1. How do we respond when students do not learn?
The Pyramid Response to Intervention at SHS
Kim Lechner, Amy Altschuler, Andrew Schroeder
2. Good PLC Schools will… Integrate RTI into existing school improvement processes,
Work in collaboration rather than isolation,
Create systematic responses to address problems,
Use evidence of student learning to drive continuous improvement,
Acknowledge and embrace a shared purpose of helping all students learn.
3. Basic Framework of RTI Model Universal screening
Interventions implemented with efficacy and fidelity
Progress monitoring
4. Three-Tiered Model of School Supports
5. Student Support Team Coordinators Newly created administrative position
Each SST Coordinator is also a certified school psychologist
Attend Administrative Team meetings on a daily basis
Provide professional development with respect to RTI for departments
Analyze and review school-wide data
Meet weekly to facilitate Student Support Teams Share structure- 6 meetings per week, counselor teams constitute separate meetingsShare structure- 6 meetings per week, counselor teams constitute separate meetings
6. SST House Structure
7. Role of SST ID students in need of intervention
Analyze and interpret data
Recommend interventions
Monitor student progress
ID reasons for non-responsiveness to interventions (if applicable)
ID students who need referral for special education evaluation
9. Data-Based Decision Making Who needs help?
Universal screening data
GPA, ODRs, Attendance, Common Formative Assessments
What kind of help do they need?
Diagnostic Data
Common Formative Assessments, MAP
Is it working?
Progress Monitoring Data
Common Formative Assessments
ODRs, Attendance
13. Multidisciplinary Learning Centers Two Learning Centers
Staffed by certified teachers in each academic subject area
Open 7:00am-4:00pm daily with extended hours at the end of grading periods
Computer Labs are open extended hours weekdays until 9:00pm
14. Mandatory Tutoring Program
Tier II intervention
Freshmen and Sophomores receiving a grade lower than a C
Student Support Teams are notified of students participating
Students must attend 12 sessions during the 6 week grading period
Students are monitored every six weeks
Parental notification and cooperation
Not same students every 6 weeks, students seem to learn skills and move forward, students also get the message that they will be held accountableNot same students every 6 weeks, students seem to learn skills and move forward, students also get the message that they will be held accountable
15. Guided Study Program Tier II intervention one period per day
Guided study teacher serves as “case manager”
Emphasis on homework completion, organization, and self-monitoring
10-12 students per class
Ongoing contact with parents, teachers, and Student Support Team
Guided Study Transition Program
16. Mentor Program Tier III intervention
Teacher serves as “case manager”
Teacher-student ratio smaller than Guided Study
Two periods per day- Mentor Study and a for- credit Mentor Skills course with intensive support in reading, math, study skills, and/or social-emotional skills
Students can take Mentor Skills for 2 semesters
Mentor Study Transition Program
Discuss SST coordinator involvement with guided/mentor programs, talk about program pilot that allows students to be placed with reading or math specialists based on needDiscuss SST coordinator involvement with guided/mentor programs, talk about program pilot that allows students to be placed with reading or math specialists based on need
17. Student Support Groups Support groups run by social workers, psychologists and counselors during the school day
Based on students’ needs
Students can self-refer or can be referred by their SST, teachers, friends, parent
Examples- Changing Families, Coping Skills, Anger Management, Social Skills, Transfer Group, COA
18. Student Assistance Team Faculty members meet weekly
Discussion of students with possible alcohol/drug involvement
Teachers provide confidential input
Interventions are planned and implemented
19. SAT Interventions Drug Education
Stop-Our-Smoking (SOS)
Positive Choices
Recovery Group
20. INSIGHT Voluntary program
Recommended for students who are alcohol/drug involved, returning from hospitalization, found in possession of drugs/alcohol
Taught by Certified Chemical Dependency Counselors
Class meets three times a week taking place of students’ lunch hour
21. Questions?