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SPSC107 summary for IEFC Part I. Lau Gatignon/EN , S.Maury /BE. Open Session: NA63, UA9 , NA61/SHINE ( incl FNAL n ) , CAST, OSQAR Closed Session: OPERA, ICARUS, NESSY/ICARUS-P, LBNO-EOI007, AD-EXPERIMENTS, DIRAC, CLOUD, COMPASS, NA62. ACCELERATORS.
SPSC107 summary for IEFCPart I Lau Gatignon/EN, S.Maury/BE Open Session: NA63, UA9, NA61/SHINE (incl FNAL n), CAST, OSQAR Closed Session: OPERA, ICARUS, NESSY/ICARUS-P, LBNO-EOI007, AD-EXPERIMENTS, DIRAC, CLOUD, COMPASS, NA62
ACCELERATORS Stephan reported on the accelerator operation since June with mention of the reduced CNGS flux,the broken wire scanners in the SPS, the 110 GeV/c beam extraction from LSS2 and the excellent AD performance. He also mentioned the NA61-related interruption of the ion beam preparations. He also reported on the latest schedule for the restart after LS1 and the long term ion program. The Committee supports the efforts to aim for a restart of the injectoraccelerators for a first period of proton beam to the experimentalareas at the end of 2014. The SPSC recommends to aim for a period of Argon ion running beforethe start of the 2015 proton run and supports the optimisation of the replacement work of the irradiatedcables in the SPS splitter area to allowthe 2015 proton run to start as early as possible. The Committeealsorecommends to furtherinvestigate the possibilityof delivering high intensitybeamto the COMPASS experimentat the end of 2014 withoutdelaying the overallacceleratorschedule. EXPERIMENTAL AREAS Lau reported on the experimental areas operation, in particular the magnet leaks in the East Area,the vacuum leaks and TAX issues in the North Area, the good AD operation and the CNGS flux. SCHEDULE Horst mentioned that all users except NA61 (magnet problems) got the data they expected. Summary SPSC107
CAST Concept: Axions produced in the Sun’s core are converted to x-rays in a strong magnetic field. Summary SPSC107
CAST CAST has done successfully a heavy consolidation program.As a result CAST has been running with good efficiency in 2012 with 4He and wants to run in 2013 (3 months) and 2014 (6 months) with the magnet under vacuum and equipped with new sunset and sunrise detectors to search for solar axionsas well as low-energy (sub-keV) particles such as chameleons and para-photons. They appreciate the help of the technical service groups at CERN, in particular EL and CV,as well as cryogenic support. Summary SPSC107
SPSC Recommendation • The SPSC is pleased with the large number of results on axion searches presented by the CAST collaboration. The Committee is looking forward to their publication after the completion of the analysis. • The Committee congratulates the CAST collaboration for the achievements in the extensive detector development and the reduction of the background levels, which will extend the CAST search sensitivity for axions and will allow the experiment to search also for new exotic particles. • The SPSC recommends that CAST is given the possibility of data taking in 2013 to make further progress on the axion search programme. Summary SPSC107
OSQAR Optical Search for QED vacuum magnetic birefringence, Axions and photon Regeneration Situatedat CERN, magnet test hall SM 18 Purelylaboratorylaserbasedexperiment for searchof axions and axion-likeparticles Summary SPSC107
OSQAR Both spare LHC dipoles used for OSQAR experiments have been affected to the LHC and removed from the SM18 test bench Two ‘new’ dipoles have been installed and aligned in SM18. The photon regeneration experiment suffers from the degradation of their laser (3 → 1 W).They are following two strategies to get a new (~1 kW) laser: either via a collaborationwith the ALPS experiment or via a rent from industry or an institute. They profit from improvements in the demineralized cooling water system and in the optics (smaller spot). To perform the experiment they request at least one 2-week period and four 1-week periods with both benches cold in 2013. For the Vacuum Magnetic Birefringence experiment (VMB) preparations are under way. However, a substantial effort (and EU funding) is still needed to prepare a full proposal. OSQAR thanks the MSC-TF, CRG-OD and RF-KS teams as well as the TE management for their excellent support. Summary SPSC107
SPSC Recommendation • The SPSC acknowledges the efforts of OSQAR to perform a competitive axion regeneration experiment and to prepare a high-precision vacuum magnetic birefringence measurement. • The SPSC encourages the OSQAR collaboration to explore all possible solutions to overcome the limitation caused by the rapidly degrading laser system in view of a possible data taking period in 2013. Summary SPSC107
NA63 The 2009 data on quantum suppression have been published, important validation of simulation code at CLIC and ILC energies. The data for Low-Z LPM (Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal) were taken this year and look of good quality. Analysis on-going. Structured target resonances allow to measure photon formation length directly. The factor 2 discrepancy between theory and 2011 data could be attributed to a theory error. First positron production measurements with a partial MIMOSA detectors were performed in 2012. A significant enhancement with crystal alignment was observed. Analysis will continue in 2013. For 2014 they propose heavy ion bremsstrahlung measurements with de-bunched primary Pb beam and also to continue the positron production measurements. Summary SPSC107
SPSC Recommendation • The SPSC notes with satisfaction the progress achieved by the NA63 experiment and congratulatesthe collaboration for the prompt publication of the results obtained from the 2011 data.The Committee is looking forward to the final analysis of the data recorded in 2012 to study the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdaleffect and structured target resonances. • The Committee acknowledges the plans of the collaboration for the near future and is looking forward for the detailed proposal for the continuation of data taking beyond 2013. Summary SPSC107
UA9 UA9 MISSION: investigate bent crystals as primary collimators in hadron colliders. UA9 commissioned new equipment in the SPS tunnel and demonstrated substantial loss rate reduction with crystal collimation, both for proton and Pb ion beams. They are now ready for an extension to the LHC beams. For this they have found a first industrial goniometer (CINEL firm) compliant with LHC requirements. This needs a test with SPS beam in 2013. They also plan a radiation damage study in HiRadMat in November 2012. UA9 ask the SPSC to support a request of a 24 h shift in the SPS with Pb-ions to test the goniometer with beam Summary SPSC107
SPSC Recommendation • The SPSC congratulates the UA9 Collaboration for the good progress made in crystal-assisted collimation at the SPS, both with proton and lead ion beams, and for the timely publication of results. • The Committee encourages the Collaboration to proceed with detailed planning and hardware preparations for the LHC test. Summary SPSC107
NA61-SHINE NA61 has a program with ion beams as well as hadron beams for reference data, for air showers and for particle production measurements for neutrino beams. The 2012 p-Pb data-taking was reduced to ~20% due to a problem with the VTX1 magnet.The SPSC worries that this magnet could develop more problems and encourages thata list of consolidation issues be prepared (in fact TE-CR is working on this). The analysis of the 2007-2009 data is progressing well and several papers were published. Particle production measurements with a T2K replica target are under analysis. A test was done for a Fermilab neutrino target in preparation for a proposal. This needs DOE agreement before submission to CERN.This proposal could be submitted in a year from now. They need 120 GeV/c beam. The collaboration is considering an extension of he NA61 program with a Pb-Pb scanand to study D-mesons and strange hyperons in Pb-Pb with a new vertex detector. Summary SPSC107
SPSC Recommendation • The Committee notes with satisfaction that NA61 has made good progress on the publication of the results of the 2007 data. • The Committee notes with satisfaction that preliminary results have been presented on the analysis on cosmic-ray related data and on multiplicity fluctuations in proton-on-proton data which serves as reference for future ion-on-ion measurements and is looking forward to further results. • The SPSC congratulates the NA61 Collaboration for the efficient data taking of the Beryllium-on-Beryllium data in 2011 and encourages a timely analysis of the data. • The Committee also encourages the experiment and CERN to explore all options to consolidate the magnets of the experiments to ensure that no beam time allocated to NA61 is lost due to technical problems. • The SPSC welcomes the interest of American groups for measurements relevant to the US neutrino programmes and is looking forward to a proposal. Summary SPSC107
AD-EXPERIMENTS (annual review of AD in January meeting) • ASACUSAhas been running with CUSP trap for Hbar laser spectroscopy and now with anti-protonic Helium. They have observed Hbar at the exit of the CUSP trap but not after the sextupole. They installed and tested successfully an electrostatic triplet in view of ELENA. • ALPHA has been mostly constructing and installing for ALPHA-2. Complete set-up in 2 weeks. They need to run with e+ and e- next year during LS1 (LHe!), like the other AD experiments. • AEGIS successfully trapped anti-Hydrogen in May and June. Then they installed the 1T magnet and lots of other equipment. Now the 5T apparatus with traps is installed. From November 5th they plan to trap and transfer pbar and e+ into the 1T region and attempt to mix, form and detect anti-Hydrogen. • GBARis working on antiproton deceleration and focusing (Orsay) and on the positron trap and e+/Ps conversion (Saclay). Discussions are on-going concerning installation in AD. Progressing towards MoU and preparing CDR in view of a TDR later. An ERC grant was not approved this year. Apply again in 2013. • ACE completed successfully the RBE measurement program. The final 3-day run data on penetration depth are under analysis. Summary SPSC107
AEGIS Summary SPSC107