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Rank. Definition. Reasons. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX – HDI -. Video. Activity. Calculation. By: Lucas P. & Leo Savoy. What is Human Development Index. Indicator that measures the overall development of a nation; Life expectancy at birth, longevity, Education, Income

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  1. Rank Definition Reasons HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX – HDI - Video Activity Calculation By: Lucas P. & Leo Savoy

  2. What is Human Development Index • Indicator that measures the overall development of a nation; Life expectancy at birth, longevity, Education, Income • It is the statistic used to rank countries by level of standard of living and quality of life. • It goes from o to 1 ( 1 –most ; 0- worst)

  3. How is the HDI calculated? • LEI = Life Expectancy Index • EI = Education Index • II = Income Index

  4. Example of Calculation • Kazakhstan • LEI = 0.742 • EI = 0.834 • II = 0.668 • = 0.745 HDI

  5. Top 3 Countries Explanation • Norway (HDI of 0.943) • Life Expectancy: 0.964 • At Birth (years): 81.1. • High (1st on rank Japan 83.4; Switzerland 82.3; Venezuela 74.4) • Education Index: 0.985 • Expected and mean years of schooling: 0.985 (value out of 1). • Very high - World’s 2nd highest education index after New Zealand (1.000) • Income Index: 0.883 • GNI per capita: 0.883 • $88,890 • High – World’s 7thhighest income index (1st is Qatar with 1.00 followed by Liechtenstein 0.964.

  6. Top 10 and Bottom 10 countries Top 10 Bottom 10

  7. Top 3 Countries Explanation 2. Australia (HDI of 0.929) • Life Expectancy: 0.976 • At Birth (years): 81.9 • Education Index: 0.981 • Expected and mean years of schooling: 0.981 (value out of 1). • Income Index: 0.837 • GNI per capita: 0.837 • $46.200

  8. Top 3 Countries Explanation 3. Netherlands (HDI of 0.910) • Life Expectancy: 0.958 • At Birth (years): 80.7 • Education Index: 0.931 • Expected and mean years of schooling: 0.931 (value out of 1). • Income Index: 0.845 • GNI per capita: 0.845 • $49.730

  9. Top 3 Countries Explanation 3. United States of America (HDI of 0.910) • Life Expectancy: 0.923 • At Birth (years): 78.5 • Education Index: 0.939 • Expected and mean years of schooling: 0.939 (value out of 1). • Income Index: 0.869 • GNI per capita: 0.869 • $48.450

  10. Bottom 2 Countries Explanation 186. Niger (HDI of 0.295) • Life Expectancy: 0.547 • At Birth (years): 54.7 • Very low (1st on rank Japan 83.4) • Education Index:0.177 • Expected and mean years of schooling: 0.177 (value out of 1). • Very low (New Zealand 1.000, Norway 0.985) • Income Index 0.266 • GNI per capita: 0.266 • Very low (1st is Qatar with 1.00 followed by Liechtenstein 0.964) • $360

  11. Bottom 2 Countries Explanation 187. Democratic Republic of the Congo (HDI of 0.286) • Life Expectancy:0.448 • At Birth (years): 48.4 • Education Index: 0.356 • Expected and mean years of schooling: 0.356 (value out of 1). • Income Index: 0.147 • GNI per capita: 0.147 • $190

  12. Venezuela 73. Venezuela (HDI of 0.735) • Life Expectancy: 0.858 • At Birth (years): 74.4 • Education Index: 0.692 • Expected and mean years of schooling: 0.692 (value out of 1). • Income Index: 0.669 • GNI per capita: 0.669 • $11,920

  13. Sources • "Human Development Reports (HDR) - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)."Human Development Reports (HDR) - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2012. <http://hdr.undp.org/>. • Programme, "Human Development Index by Country", Human Development Report 2006, United Nations Development. "Human Development Index Statistics - Countries Compared." NationMaster.com. NationMaster, n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2012. <http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/eco_hum_dev_ind-economy-human-development-index%20>. • "Central Intelligence Agency." CIA. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2012. <https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2102rank.html>. • "Human Development Reports - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)." Indices & Data. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2012. <http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/>. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuczJTVGk6c

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