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European Platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

Addressing the challenges of urban mobility including congestion, CO2 emissions, air quality, accidents, and mode integration through action plans and initiatives. Explore support for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans for sustainable development.

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European Platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

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  1. The European Platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans 25th September 2014 Casablanca, Morocco Christof Marx Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)

  2. The challenges of urban mobility • Many urban areas suffer from severe congestion • Urban mobility accounts for 23% of CO2 emissions from transport (continued dependence on oil) • Cities in virtually all MS struggle to meet legal requirements for ambient air quality • Urban road accidents account some 40% of all road fatalities (approx. 11,000 per year) • Balanced development and integration of different modes

  3. Action Plan on Urban Mobility (2009) • An integrated approach can best deal with the complexity of urban transport systems • Action 1: '… support local authorities in developing sustainable urban mobility plans (…).' • Action 17: 'Setting up an urban mobility observatory'

  4. Eltis web portal (2011) • facilitates exchange of information, knowledge and experiences • aimed at individuals working in transport and related disciplines • www.eltis.org

  5. Support the uptake of SUMP (2010-13) • Common understanding of SUMP • Seminars and workshops • Guidelines on the process of 'Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan' • Final version published 2013 • Referenced in DG MOVE's Urban Mobility Package of 2013

  6. Mobility plans portal (2012) • informs about Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, including guidelines, training, good practice examples. • www.mobilityplans.eu

  7. A plethora of SUMP related projects and initiatives

  8. Urban Mobility Package (2013) • A concept for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans • Calls for action from the Member States • Setting up of a Member States Expert Group on Urban Mobility • Reinforces EU support • Exchange of experience and best practice • Funding for implementation • Funding for research & innovation (Horizon 2020) • Setting up of a European Platfom on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans • Improvement of relevant websites • http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/urban/ump_en.htm

  9. European Platform on SUMP (1) Objectives • Support the further development of the SUMP concept and of necessary tools • Provide interested parties with a "one-stop shop" • Realise synergiesfrom coordination and cooperation across the different actions • Increase the visibility for EU-supported actions on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.

  10. European Platform on SUMP (2) Elements • Co-ordinating group • Platform Secretariat • Mobility Plans portal • European conferences • Common visual identity. • Realised through EU projects and tenders EC Project Project Project etc. Coordinating Group Secr. Annual European Conference Guides, tools, network Mobility Plans portal

  11. Coordinating Group Purpose • Exchange information & lessons learnt • Exploit synergies • Agree on common views • Assist in coordination of outward presentation Format • Representatives of EU supported initiatives • Chaired by DG MOVE, EASME • Supported by Platform Secretariat • Regular one-day meetings • First meeting took place 30/01/2014

  12. Mobility Plans portal A Platform website to disseminate relevant information. • Integrated in Eltiswebsite • Presenting SUMP background and concept • Present key initiatives of EU-supported actions • Mobility Plans database • Access to information in Members States

  13. Mobility Plans portal (2)

  14. Mobility Plans portal (3)

  15. European Conferences • Annual event • Targeting mobility planners and implementers • Promoting the concept of SUMP • Highlighting latest developments • Fostering the exchange ideas and experiences • Offering a networking opportunity • Providing a meeting place for European projects and initiatives

  16. Platform Secretariat Tasks • Organises meetings of coordinating group • Supports unified presentation of projects & initiatives • Capture local authorities' activities on urban mobility • Contact point for inquiries enquiries@mobilityplans.eu

  17. SUMP initiatives: Assessment & auditing EcoMobilitySHIFT scheme • Assess, audit and label a city's transport performance. • 20 indicators measure current performance. • Allows a comparison between cities. QUEST quality management • Improve a cities' sustainable mobility policies. • External audit and self-assessment identify focus areas for which an action plan is prepared. Advance audit • Assesse the degree to which procedural SUMP tasks & measures are applied. • A working group of 10-15 stakeholders is the main actor in the ADVANCE process.

  18. SUMP initiatives: Campaigns & awards European Mobility Week in September • Annual campaign on sustainable urban mobility, running from 16th to 22nd September • Nearly 2 000 cities from 47 countries involved 'Do The Right Mix' campaign • Promotes multi-modal mobility • Advertising in six countries and funding for local campaigns EU-award schemes • CIVITAS award • Mobility Week award • SUMP award (linked to Do The Right Mix)

  19. SUMP initiatives: Networking European City database (coming soon) • Database of cities involved in sustainable urban mobility planning projects and initiatives. Nearly 200 cities > 100k inhabitants already engaged. National SUMP contact points (ongoing) • European network of 25 national contact points, supporting cities through training, exchange and co-operation. CIVITAS National Networks • City networks that promote the CIVITAS approach at local level. • Seek to engage with the European Union and national governments, about transport policy issues, legislation, regulations, and funding. CIVITAS Thematic Groups • share their experience and knowledge of urban mobility solutions.

  20. SUMP initiatives: Good practice guides Initiating a SUMP in poly-centric regions (2014) • Encourages stakeholders to develop a common understanding of challenges and a future vision for the region. • Based on the 'Future Search' methodology. • BUMP: training for senior transport managers in local authorities. Key areas of SUMP implementation (2015) • Manuals covering participation processes, institutional cooperation, measure selection, and monitoring & evaluation. Evidence of benefits (2015/16) • Report on the costs and benefits of sustainable urban mobility measures. • Support the evaluation of measures and policies.

  21. What next? • Re-launch of Eltis to include European Platform • Take opportunity to feed back& take part • Consolidation of resources, tools & initiatives • Discussion with stakeholders about future development of the Platform.

  22. Thank you for your attention Christof Marx Christof.marx@ec.europa.eu Eltis portal: www.eltis.org Mobility Plans portal:www.mobilityplans.eu

  23. Thank you! Christof Marx ContactDetails Christof.marx@ec.europa.eu Eltisportal: http://www.eltis.org Mobility Plans portal: http://www.mobilityplans.eu

  24. Further information (1) Assessment & auditing • EcoMobility SHIFT scheme: http://www.quest-project.eu/index.php?id=5 • QUEST quality management: http://www.quest-project.eu/index.php?id=5 • Advance audit: http://eu-advance.eu/index.php?id=18 Campaigns & awards • European Mobility Week in September: http://www.mobilityweek.eu/ • 'Do The Right Mix' campaign: http://dotherightmix.eu/ • CIVITAS award: http://www.civitas.eu/page-awards-main • Mobility Week award: http://www.mobilityweek.eu/award/how-to-apply/ • SUMP award: http://dotherightmix.eu/2014-sump-award

  25. Further information (2) Networking • National SUMP contact points: http://epomm.eu/endurance/index.php?id=2809 • CIVITAS National Networks: http://www.civitas.eu/civinet • CIVITAS Thematic Groups: http://www.civitas.eu/thematic-groups-all Good Practice Guides • Participation processes • Institutional cooperation • Measure selection • Monitoring & evaluation http://www.sump-challenges.eu/content/about • Initiating a SUMP in poly-centric regions: http://www.poly-sump.eu/the-methodology/?no_cache=1 • Evidence of benefits: http://evidence-project.eu/

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