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Exploring Key Biblical Themes of the Holy Spirit and Controversial Issues

This study delves into the essence of the Holy Spirit, bridging Old and New Testament perspectives. It examines the Spirit's roles, manifestations, and intricate relationship with humanity. From discerning the Spirit's presence to exploring conversion experiences, this exploration navigates the diverse perceptions surrounding the Holy Spirit in spiritual practices and beliefs.

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Exploring Key Biblical Themes of the Holy Spirit and Controversial Issues

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  1. Spirit Spirituality (Spirituality is a relationship with the triunity, but his immanence is today manifest in his Spirit – hence the emphasis on the Spirit) Viv Grigg

  2. Objective • To identify key Biblical themes concerning the Holy Spirit • To correlate various approaches to contentious issues • To correlate scripture and phenomenology

  3. 1. Who is the Holy Spirit? • In OT: Ruach = wind, breathe of God • He hovered over creation creating order • Traditional Catholic theology of the Holy Spirit has to do with unity and order vs chaotic manifestation, though mysticism is allowed. • The WCC (late 1990’s,Moltmann) focus on the Spirit in creation • The Spirit would come upon people • They prophesied, they judged, they sang, they were artisans, they spoke wisdom • There were epiphanies, and the falling of the presence of God

  4. Discontinuity and Continuity • What is the difference between the OT and NT? • What is the difference in the functioning and nature of the Holy Spirit between the old covenant and the new covenant?

  5. Who is the Holy Spirit in NT? • In NT: Incarnation = he came to dwell • The work of the Spirit, after Pentecost, is not different to the OT. • He anointed Jesus • Jesus released him on the disciples but he was not yet sent, for they were to wait 40 days for his coming. • He fell on the early church, again and again (Acts 2,4…)

  6. The Spirit and Conversion • At conversion we receive the Spirit, are born again by the Spirit, who gives us life. • He dwells within us. • We are sealed by the Spirit, a guarantee of the future.

  7. 2. Images of the Spirit • Fire of Cleansing Holiness • Water of Life (Ezek to Rev 21) • Dove of Peace • Wind, breathe of God • Paraclete, Comforter, counsellor (John 14)

  8. Roles of the Spirit • Truth (Focus of traditional Western intellectual churches that require degrees to become priests or pastors) • Empowerment • Cleansing • Insight and Wisdom

  9. 3. Discerning the Presence • But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control

  10. 4. Encountering the Holy Spirit • His Protection: He blocks me, he fends me off with a sword of fire on the left and right, he boxes me in. • His Direction: He drives me with fire and power in new directions, with such speed that I never see the fruit of my work for many years. • His Overwhelming Presence: He comes, he fills the room with love, he speaks.

  11. Spirit within Luke 4:1-2; Acts 6:3,5;&:55; 11:24; 13:52 Eph 5:18-19 A growing continuous state of being Produces character and wisdom Maturity Spirit upon Elizabeth (Luke 1:41), Peter (Acts 2:4: 4:8, 31;9:17-20;13:9-10) An experience Of empowerment Manifestations 5. Spirit within or upon us?

  12. 5a The Baptism of the Spirit as sign of conversion • A. Indicates entrance, of 7 verses that mention it, 6 refer to entrance to the day of Pentecost (Matt 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16;John 1:33, Acts 1:5; 11:16; 1 Cor 12:13) • B. Thus doctrinally, baptism was recognized as the symbol of entrance to a new faith. • C. The word baptize means to overwhelm, to immerse someone. It is very descriptive of the nature of many experiences of empowerment with the Spirit. • Many experience such an overwhelming at conversion, as did the three phases of expansion of the early church (Jerusalem, Samaria, Gentiles). • In contrast: many experience the overwhelming of the Spirit at points of empowerment, subsequent to conversion • Catholics, Lutherans are confirmed in the faith. They often experience the Spirit (genuine rebirth?) later hence commonly interpret the Baptism of the Spirit as a subsequent experience.

  13. 5b Description of Phenomenology: The Baptism as Anointing with Power • The doctrine of being baptised in the Spirit as a second experience is based on Acts 2 (they had already “received” the spirit), Samaritans (Acts 8:14-17), Ephesians (Acts 19) (did you receive the Spirit when you believed?) • It grew from the preaching friars of the 12th century, passed to the pietists, was accentuated by Wesley, and then was picked up during the holiness movement of the late 1800’s to surface as a major theme in Pentecostalism. • Entrance: In a context of a Christianised but nominal population, it indicated entrance into spiritual life • Holiness: For some in the holiness movement it indicated a later point of deeper holiness • Power: For others it indicated a later point of empowering for ministry

  14. 5c The Sign of the Baptism, the Manifestations • Powerful Spirit on us, must affect our bodies • The search of the holiness movement (Free Methodists, Wesleyans) in the 1880’s – 90’s • The fruit of the Spirit comes later, so the fruit is not the sign of receiving the Spirit • There are three stories involved • Signs in Acts 2:2-4 include rushing wind, tongues of fire, speaking in tongues • With Cornelius (10:44-46, 11:15) tongues • At Ephesus (19:6), it included prophesying and tongues

  15. 5d Problems with Tongues as The Sign of the Baptism • Powerful Spirit must affect our bodies but: • Do all speak in tongues? (1 Cor 12:30) • 48% of Pentecostals don’t speak in tongues • Many other religions experience speaking in tongues, so only a sign of a power affecting our spirit? • Many other manifestations are seen when the Spirit falls on groups in history (thus the Quakers, the Shakers…). • In all places in Acts where the Spirit fell there was also reconciliation, unity and witnessing (also at Asuza Street) • But….Paul spoke in tongues and would have us also use this gift. In practice, it is particularly useful in intercession, worship and deliverance.

  16. In New Zealand to avoid disputes we use the phrase the release of the Spirit from Watchman Nee. • Baptists prize freedom of belief in the context of unity of Spirit.

  17. 6a. Phenomenology: Physical Responses of Our Body to the Power of the Holy Spirit • When a powerful spirit controls us there are physical responses – this may or may not be the Holy Spirit. How do we discern?. • OT evidence of those who fall down, are overwhelmed • e.g. study of those “slain in the Spirit” • Shaking, quaking – Hence “The Quakers” • Heat e.g. River by Tatalon • Prophetic Actions • E.g. Delivering Timothy • Speaking in Tongues • Healing • Dancing – e.g. Thai dance, healed dancer

  18. 6b Phenomenology: Comfort and Joy of the Spirit • The overwhelming presence of love when the Spirit comes • e.g. seeking to deliver Korean traveller • This love seems to be a key element in those who have gift of healing. • The bubbling joy • Springs of living water • The laughter of the Holy Spirit

  19. 6c Phenomenology: Our spirits hear his voice through different faculties Mind Spirit Will Emotions Intensive Study of the Word Intensive study of the Times Daniels Vision Are you: An Intuitive Listener A Pictorial Listener An Activist Hearer A Mind Fasting Suffering SOUL Noise or Silence Unity of Heart Collective Worship Activism I being in the way, the Lord lead me BODY African Dance

  20. 6d Phenomenology: things that hinder Mind Spirit Will Emotions Lazy Study of the Word Laziness in Academics Overeating Ease and Luxury SOUL Unbridled Passions Noise or Silence Lustful Desires Not communicating In marriage Emotional Woundedness InActivism Being a nice Christian BODY Sensuous Dance

  21. 7. Listening to the Voice of the Spirit • All you need to do to succeed before God: Hear and Obey • To hear: Soak yourself in the Word of God • The voice is very soft • The voice is in the midst of battle • The voice is the turning point, the opening of new movements, the prophetic word that transforms lives. • The voice becomes our prayer (Romans 8:26) • E.g. write the vision down • E.g. go to UP • We hear him through different faculties.

  22. 8. Discernment of Spirits • Test Everything (1 Thes 5:21) • (many of the intuitions, visions, words are not from him, just delinquent pathways in my mind, probably not from evil spirits) • The deviations of prophets like Ratana, Brian Tamaki etc. • Have fellowship with brothers and sisters who can test with you. • Evil Spirit powers, our spirit itself can also cause similar physical manifestations. This is why discernment is needed • E.g. Tirso • His word and actions will not violate his revealed ethics. • His word and actions may violate perceived customs and order

  23. References • Boa, K. (2001). Spirit - Filled Spirituality: Walking in the Power of the Spirit. Conformed to His Image. Michigan, Grand Rapids: 291-300. • Karkainen, V.-M. (2002). Biblical Perspectives on the Spirit. Pneumatology. USA, Baker Academic. • Breen, M. (2002). Fivefold Ministries. In The Apostle's Notebook. Eastbourne, England, pp. 161-171, 220 • Cox, Harvey. (1995).Your Daughters Shall Prophesy. Fire from Heaven: The Rise of Pentecostal Spirituality and the Reshaping of Religion in the Twenty-First Century. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 161-184. • Grigg, Viv. (2005). Works of the Spirit of God. In Cry of the Urban Poor. GA, USA: Authentic Media. • Moltmann, Jürgen. (1997). The Holy Spirit and the Source of Life (Margaret Kohl, Trans.). London: SCM. • Nee, W. (1965). The Release of the Spirit. Box 74 - Route 2, IN 46120, USA, Sure Foundation. • Murphy, Ed. (1996). The Handbook of Spiritual Warfare. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. • Prince, Derek (1993) Foundations for Righteous Living, Derek Prince Ministries, Christchurch

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