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M5.117 Literature Survey and Risk Analysis of Escape from Underground Spaces. Atsuko TANAKA Institute for Geo-Resources and Environment National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). Introduction.
M5.117 Literature Survey and Risk Analysis of Escape from Underground Spaces Atsuko TANAKA Institute for Geo-Resources and Environment National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Introduction Large underground spaces have been used for centuries and their use is expanding to mines, road tunnels, railway tunnels, and subways. A review of disasters in large underground spaces indicates common trends in the progression of the chain of accidental events and the number of victims, even in different times and places. Such serious results could be prevented if previous disasters and human factors in underground escape are well recognized. Much research and development has gone into evacuation safety in large underground spaces, especially in emergency and safety systems and facilities. Consequences of factors affecting escape in previous cases have not been evaluated sufficiently, resulting in a shortage of common understanding of behavior in discussing desirable safety facilities for large underground spaces, not to mention the estimation of time available for such acts – a factor that in itself creates danger. It is therefore essential to reorganize knowledge and findings from previous disasters cases and transfer these to other technological fields in easily understandable form. In this poster, we analyze 22 of previous cases of escape from large underground spaces and discuss the consequences of factors affecting the result of evacuation. Overview of cases analyzed in literature survey Table 1 Distances to safety exits of in cases analyzed Figure 1 Year and Escape Cases ''79 Ohshimizu tunnel construction site (Earthquakes) '94 Kobe subway '04 Ohshimizu tunnel ''84 Miike coal mine ''72 Hokuriku railway tunnel ''99 Tauern road tunnel ''79 Nihonzaka road tunnel ''99 Mont Blanc road tunnel '03 Korea Daegu '79 San Francisco BART ''01Gotthard road tunnel Figure 2 Relation between distances to safe exit and location of events of analyzed cases Human factors Table 2 Distances and estimated traveling time in the case of slower adult smoke obstacles Figure 4 Experiment of traveling Figure 3 Experiment of way finding http://staff.aist.go.jp/a.tanaka/
Discussion Discussion (continued) Figure 9 decrease escape distances Conclusion Based on a survey of the literatures on 22 underground evacuation cases, we analyzed the influence of hazard factors on escape results. These cases involved road tunnels, railway tunnel, mines, and construction sites ranging from fires, automobile collisions, and power failures due to earthquakes to cases involving terrorist acts. We found that evacuation success or failure depends on the urgency of the event and travel distances required to reach emergency exits or shelters, regardless of the purpose to which underground facilities were put. We also compared urgency and rescuer access time to cases. In power failures in underground spaces, the risk to human life and the need for immediate escape are relatively low – unlike in some fires in which escape routes become untenable far more quickly than it takes for rescue teams to arrive. The results of our survey demonstrated the importance of taking measures and implementing designs for self-escape assistance for evacuees – information availability and adequate signage, for example – especially in underground spaces. Based on an analysis of event urgency and travel time, we concluded that the limit to successful evacuation or escape is within 400 m of emergency exits. Figure 5 Wind speed and smoke flow Figure 6 Wind speed and slower adult's walking Table 3 Distances and possibility of escape Acknowledgement The author is deeply indebted to Prof. Dr. Yoshiteru Murosaki of the National Research Institute of Disaster and to the Kobe University staff, whose help, stimulating suggestions, and encouragement enabled research on this issue. The author thank Dr. Akihiko Hokugo, Prof. Emeritus Dr. Isao Mitani,and Dr. Toshiyuki Matsushita for their invaluable suggestions on research details. 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