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SPSC107 summary for IEFC Part II. Lau Gatignon/EN , S.Maury /BE. Open Session: NA63, UA9 , NA61/SHINE ( incl FNAL n ) , CAST, OSQAR Closed Session: OPERA, ICARUS, NESSY/ICARUS-P, LBNO-EOI007, AD-EXPERIMENTS, DIRAC, CLOUD, COMPASS, NA62. OPERA.
SPSC107 summary for IEFCPart II Lau Gatignon/EN, S.Maury/BE Open Session: NA63, UA9, NA61/SHINE (incl FNAL n), CAST, OSQAR Closed Session: OPERA, ICARUS, NESSY/ICARUS-P, LBNO-EOI007, AD-EXPERIMENTS, DIRAC, CLOUD, COMPASS, NA62
OPERA The flux forecast is now 4.2 1019, compared to expected 4.7 1019 pot.This brings the 5-year total to ~18 1019 for nominal flux of 22.5 1019 pot.The scanning speed has now been improved (faster than extraction speed). Still 2 nt and 19 ne events. The expect to improve the latter by a factor of 3.A revised paper of the neutrino TOF has been submitted to EPJ C: dt = (0.6 ± 0.4) ± 3.0 nsec.This concludes the TOF issue. The funding for 2012 has now reached 70-80% (50% at the time of SPSC106). Running after LS1 to be addressed at 5 December collaboration meeting.Is there an option to have beam in the 2014 period?But they admit that it would be difficult to keep collaboration and financing alive. The SPSC congratulates the OPERA collaboration on the announcement of the second tau neutrino candidate event. The Committee is looking forward to completion of the analysis of the 2010 and 2011 data and to the publication of the results. The Committee acknowledges the effort and successful collaboration between CERN, LNGS, OPERA, ICARUS, LVD and Borexino to bring the neutrino time-of-flight measurement to a conclusion. The SPSC is looking forward to the publication of the final results. Summary SPSC106
ICARUS ICARUS submitted a paper on a sterile neutrino search and found 2 ne events (expect 3.7).They also published a measurement of the neutrino velocity: dt = 0.10 ± 0.7 ± 2.4 nsec. A new 3D track reconstruction algorithm has been developed and submitted for publication. Plan to continue to run with cosmics until spring 2013 and could start moving the detectorto CERN in July 2013. Funding for the transport is available. No plans yet on running after LS1. The SPSC congratulates the Collaboration for the publication of physics results on the time-of-flight measurement, sterile neutrino search and on the new approach of 3D event reconstruction for the LAr TPC. Summary SPSC106
NESSIE-ICARUS PROPOSAL The collaboration received a long list of questions and sent only a partial list of answerson detector issues and no written feedback to neutrino beam issues. A joint beam-detector working group has been set up and is currently working torevisit beam requirements and possibilities. New contact persons are P.Collier and R.Saban.There is a strong momentum over the last months.It turns out that the CNGS beam line magnets cannot be reused. The presently proposedfast extraction does not allow simultaneous fixed target and neutrino beam operation(in the same cycle), but the changeover is still relatively fast. The collaboration got scientific approval from INFN Commission 2. Next step is to discuss with the Technical Scientific Committee. For synergies with LBL, discussions take place with LBNO groups, but not for LAr detectors.An extension of EHN1 to house a LBNO prototype (with n and charged beams) is considered. The SPSC acknowledges the formation of a joint working group between the collaboration and the CERN beam and infrastructure divisions. The SPSC is looking forward to the SBL beam and infrastructure design in the North Area. Summary SPSC106
LBNO-LAGUNA First goal: mass hierarchy (5s).Second goal CP violation (3s). On October 18th the referees received first answers to the questions sent on September 10. The SPSC review is in parallel with SPC discussions and Strategy Group prospective. A full LBNO proposal could arrive by 2014/2015. A Far Detector prototype could be readyby 2015 and provide first test beam results by 2018. The Near Detector is still less clear. One could hope to finalize technical solutions by then. Goal: start in Finland in 2023. The LBNO full cost is being evaluated, CERN beam and infrastructure at 150 MCHF level (?). The SPSC acknowledges the reception of the first answers to the questions by the referees and will continue to referee the EOI with interest. Summary SPSC106
NEUTRINO STRATEGY The SPSC is starting to prepare an overall recommendation for the neutrino program,inside an overall context including the SPC and the European Strategy Group. A synergy and collaboration between the SBL and LBL projects is an important element in this strategy Summary SPSC106
DIRAC DIRAC is taking data under good conditions and the new magnet is working well.They expect to collect 7.3 105 (6.14 105 until October 18) spills in 2012. Expect 6s discovery of long-lived atoms. DIRAC will dismantle in the first half of 2013. The run ends on November 26th. In October they installed a new ionisationhodoscope as R&D for a new experiment. CLOUD CLOUD6 (adiabatic expansion system) was successfully completed.CLOUD7 now under way. Many papers are in preparation, including several for high impact journals.FP7 Marie Curie network under way: 12 PhD students, 3 Postdocs, 3.8 Meuro FP7 grant. Following the successful commissioning of the adiabatic expansion system, they plan a CLOUD8 run in October-December 2013 (without beam). Summary SPSC106
COMPASS The Primakoff physics run took place from 30 June till 10 September (50 days of data-taking).Roughly 2/3 hadron beam, 1/3 muon beam. Overall efficiency ~70% (88% SPS, 80% COMPASS). The changeover to DVCS run with major installation work: LH2 target, CAMERA, ECAL0.Ready for physics on October 24th. COMPASS is worried about the latest restart plans. A two month run (in particular at low intensity) would be of little use for them. Encourage to investigate that sufficient intensitycan be delivered to COMPASS. NA62 The Technical Run is scheduled for 29 October with a partial detector (as planned). Concern over cabling and ventilation system planning. E008 The SPSC received an Expression of Interest for an experiment to study charm production with proton and heavy ion beams, SPSC-E-008 (“follow-up of NA60”). The Committee will further review the project. Summary SPSC106
Spare Slides Summary SPSC106
Run meeting scheduled October 31, 2012 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Summary SPSC106