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Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities. By: Jamie Reistrom. What is a LD?. “A learning disability (LD) is a neurological disorder that affects the brain's ability to receive, process, store and respond to information.” Difficulty acquiring basic academic skills. NOT a single disorder

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Learning Disabilities

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  1. Learning Disabilities By: Jamie Reistrom

  2. What is a LD? • “A learning disability (LD) is a neurological disorder that affects the brain's ability to receive, process, store and respond to information.” • Difficulty acquiring basic academic skills. • NOT a single disorder • Refers to a group of disorders. • LDs can occur with other disorders (AD/HD, Information Processing Disorders). • NOT the same as mental retardation, autism, deafness, blindness, behavioral disorders or laziness. • LIFE-LONG CONDITION • http://www.ncld.org/content/view/448/391/

  3. Statistics • “According to the US Department of Education, LDs affect approximately 5% of all children enrolled in public schools.*” • “Currently, almost 2.9 million school-aged children in the US are classified as having specific learning disabilities (SLD) and receive some kind of special education support.” • “In 2001, 1% of white children and 2.6% of non-hispanic black children were receiving LD-related special education services*.” • http://www.ncld.org/content/view/452/391/

  4. Areas affected by LD • Listening • Speaking • Reading • Writing • Mathematics

  5. Additional Difficulties Are… • “Distinct gap between level of achievement that is expected and what is actually being achieved” • Different Difficulties = Different People • Manifest throughout development • Difficulties with socio-emotional skills and behavior.

  6. Causes • “Experts aren't exactly sure what causes learning disabilities.” • LD may be due to: • Heredity – Run in family • Pregnancy and birth - illness or injury during or before birth. • Incidents after birth - Head injuries, nutritional deprivation and exposure to toxic substances (i.e. lead) can contribute to LD. • http://www.ncld.org/content/view/448/391/

  7. Treatment • Special education. • Diagnostic educational evaluation assessing academic and intellectual potential and level of academic performance. • Evaluation= basic approach • Teach learning skills • Building on child's abilities and strengths while correcting and compensating for disabilities and weaknesses. • Other professionals such as speech and language therapists also may be involved. • Medications • Psychological therapies • http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/learningdisabilities/learningdisabilities.htm

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