monitor and disaggregate expenditure on routine maintenance, upgrading and rehabilitation activities are severely lacking in the majority of lower order municipalities.
PART 3: EXPENDITURE ON ROADS INFRASTRUCTURE AND MAINTENANCE DoT comments on finding 2: • An acute skills shortage in general with some municipalities having no technical staff in civil engineering • Lack of funds, which means that roads can’t be maintained and technical staff can’t be appointed. • The technical skill and money to maintain road management systems are lacking
PART 4: DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEMS • Finding 1: The rail and bus services are subsidised but the mini bus taxi service is not [Agreed] • Finding 2: Many taxis are old, unroadworthy and in bad condition, resulting in frequent accidents [Agreed] • Finding 3: About 1.3 million South Africans use trains daily [Agreed] • Finding 4: Metrorail intends opening new lines in the next two years while improving the service of existing ones. [Agreed]
PART 4: DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEMS • Finding 5: Planning for land use and transport should be integrated. [Agreed] • Finding 6: The 2010 Fifa World Cup is intended to leave a lasting legacy of a more efficient and integrated transport system. [Agreed] • Finding 7: The BRT will operate in the central business districts and also in townships. [Agreed]
PART 4: DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEMS DoT comments on the findings: • Transforming road based public transport subsidy schemes. • Taxi Recap Programme and scrappings are as per figures indicated. • Metrorail has initiatives in place to increase ridership which include rolling stock refurbishment. • Most of the infrastructure in support of 2010 will still be there post the event.