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This overview provides a summary of the IMP3 project in 2011, including the development, verification, and validation of transport codes and the evolution of discharges. It highlights the progress made in code camps and the challenges faced in improving the code's speed and robustness. The post also discusses the inclusion of modules, such as equilibrium codes, transport coefficients, sources, and pellets, in the code workflows. Additionally, it mentions ongoing developments related to impurities, neutrals, and edge codes, as well as core-edge coupling and the use of the ITM-AMNS interface. The post concludes with a discussion on the implementation of the HIIPC module and the core-edge coupling procedure.
13/09/2011 IMP3 2011 overviewD. Coster, V. Basiuk, G. Pereverzev, D. Tskhakaya, all IMP3 contributorsTF Leaders : G. Falchetto, R. Coelho, D. Coster EFDA CSU Contact Person: D. Kalupinhttps://www.efda-itm.eu/ITM/html/imp3_public.html
IMP3 in 2011 IMP3: Transport Code and Discharge Evolution IMP3 2011 contributors António Figueiredo (IST), Dariusz Twarog (IPPLM), David Coster (IPP), Dmitriy Borodin (FZJ), Grigory Pereverzev (IPP), HEINZ ISLIKER (Hellenic Republic), Hans-Joachim Klingshirn (IPP), Irena Ivanova-Stanik (IPPLM), Irina Voitsekhovitch (CCFE), James Conboy (CCFE), Jean-François Artaud (CEA), Jonathan GUIGUE (CEA), Jorge Ferreira (IST), João Bizarro (IST), Kinga Gál (HAS), Leena Aho-Mantila (TEKES), Luís Alves (IST), Markus Airila (TEKES), Philippe Huynh (CEA), Pär Strand (VR), Rob Wieggers (FOM_Rijnhuizen), Roman Stankiewicz (IPPLM), Sara Moradi (VR), THEOFILOS PISOKAS (Hellenic Republic), Thierry ANIEL (CEA), Vincent Basiuk (CEA), Xavier Bonnin (CEA), YANNIS KOMINIS (Hellenic Republic) Two missions in 2011 Maintenance, continuing development, verification and validation of the ETS Implementation, integration, verification and validation of edge codes
Code Camps Much of the progress has been made in Code Camps March, Cadarache (Core) May, Espoo/Helsinki (Edge) July, Prague (Core) Two still planned October, Cyprus (Edge) December, Innsbruck (Core) The Code Camps have been very productive!
ETS Workflows ETS has spread from “workflow developers only” to Module developers People benchmarking the code against other similar codes Others (e.g. training at this meeting) Current challenges Adding new modules Speeding up the code Making things more robust Making the workflow easier to use
Modules included in the workflows Equilibrium codes BDSEQ, EMEQ, HELENA, HELENA21, SPIDER, (CHEASE) Transport coefficients Prescribed, NEOWES, ETAIGB, B_GB, GEM, BohmGB, CoppiTang, NCLASS, (GLF23) Sources Prescribed, impurities, (ECRH), (ICRH), (LH), (NBI), pellets, (neutrals) Other (NTM), (Sawteeth), visualization
Pellets The pellet module is included in the ETS workflow
ETS related developments Impurity module running in ETS Neutrals module ready for addition to ETS New version of solver 3 with improved conservation properties ready IMP3/ISM comparisons with existing transport packages Kepler version of solver_test (uses Method of Manufactured Solutions) Ongoing verification activity (“Pereverzev roadmap”) Bug fixes!
Case 1: ASTRA/CRONOS/ETS(DK)/JETTO Profiles obtained at the end of simulations: good agreement for temperatures and safety factor • Te, Ti, current density and equilibrium are simulated • prescribed electron density • Gaussian heating profiles, OH heating for electrons and e-i energy exchange • = Bohm-gyroBohm + 0.1 m2/s • Spitzer resistivity & zero BS current
ETS (solid) vs TRANSP (dashed) (only current equation solved)
Edge part Work on moving the edge codes into the ITM environment is ongoing Difficult geometries New EDGE CPO Significant use of built-in AMNS Starting to see codes use ITM-AMNS Big, complicated codes with complicated inputs that don’t (yet) fit neatly into the ITM philosophy ???
Progress what progress has been made on bringing the edge codes into the ITM (using CPOs, using the AMNS interface, ...)? SOLPS preprocessor “b2ar” can now use ITM-AMNS in addition to ADPAK, STRAHL and ADAS SOLPS postprocessor “b2_ual_write” writes the output of SOLPS to an EDGE CPO ERO requires an external plasma solution for divertor simulations. The first suitable SOLPS test case has been available in the ITM database since May 2011. The Matlab routine for reading fluid plasma solutions from the database and transforming them for ERO has been upgraded to data structure 4.09a and is under testing with this test case. Implementation of CPO output has not yet been started. other The HIIPC (Hydrogen Isotope Inventory Processes Codes) is now working as a stand-alone module, with a data structure akin to the wall CPO proposal. A first publication describing its physics and results in being finalized V&V ongoing (Aho-Mantilla, NF)
Core-Edge Coupling August is wonderful! Many people go on holiday reducing interruptions and allowing real work to be done Have examples of coupling ETS (Core) and SOLPS (Edge) D only D+He + C D+He + C+Ar+Ne (in progress) All are based on looking for a steady-state consistent solution
Core-Edge Coupling, equilibrium Import limiter and CLISTE equilibrium from AUG (python) CPOs Run HELENA on data from CLISTE equilibrium to produce a new equilibrium CPOs Run CARRE on data from CLISTE equilibrium to produce the edge geometry CPO NP=33 NP=9
Core-Edge Coupling, procedure Repeat ETS coreprof, coreimpur CPOs Python script SOLPS5-B2 boundary condition entries SOLPS b2_ual_write EDGE CPO Python script new coreprof, coreimpur CPOs So far used fluxes from ETS and values from SOLPS
Results: D Iterations 07 Te Qe ne Te
Results: D Combined plots: ETS + SOLPS
Results: D+He + C D+ + He2+ treated as main ions in ETS C1+ – C6+ treated as impurities in IMPURITY code Standard zero-flux boundary condition in SOLPS
Results: D+He + C • NP=17 in HELENA (rather than 9) • Feedback zero-flux boundary condition in SOLPS
Results: D+He + C • NP=33 in HELENA (rather than 9 or 17) • Feedback zero-flux boundary condition in SOLPS
Summary, I IMP3 is progressing well ETS Alpha level releases of ETS workflows are available now Beta-level releases (to start doing physics) should be available by the end of the year New modules are being added to the ETS workflows, and simpler versions of the workflows can also be developed Priority items for the next year Coupling to free boundary equilibrium codes ( whole discharge simulations) Coupling to turbulence codes to provide transport coefficients Coupling to edge
Summary, II IMP3 is progressing well Edge codes are being ported to the ITM environment Slower than I would have liked Big, complicated codes Making progress on core-edge coupling Still like to see some edge workflows using ITM tools
Thanks! Any questions?