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School B: Highest Gain. School C: Low IS, High Gain. School A: Highest IS. School D: Low IS, Better than exp gain. School E: Med IS, Lower than exp gain. Criteria You Choose Will Yield Different Conclusions About School Performance.
School B: Highest Gain School C: Low IS, High Gain School A: Highest IS School D: Low IS, Better than exp gain School E: Med IS, Lower than exp gain Criteria You Choose Will Yield Different Conclusions About School Performance
Example of CRESST Model:Latent Variable Hierarchical Model • Level 1: Two Time-point Series • Obtaining initial status and gain for each student • Level 2: Student Level • Gain for student is modeled as function of his/her initial status (& SES) • Level 3: School Level • Gain for school is modeled as function of school’s initial status (& SES)
CRESST Study 1: Comparing AYP and VA Classifications • Examined gains for 3 Performance Subgroups within each school • Subgroups defined by initial starting point • Hi Performers: 2 SDs above mean • Average: Mean initial starting point • Low Performers: 2 SDs below mean • Also possible to define performance subgroups based on a set of absolute values (e.g., 10 pts above and below mean)
CRESST Study 2:Adjusting for Background Characteristics in VAM • School effectiveness literature still searching for appropriate ways to adjust for background characteristics • Type A: adjustment of student background (S), yet no adjustment of school-level contextual effects (C) and school policies and practices effects (P) • Type B: adjustment of student background (S) and contextual effects (C)