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Objectives. Chapter 10: Managing and Printing Documents Performance Objectives. Work with Windows Arrange Windows Maximize, Restore, and Minimize Documents Split a Window View Documents Side by Side Change Document Zoom CHECKPOINT 1. Hide/Show White Space Manage the Recent List

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  1. Objectives

  2. Chapter 10: Managing and Printing DocumentsPerformance Objectives • Work with Windows • Arrange Windows • Maximize, Restore, and Minimize Documents • Split a Window • View Documents Side by Side • Change Document Zoom • CHECKPOINT 1 • Hide/Show White Space • Manage the Recent List • Preview Pages in a Document • Print Pages in a Document • Create and Print Envelopes • Create and Print Labels • CHECKPOINT 2

  3. Work with Windows • In Word, you can open multiple documents and move the insertion point among them. • You can move and copy information between documents or compare content between documents. • When you open a new window, it displays on top of any previously opened window(s) that you have not closed. • Once you have multiple windows open, you can resize them to see all of one document or a portion of each on the screen.

  4. Work with Windows…continued • When a document is open, a Word button displays on the Taskbar. • Hover the mouse over this button and a thumbnail of the document displays above the button. • If you have more than one document open, the Word button on the Taskbar displays another layer in a cascaded manner. • The layer behind the Word button displays only a portion of the edge at the right of the button.

  5. Work with Windows…continued • Another method for determining which documents are open is to click the View tab and then click the Switch Windows button in the Window group. • The document name that displays in the list with the check mark in front of it is the active document. • The active document contains the insertion point. • To make one of the other documents active, click the document name.

  6. Arrange Windows To arrange windows: • Open the documents. • Click the View tab. • Click the Arrange All button in the Window group. Arrange All button

  7. Arrange Windows…continued

  8. Maximize, Restore, and Minimize Documents • Use the Maximize and Minimize buttons in the active document window to change the size of the window. • If you arrange all open documents and then click the Maximize button in the active document, the active document expands to fill the document screen. • In addition, the Maximize button becomes the Restore Down button. Minimize button Restore Down button Maximize button

  9. Maximize, Restore, and Minimize Documents…continued • If you click the Minimize button in the active document, the document is reduced and displays as a layer behind the Word button on the Taskbar. • To maximize a document that has been minimized, click the Word button on the Taskbar and then click the thumbnail representing the document. thumbnail

  10. Split a Window • You can divide a window into two panes when you want to view different parts of a document at the same time. • You may want to display an outline for a report in one pane, for example, and the portion of the report that you are editing in the other. • The original window is split into two panes that extend horizontally across the screen.

  11. Split a Window…continued To split a window: • Open the document. • Click the View tab. • Click the Split button in the Window group. Split button

  12. Split a Window…continued • You can also split a window with the split bar. • The split bar is the small, black horizontal bar above the View Ruler button at the top of the vertical scroll bar. • To split the window with the split bar, position the arrow pointer on the split bar until it turns into a short double line with an up- and down-pointing arrow. • Hold down the left mouse button, drag the double-headed arrow into the document screen to the location where you want the window split, and then release the mouse button.

  13. Split a Window…continued • When a window is split, the insertion point is positioned in the bottom pane. • To move it to the other pane with the mouse, position the I-beam pointer in the other pane and then click the left mouse button. • To remove the split line from the document, click the View tab and then click the Remove Split button in the Window group.

  14. View Documents Side by Side To view documents side by side: • Open two documents. • Click the View tab. • Click the View Side by Side button in the Window group. View Side by Side button

  15. View Documents Side by Side…continued

  16. View Documents Side by Side…continued To turn off synchronous scrolling: • Click the View tab. • Click the Synchronous Scrolling button in the Window group. Synchronous Scrolling

  17. View Documents Side by Side…continued • When you have arranged documents on the screen or are viewing documents side by side, you can drag the document window borders to increase or decrease the size of any document. mouse pointer

  18. View Documents Side by Side…continued • If you change the size of documents you are viewing side by side, click the Reset Window Position button in the Window group in the View tab to reset the document windows so that both display equally on the divided screen. Reset Window Position button

  19. Change Document Zoom To change the document zoom: • Click the View tab. • Click the Zoom button in the Zoom group. Zoom button

  20. Change Document Zoom…continued Zoom dialog box

  21. CHECKPOINT 1 • Hover the mouse over this button in the Taskbar and this displays above the button. • window • screen • dialog box • thumbnail • By default, this scrolling is active when viewing documents side by side. • synchronous • nonsynchronous • asynchronous • unsynchronous Answer Answer Next Question Next Question • The Split Button is located in this tab. • Home • Insert • Page Layout • View • Use options at this dialog box to change the percentage of display. • Page Setup • Zoom • Paragraph • View Answer Answer Next Question Next Slide

  22. Hide/Show White Space To hide white space: • Position the mouse pointer at the top of the page until the pointer displays as the Hide White Space icon. • Double-click the left mouse button. Hide White Space icon

  23. Hide/Show White Space…continued To show white space: • Position the mouse pointer on the thin line separating the pages until the pointer displays as the Show White Space icon. • Double-click the left mouse button. Show White Space icon

  24. Manage the Recent List Click this dimmed gray pin to pin the document to the Recent Documents list.

  25. Manage the Recent List…continued • The Recent tab Backstage view contains the option Quickly access this number of Recent Documents located below the Recent Documents list. • Insert a check mark in this option and the names of the four most recently opened documents display in the Backstage navigation bar (the panel at the left) below the Close button.

  26. Manage the Recent List…continued • If you close a document without saving it, you can recover it with the Recover Unsaved Documents option located below the Recent Places list. • Click this option and the Open dialog box displays with document names that Word automatically saved.

  27. Manage the Recent List…continued • You can clear the contents (except pinned documents) of the Recent Documents list by right-clicking a document name in the list and then clicking Clear unpinned Documents at the shortcut menu. At the message asking if you are sure you want to remove the items, click the Yes button. • To clear the Recent Places list, right-click a folder in the list and then click Clear unpinned Places at the shortcut menu. Click Yes at the message asking if you are sure you want to remove the items.

  28. Preview Pages in a Document To preview a document: • Click the File tab. • Click the Print tab. Print tab

  29. Preview Pages in a Document…continued Print preview area Zoom slider bar Zoom to Page button Previous Page Next Page

  30. Preview Pages in a Document…continued To change the zoom at the Zoom dialog box: • Click the percentage number that displays at the left of the Zoom slider bar. • At the Zoom dialog box, click the desired option. • Click OK. Zoom dialog box

  31. Print Pages in a Document • If you want control over what prints in a document, use options at the Print tab Backstage view. • Click the first gallery in the Settings category, and a drop-down list displays with options for printing all pages in the document, selected text, the current page, or a custom range of pages in the document. Settings category

  32. Print Pages in a Document…continued • With the other galleries available in the Settings category of the Print tab Backstage view, you can specify on which sides of the pages you want to print, change the page orientation (portrait or landscape), specify how you want the pages collated, choose a page size, specify margins, and specify how many pages you want to print on a page.

  33. Print Pages in a Document…continued • If you want to print more than one copy of a document, use the Copies text box located to the right of the Print button. • If you print several copies of a document that has multiple pages, Word collates the pages as they print. Copies text box

  34. Print Pages in a Document…continued • If you want to send a document directly to the printer without displaying the Print tab Backstage view, consider adding the Quick Print button to the Quick Access toolbar. • To do this, click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button located at the right of the toolbar and then click Quick Print at the drop-down gallery. • Click the Quick Print button and all pages of the open document print. Quick Print button added to Quick Access toolbar

  35. Create and Print Envelopes To create an envelope: • Click the Mailings tab. • Click the Envelopes button in the Create group. • Type the delivery address. • Type the return address. • Click the Add to Document button or Print button. Envelopes button

  36. Create and Print Envelopes…continued Type the delivery name and address in this text box. Type the return name and address in this text box.

  37. Create and Print Envelopes…continued • If you enter a return address and then click the Print button, Word displays the question Do you want to save the new return address as the default return address? • Click Yes if you want the current return address available for future envelopes. • Click No if you do not want the current return address used as the default. • The Preview sample box shows how the envelope will appear when printed. • The Feed sample box shows how to insert the envelope into the printer.

  38. Create and Print Envelopes…continued return address delivery address

  39. Create and Print Envelopes…continued • If you open the Envelopes and Labels dialog box in a document that contains a name and address with each line ending with a press of the Enter key (not Shift + Enter), Word automatically inserts the name and address in the Delivery address text box of the dialog box.

  40. Create and Print Labels To create labels: • Click the Mailings tab. • Click the Labels button in the Create group. • Type the desired address(es). • Click the New Document button or Print button. Labels button

  41. Create and Print Labels…continued Type the label address in this text box. Click the New Document button to insert the mailing label in a new document. Click the Print button to send the label directly to the printer.

  42. Create and Print Labels…continued Choose the desired label product number from this list box. Click this down-pointing arrow to display a list of available label products.

  43. Create and Print Labels…continued • To create a sheet of mailing labels with a different name and address in each label, start with a blank document, display the Envelopes and Labels dialog box with the Labels tab selected, and then click the New Document button. • The Envelopes and Labels dialog box is removed from the screen and the document displays with label forms. • The insertion point is positioned in the first label form. • Type the name and address in this label and then press the Tab key to move the insertion point to the next label. • Pressing Shift + Tab moves the insertion point back to the preceding label.

  44. CHECKPOINT 2 • How many of the most recently opened document names display in the Recent Documents list? • 10 • 20 • 25 • 30 • This sample box shows how to insert the envelope into the printer. • Envelope • Locate • Preview • Feed Answer Answer Next Question Next Question • If you want to select and then print a portion of the document, choose this option. • Print Custom Range • Print Current Page • Print Selection • Print All Pages • Press these keys to move the insertion point back to the preceding label. • Shift + F1 • Ctrl + F1 • Alt + F1 • F1 Answer Answer Next Question Next Slide

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