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Listening Comprehension Enhanced Through Differentiating Phonetically Similar Words. Yingyu Zhang July 21, 2010. Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center.
Listening Comprehension Enhanced Through Differentiating Phonetically Similar Words Yingyu Zhang July 21, 2010 Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
Linguistic theory told us that there are at least five types of knowledge which will be called upon in the comprehension process as it relates to listening: pragmatic, semantic, syntactic, lexical, and phonological. Psycholinguistic theory posits that these areas of knowledge interact each other. —John Flowerdew Linguist’s View of Listening Comprehension in General
… Most scholars now accept the view that comprehension involves a variety of processes, all of which interact, but in what way it is not possible to say. —John Flowerdew Linguist’s View of Listening Comprehension in General
Quantitative Analysis of Chinese Listening Comprehension Errors Scope: DLI Basic Chinese Course Data Source: 1. Listening Exercises 2. Dictation Quizzes 3. Bi-lesson Listening Tests 4. GLOSS Listening Exercises Statistics of the Vocabulary of DLI Unit Textbooks Methods of Enhancing listening comprehension My Studies of ChineseListening Comprehension
Consonants: 1. 我们每星期日都去看电影。(Lesson 10) Every Tuesday we all go see a movie. We will see movie on Tuesday. We all go to watch a movie every Tuesday. 2. 马力是今年十月五号到美国来的。(Lesson 8 ) Mali arrived in America on April 5th of this year. 3.男:王英,我知道你为什么选择去西部。你是想去跟 那个志愿者一起治沙,是吧? 女:李冬,你既然知道,还问什么?(Lesson 40 ) The Phonetic Features of Chinese Listening Comprehension Errors
Vowels: 1. 5月1号是小红的生日。(Lesson 8 ) After May, it is Little Hong’s birthday. 2. 我太太总是在网上订票。(Lesson 11) My wife always books tickets in the evening. 3. 老师:咱们班的王德恒很结实;包力刚比较瘦弱。 包力刚:张老师,我不是瘦肉。(Lesson 36) 4. 老师:要是放假的时候不休息,你什么时候休息呢? 学生:我计划每天学习三个小时。(Lesson 11) The Phonetic Features of ChineseListening Comprehension Errors
Tones: 1. 我没有什么新式家具,都是老式的。(Lesson 16) I don’t have new furniture, all of them are my teacher’s. 2. 我现在在华盛顿上大学。(Lesson 9) Now I am in Washington D.C., and it’s snowing 3. 近年,美国担心中国人民币的汇率与美元挂钩,导致 两国间的不平等贸易,造成美国国内丧失就业机会。 学生:“丧失”也是死了人(丧事),对吧?(GLOSS) 4. 老师:同学们都准备好了吗?都好了,就赶快去答辩。 学生:为什么啊! (Total Immersion, Term 3) The Phonetic Features of ChineseListening Comprehension Errors
The Phonemic Distribution of Listening Comprehension Errors 附注:同音偏误出现在 9 个句子中。
The Processes: Phonetic Lexical Semantic Logical Syntactic Pragmatic Others Comprehension errors occur: Phonemes do not exist in English. Similitude: consonants —>vowels 98% of comprehension errors: misunderstood tones. Basic semantic units: sentences—words The Linguistic Features ofChinese Listening Comprehension
Student A: 汉语中有很多词听起来都一样。太多的词都有大同小异的读音,每个字听起来都差不多。 Student B: 汉语的词和声调是两回事。一忙起来,我们可以不管声调的。 1. Homonyms 2. Phonetically Similar Sounds 3. Chinese Tones DLI Students’ Views of Chinese Listening Comprehension
Basic Chinese Course (Unit 1-14) Total: 84 Lessons Official Vocabulary: 5114 Actually Collected Words: 5101 Proper Names: 385 Ordinary Words: 4716 HSK Vocabulary Guideline 汉语8000 词词典 Modern Chinese Dictionary, 5th Edition The Statistics of the Vocabulary Used in DLI Chinese Textbooks
The Distribution of the Vocabulary in DLI Chinese Textbooks 附注: 单音词中,实词 655 个。其余 63 个词素《汉语水平词汇等级大纲》未收。 本表所收的 4716 个词条中,17 个专有名词收入《现代汉语词典》。
The Homonymsinthe Chinese Vocabulary (Unit 1-14) 附注: 笔者对 DLI 词汇总表中 1000 个复音词的语音调查显示:不计声调,则 76% 的 复音词呈现出一音多词。
Not be used in context individually: Should not listen to single syllables: 处: Verb: 处理、处分、处置、处决、处世、处事 Noun: 处方、处境、处女、处暑 售票处、存车处、行李提取处、人事处 借书处、签证处 触: Verb: 接触、触及、触电、触动、触礁、触觉 触怒、触角、触景生情、触目惊心 The Limitations of Monosyllabic Homonyms
Very limited: 48 out of 3339 words— 1.44% Homonyms: 制服 我买了一件制服。 人民警察制服了歹徒。(制服/制伏) 1. Syntax—in sentences: 出生、功课、发言、工商、姑父、劲头、十分 出声、攻克、发炎、工伤、辜负、尽头、时分 2. Pragmatics—with topics: 老城、植物、上士、公园、老话、目的、战友 老成、职务、上市、公元、老化、墓地、占有 The Methods of Differentiating Disyllabic Homonyms
Tones: changed 达到、大道,厨房、处方,艰巨、检举 同志、通知,初中、出众,信封、信奉 抵制、地址,主张、助长 Consonants: aspirated/non-aspirated 白骨、排骨,退款、兑款,投稿、投考 清早、青草,讲究、抢救,知情、痴情 附近、父亲 Vowels and tones: different 调查、刀叉、倒茶,网上、晚上,歌星、革新 Students’ Views of “Homonyms”— Phonetically Similar Words
Further simplify the Chinese phonetic system. Reduce the phonetic system (1338 Chinese syllables) into 415 sound groups. 76% of disyllables sound similar to the others. 按时、暗室、暗示 补救、不久、不救 餐具、残局、惨剧 办理、班里、板栗、搬离、半里 传奇、喘气、穿起、串起、船期 Increase the difficulties of listening comprehension The Problems Caused by Misunderstanding of “Homonyms”
Think highly of pronunciation learning. Correct students’ mispronunciations systematically and consistently. 1. Consonants: a. points of articulation: 舌尖前音:z, c, s 舌尖后音:zh, ch, sh, r 舌面前音:j, q, x b. articulation methods: 清音:not vibrate 不送气:b, d, g, j, zh, z 浊音:vibrate 送气: p, t, k, q, ch, c 2. Vowels: a. 口腔:ao, iao, ou, iou; an, ang, in, ing b. 舌位:ri, er; zi, zhi; ci, chi; si, shi; ji, zhi; qi, chi; xi, shi c. 圆唇/不圆唇:i, u, ü The Ways of Differentiating Phonetically Similar Words (1)
Listen to larger semantic units: 录音:他是台湾来的。 (台湾) 学生:噢,他来太晚了。 (太晚) 我们家的饭厅里有八把椅子。 (八把) There is my father’s chair in our kitchen. (爸爸) Adopt audio-lingual approach: 1. phrases: 台湾:台湾风光、台湾小吃、台湾新闻 太晚:起床太晚、吃饭太晚、睡觉太晚 八把:一把菠菜、两把筷子、四把椅子 2. brief and simple sentences: The Ways of Differentiating Phonetically Similar Words (2)
Teaching the value of Chinese tones: Basic tone value of a word Tones’ variants in sentences. Correct students’ pronunciations at sentence Level. 1. basic tones/tone pitches: 老虎,马虎、马马虎虎 2. complex tone changes: 跑百米、九百五、水与火 李总理、很勇敢、挺理想 3. tones in words/sentences 想、买、水果:我想买点儿水果。 展览馆北馆有好几百种展览品。 The Ways of Differentiating Phonetically Similar Words (3)
Emphasize logical and semantic relationship in listening. Apply logical analysis and judgment to listening. Distinguish phonetically similar words according to topic. 在没有“中国制造”的儿子里,美国人……(日子) (GLOSS) 下个月小华就要结婚了。她的未婚夫是个音乐老师,爱好广泛,年龄跟笑话差不多。(小华)(Lesson 30) 中国在经济、文化、教育等方面取得了可惜的成就。 (可喜)(Lesson 60) The Ways of Differentiating Phonetically Similar Words (4)
DLI Chinese vocabulary list shows that only 8.23% of Chinese words are homonyms, and 1.44% of disyllabic wordsare the homonyms used in text. Differentiating phonetically similar words is one of the major learning tasks in listening exercises. Phonetic knowledge and skills relate to listening comprehension. Correcting students’ pronunciations can improve their listening comprehension ability. Developing the concepts of Chinese tones is critical to improve students’ listening comprehension skill phonetically and semantically. Conclusions
1. DLI (2009): Basic Chinese Course 2. John Flowerdew (1994): Academic Listening 3. 赵金铭 (1998):汉语语音研究与对外汉语教学 4. 兰宾汉 (2006):现代汉语 5. 国家语委 (1998) :汉语水平考试词汇大纲 6. 北京语言大学 (2009) :汉语 8000 词词典 7. 商务印书馆 (2009) :现代汉语同音词词典 8. 中科院语言所 (2009) :现代汉语词典 References
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