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Explore the concept of intelligence in machines and the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) through historical milestones like the Turing Imitation Game and the development of expert systems. Delve into the impact of AI in solving complex problems and the limitations faced in the quest for creating truly intelligent machines. Gain insight into the birth, rise, and challenges of AI research, including the emergence of expert systems as a key solution approach in the development of intelligent systems. Discover the evolution of AI from its inception in the 1940s to the mid-1980s and the advancements that have propelled the field forward.
Expert System SESSION 1 Introduction to Knowledge-based Intelligent Systems By: H.Nematzadeh
What is intelligence? • Intelligence is the ability to think and understand instead of doing things by instinct or automatically. (Essential English Dictionary, Collins, London, 1990) so intelligence may refer to someone or something • What does think mean? • Thinking is the activity of using your brain to consider a problem or to create an idea.
What machines can do? • Any intelligent system should have brain (or an organ like brain!) to think! • Intelligence = the ability to learn and understand, to solve problems and to make decisions. [from AI point of veiw] • The goal of artificial intelligence (AI) as a science is to make machines do things that would require intelligence if done by humans.
What machines can do? • Can machines think? YES and NO! • Some people are smarter in some ways than others. • As humans, we all have the ability to learn and understand, to solve problems and to make decisions; however, our abilities are not equal and lie in different areas.
What machines can do? • if machines can think, some of them might be smarter than others in some ways! • Alan Turing was also answered the question “Can machines think?” by proposing the Turing Imitation Game in 1950.
Turing Imitation Game • Turing said we should ask, ‘Can machines pass a behaviour test for intelligence?’ He predicted that by the year 2000, a computer could be programmed to have a conversation with a human interrogator for five minutes and would have a 30 per cent chance of deceiving the interrogator that it was a human. (But his prediction failed!)
Turing Imitation Game • The test consists of two phases: Phase 1: Interrogator - Man – Woman Phase 2: Interrogator - Machine – Woman • Phase 1: the man should attempt to deceive the interrogator that he is the woman, while the woman has to convince the interrogator that she is the woman
Turing Imitation Game • In the second phase of the game, the man is replaced by a computer programmed to deceive the interrogator as the man did. It would even be programmed to make mistakes and provide fuzzy answers in the way a human would. If the computer can fool the interrogator as often as the man did, we may say this computer has passed the intelligent behaviour test.
Turing Imitation Game • the interrogator is allowed to ask any questions, even provocative ones, in order to identify the machine. The interrogator may, for example, ask both the human and the machine to perform complex mathematical calculations, expecting that the computer will provide a correct solution and will do it faster than the human.
Turing Imitation Game • The interrogator also may attempt to discover the emotional nature of the human, and thus, he might ask both subjects to examine a short novel or poem or even painting. Obviously, the computer will be required here to simulate a human’s emotional understanding of the work.
Turing Imitation Game • Our brain stores the equivalent of over 10^18 bits and can process information at the equivalent of about 10^15 bits per second. By 2020, the brain will probably be modelled by a chip the size of a sugar cube – and perhaps by then there will be a computer that can play – even win – the Turing imitation game.
History of AI-Begining 1. Dark Ages - the birth of artificial intelligence (1943–56) ANN by McCulloch and Pitts in 1943! McCulloch = 2nd founding father of AI after Alan Turing Their first attempt almost failed because they assumed neurons to be linear (on and off) ANN declined in 1970s and revived in 1980!
History of AI At the summer workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956 sponsored by IBM with only ten researchers the artificial intelligence term was first used! 2. The rise of artificial intelligence (1956–late 1960s) great ideas and very limited success! Fortran, LISP were among deliverables Weak methods (general purpose search/ general methods ) were used to solve problems: BFS,DFS
History of AI 3. Unfulfilled promises, or the impact of reality (late 1960s–early 1970s) A) P problems, polynomial steps to find a solution is efficient. NP problems, NP-complete problems hard to solve × B) AI attempted to solve too difficult problems. Eg: Machine translation
History of AI - ES C) In 1971, the British government also suspended support for AI research! 4. The technology of expert systems, or the key to success (early 1970s–mid-1980s) Researchers finally realised that the only way to deliver practical results was to solve typical cases in narrow areas of expertise by making large reasoning steps.
History of AI- DENDRAL Previously they believed search algorithm could solve human like and general methods!! DENDRAL was an expert system for determining the Martian soil. (Stanford Uni - 1969) The previous strategy was based on generate- test method: (remember 8 queens problem) millions of possible structures could be generated!!! That’s too bad ×
Flash back! 8 queens problems Answers even can be even more than this! How many? • 92 distinct solution, with applying symmetry operation like rotation 12 unique fundamental solution. ×
Flash back! 8 queens problems 1- put 8 queens on the board 2- Test either the goal state is reached or not: YES answer, NO go to step 1 The search algorithm can be systematic = trying every possible candidate for a solution How much is the search space? 1-The systematic algorithm gives approximately 1.8×10^14 search space. Maximum states should be checked systematically are 1.8×10^14 = 64×63×…×57. Think about n-queen problem!
8 queens • The previous method is called incremental formulation, too bad! Search space =1.8 × 10^14. • By applying a simple rule that constrains each queen to a single column (or row),The second search space is 8^8 = 16,777,216 • The better way is called complete state formulation, the search space is 2057, we do not create all states, just the legal one! This method is a little stronger. • For 100-queen for incremental formulation search space is 10^400 and for complete state formulation search space is 10^52.
Does it ring a bell?! • In the below figure B is the black horse and W is the white horse. We want to exchange W with B using search algorithms, which of the following search algorithms is the best? 1) A* 2) BFS 3)DFS 4) hill climbing
Don’t get shocked, try it! At the first glance, you may think A* or hill climbing are better than BFS and DFS because they are heuristic (strong methods). BUT they are not the answers! Q: sometimes weak methods are better. When? A: when the search space is small. Between DFS and BFS it seems that BFS has a better result, because it is complete and optimised! So, the answer is 2.
Weak methods are not practical! • What is Completeness, optimality and complexity in search algorithms? • Eventhough weak methods are sometimes(?) better than strong methods but in real world problem (practical problem) the search space is usually big like n-queen and weak methods are not always useful. • Weak methods usually don’t have high performance(bad time and memory complexity) • We should look for domain specific and non general methods like the concept in expert systems
Generate and Test Procedure Is generate and test systematic or heuristic? It depends on generate phase it could be either systematic or heuristic
8-queens related questions • Can I calculate all possible answers in 8-queens problem? How? YES-- We can propose a systematic or random to calculate all answers but the complexity in NP. (exponential time), there are algorithms can find a solution for n-queen in polynomial time. • between BFS and DFS which one is better to use in n-queen problem? Because we know the answer is at the bottom of search tree so DFS finds the answer faster (next slide)
Uninformed strategies DFS is good but it is not complete! Uniformed cost search; not worth mentioning, no cost on edges Depth limited search; is ideal, even better than DFS if “l” is chosen cleverly. Bidirectional; formulating goal is difficult BFS: finds the answer but bad idea, too many useless search should be performed.
Systematic search Systematic search is worth using only if A: the search space is small B: the better (heuristic) algorithm can not be found = NP completeness problems generally they should be avoided since they have Bad performance (exponential time = 2 ^ size)
Still weak methods! • Some scientists introduced fundamental new ideas in such areas as knowledge representation, learning algorithms, neural computing and computing with words. These ideas could not be implemented then because of the limited capabilities of computers, but two decades later they have led to the development of real-life practical applications.
N-queen and today! • There exists many algorithms that can calculate n-queens now like, backtracking algorithm, heuristic algorithms, genetic algorithms…even the mentioned algorithms n-queens for n>100 • How backtracking works for 4-queen? The codes are provided at the end of slides. • How hueristic algorithm works for 4-queen? • RokSosic and Jun Gu even presented a hueristic algorithm that solves 3000,000 queen in 55 seconds!!
Generate and Test Varieties systematic (uninformed) Generate and Test DFS,BFS,… WEAK hueristic (informed) Generate and Test Greedy, A*, simulated annealing,… Strong Plan (informed) Generate and Test Expert systems: DENDRAL
Generate and Test with Planning • First, the planning process uses constraint-satisfaction techniques and creates lists of recommended and contraindicated substructures. Then the generate-and-test procedure uses the lists generated and required to explore only a limited set of structures. Constrained in this way, generate-and-test proved highly effective. A major weakness of planning is that it often produces inaccurate solutions as there is no feedback from the world. But if it is used to produce only pieces of solutions then lack of detailed accuracy becomes unimportant.
So what is weak method? • Weak methods or general purpose search methods are uninformed, non heuristic searches (DFS,BFS,…) that try to find the answer in big search spaces. They don’t have high performance. • Expert systems use heuristic with the help of rules in a limited domain and limited search space. They generate the rules under Constraint satisfaction technique
History of AI- DENDRAL specifications 1. DENDRAL was a shift from general purpose, weak methods to domain specific, knowledge intensive techniques. 2. it used heuristics (rule of thumb) in the form of rules elicited from human experts 3. DENDRAL captured, analysed and expressed rules an expert “know-how” = knowledge engineering What does “know-how” mean?!
History of AI - MYCIN MYCIN was a rule-based expert system for the diagnosis of infectious blood diseases. It also provided a doctor with therapeutic advice in a convenient, user-friendly manner. (stanford 1972)
History of AI – MYCIN specifications 1. MYCIN could perform at a level equivalent to human experts in the field and considerably better than junior doctors! 2. MYCIN’s knowledge consisted of about 450 independent rules of IF-THEN form derived from human knowledge in a narrow domain through extensive interviewing of experts.
History of AI – MYCIN specifications 3. The knowledge incorporated in the form of rules was clearly separated from the reasoning mechanism. The system developer could easily manipulate knowledge in the system by inserting or deleting some rules. (will be covered later in session 2) Rules incorporated in MYCIN reflected the uncertainty associated with knowledge (Self study)
History of AI – PROSPECTOR • PROSPECTOR, an expert system for mineral exploration developed by the Stanford Research Institute (Duda et al., 1979). The project ran from 1974 to 1983. • Most expert systems were developed based on AI languages such as LISP, PROLOG, OPS… • DENDRAL, MYCIN and PROSPECTOR were classic expert systems. Over 2500 medical expert systems were developed only in 1994!!!
History of AI – Difficulties of expert systems • Expert systems are restricted to a very narrow domain of expertise. If a patient has more than one disease, we cannot rely on MYCIN. In fact, therapy prescribed for the blood disease might even be harmful because of the other disease. 2. Because of the narrow domain, expert systems are not as robust and flexible as a user might want. When given a task different from the typical problems, an expert system might attempt to solve it and fail.
History of AI – Difficulties of expert systems 4. Expert systems have limited explanation capabilities. They can only show the sequence of the rules applied for the solution. 5. Expert systems are also difficult to verify and validate. The task of identifying incomplete and inconsistent knowledge is very difficult. Good News: Neural Network and Fuzzy logic can complement the expert systems in some ways
History of AI – Difficulties of expert systems 6. Expert systems are built individually and cannot be developed fast. It might take from five to ten person-years to build an expert system to solve a moderately difficult problem (Waterman, 1986). Complex systems such as DENDRAL, MYCIN or PROSPECTOR can take over 30 person-years to build! Expert systems, especially the first generation, have little or no ability to learn from their experience.
History of AI-Expert Systems Architecture of a simple expert system
Artificial Neural Network Natural Neuron Artificial Neural Network
History of AI-NN 5. How to make a machine learn, or the rebirth of neural networks (mid-1980s–onwards) • New look at neural network– stimulations: 1-Powerful PCs and workstations emerged for ANN. Previously they weren’t! 2- psychological and financial reason in 1970s - There was a need for brain-like information
History of AI-NN • adaptive resonance theory, which provided the basis for a new class of neural networks. • Hopfield networks, which attracted much attention in the 1980s (Hopfield, 1982). • Kohonen published a paper on self-organised maps (Kohonen, 1982). • Barto, Sutton and Anderson published their work on reinforcement learning and its application in control (Barto et al., 1983).
History of AI-NN • But the real breakthrough came in 1986 when the back-propagation learning algorithm, first introduced by Bryson and Ho in 1969 (Bryson and Ho,1969), was reinvented by Rumelhart and McClelland. • In1988, Broomhead and Lowe found a procedure to design layered feedforwardnetworks using radial basis functions, an alternative to multilayer perceptrons (Broomhead and Lowe, 1988).
History of AI - Genetics General view shows how Genetic Algorithm thinks
History of AI- Genetics 6. Evolutionary computation, or learning by doing (early 1970s–onwards) • by simulating biological evolution, we might expect to discover how living systems are propelled towards high-level intelligence. • Evolutionary computation works by simulating a population of individuals, evaluating their performance, generating a new population, and repeating this process a number of times.
History of AI-Genetics 1- Genetic Algorithm The concept of genetic algorithms was introduced by John Holland in the early 1970s (Holland, 1975). He developed an algorithm for manipulating artificial ‘chromosomes’ (strings of binary digits), using such genetic operations as selection, crossover and mutation.