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Date : DATE Title: Walking Talking Mock: 19 th and 21 st Century Reading

BOTH Underlined with a ruler!. Date : DATE Title: Walking Talking Mock: 19 th and 21 st Century Reading. Success criteria: Explain what each AO is assessing Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam Write a full response to a walking talking mock. Learning objectives

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Date : DATE Title: Walking Talking Mock: 19 th and 21 st Century Reading

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  1. BOTH Underlined with a ruler! Date: DATETitle: Walking Talking Mock: 19th and 21st Century Reading • Success criteria: • Explain what each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock. • Learning objectives • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare mock

  2. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock • Language exam: component two • 19th and 21st Century Non-Fiction Transactional/Persuasive writing • The exam has two sections: • Section A- 19th and 21st century non-fiction (50%) • Section B- Transactional Writing (50%) • You have 2 hours to answers all the questions on the paper

  3. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock • So what does the exam actually look like? • You will: • Answer six questions • Have two non-fiction texts • One dating from the 19thcentury and one from the 21st century • You will spend 10 minutes reading • Then 50 minutes writing your answer

  4. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock What is a non-fiction text?

  5. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock Assessment Objective overview: AO1: Identify, interpret and synthesise information AO2: Analysis of language, structure and the effects AO3: Comparison of two or more texts AO4: Evaluate using evidence from the text

  6. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock • When answering any AO1 questions you will need to be able to: • Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas • Select and synthesise evidence from different texts • Total marks available across the exam: 10

  7. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock When answering questions testing AO2 you will need to be able to: Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language and structure to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant subject terminology to support their views. Total marks available: 10

  8. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock When answering questions testing AO3 you will need to be able to: Compare writers’ ideasand perspectives, as well as how they are conveyed, across two or more texts. Total marks available:10

  9. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock When answering questions testing AO4 you will need to be able to: Evaluate texts critically and support this with appropriate textual references Total marks: 10

  10. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock We are now going to complete a full 19th and 21st century walking talking mock. I will talk you through how to successfully answer each question. I will then award you an exam style mark.

  11. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock First things first: You have 5 minutes to read through the two articles.

  12. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock • Question one (AO1) – 3 marks • 3 specific retrieval questions – looking only at article 1. • Read the question properly – specific answers needed. • You have 5 minutes.

  13. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock • How many nurses said they did not have enough time to give patients adequate care? [1] Eight out of ten (b) Give one reason why Heatherwood and Wexham Park Hospitals Foundation Trust was placed in “special measures” by healthcare regulators. [1] Staff shortages (c) What percentage of survey participants said that they would encourage their own child to go into nursing? [1] 27%

  14. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock What to comment on? • Tone/attitude (positive or negative? Why?) • Facts and figures • Specific examples and anecdotes • Quotations from nurses/the survey’s respondents • Use of emotive language/language to emphasise • Use of devices • Use of structure (how the topic might change/why, paragraphing, repeated ideas) Question two (AO2) . The writer of this article is highlighting some of the issues facing nurses. How does the writer try to do this? 10 marks Make 3-4 points. Include quotations throughout. You have 12 minutes.

  15. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock • Question three (AO1) – 3 marks • 2 AO1 questions – looking only at article 2. • Read the question properly – specific answers needed. • You have 5 minutes.

  16. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock • What does the writer mean by “the dreadful affair” on line 2? [1] That the battle of Balaklava was devastating/there were a high number of fatalities/ there were a high number of injuries/ it was very upsetting/ something might have gone terribly wrong in the battle. • What does the writer tell us about the soldiers’ responses to pain and suffering? [2] Not one murmur/not one groan/strict discipline/ silence/quiet /heroism/ superhuman strength/ dignity/without complaining.

  17. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock What could we evaluate? • Critical tone • Vivid descriptions of the wounded/killed • Comparisons to other hospitals • The inclusion of what the soldiers said • Descriptions of the soldiers she is treating • Descriptions of the other nurses and the demands they face • The sympathy Florence has for the patients • Question four (AO4) • What do you think and feel about Florence Nightingale’s experiences as a nurse during the Crimean War? 10 marks • Try to visualise the person speaking (Florence Nightingale) • Make 3-4 points. • Include quotations throughout. • You have 12 minutes.

  18. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock • Question five (AO1) - 4 marks • Summarise and synthesise the information. • Say one thing about each text and then how they are similar or different. • Don’t overthink this question – 2-3 sentences. • Only use short simple quotations. • You have 7 minutes.

  19. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock • Question six (AO3) • Both of these texts are about nursing. Compare the following: • The writers’ attitudes to nursing; • How they get across their arguments.10 marks • This is a comparison of the two articles– how are they similar/different? • Write about both articles – say something about how the both start end, overall tone, mood, attitude etc. • Some ideas from your previous responses may be repeated in this answer – that is fine and expected. • Make 3-4 points. • Include quotations throughout. • You have 12 minutes.

  20. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock Well done! How did you find that? Any questions?

  21. Learning objective • Revise the 19th and 21st century reading exam • Demonstrate an understanding of how to be successful in this part of the exam Key words revise identify compare • Success criteria: • Explainwhat each AO is assessing • Articulate your understanding of each part of the exam • Write a full response to a walking talking mock Revision Task Complete the 2 transactional writing tasks at home. Time yourself; you should spend around 5 minutes planning each piece and 25 minutes writing.

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