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Advertising Management Love Hearts: Evaluation Of Video and Poster Campaign

This research evaluates the effectiveness of a Love Hearts advertising campaign through qualitative and quantitative analysis of target audience response, creativity, audience reach, resonance to society, message, and brand. Findings inform potential improvements to the campaign.

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Advertising Management Love Hearts: Evaluation Of Video and Poster Campaign

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  1. Advertising ManagementLove Hearts: Evaluation Of Video and Poster Campaign Ryan Barrass (15084134) (Antshez, 2011)

  2. Content: • Outline your research design using academic terminology and provide reasons for choice of this approach describing your methods selected and underpinning rationale for choice, sampling approach, limitations as a minimum. (20%) • Present results and analysis of qualitative and/or quantitative research relating to the advertisement posted by your group that concern the effectiveness of the advertisement in terms of target audience, creativity, audience reach, resonance to society, message and brand. Use appropriate presentations for the data such as verbatim comments for focus groups or interviews you held, pie/bar charts for statistical representations in surveys conducted for your research. (20%) • Based on your findings present a summary of how you would change the assignment one advertisement based on the research findings presented above. This should include the key issues that you need to change in order for the message to improve in the different media of a poster. You can retain the original idea and message if you feel that it is still relevant. You should show your poster on the last slide and demonstrate how your findings link to improvements to your creative response and how the media necessitates change e.g. no sound so mood is created by e.g. copy or colours used (10%)

  3. Research: Outline Thetoastieproject (2014)

  4. Research: Outline • I had conducted my research through a web based survey which was published via KwikSurveys. The research collected was from the 1st February to 1st March 2017 • The sample was selected through a list of friends on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. • This can be considered as convenience sampling which Easterby-Smith et al. (2015:82) states that ‘convenience sampling involves selecting sample units on the basis of how easily accessible they are.’ • I did this research method as I did not have any budget to recruit a larger number of participants and get further insights. Therefore, I used my initiative to gain insight from people aged 16-24 who was the target audience for the advert.

  5. Self-completion Questionnaire: Pros Cons I was only been able to collect responses from 20 people which was under the recommended 50 responses set out for the assignment. Therefore, the sample size was small and further research would need to be conducted to gain further insight. The sample which I have selected reflects my social network views. By using people from my social network, this is not a representation of the population aged 16-24 as a whole. (Easterby-Smith et al, 2015:82) • By producing a web-based survey, I was able to distribute this easily as I was able to message people a link to the survey for them to self-complete • The data that I had gotten from the web based survey, was able to be analysed directly on KwikSurveys. This was beneficial as Easterby-Smith et al, (2015:222) states ‘[this] avoids the cost of data entry and transcription errors.

  6. Background: Responses:14 Males6 Femalescompleted the questionnaire 12 out of 20responses were favourable of the Swizzels Brand ResponsesWere:16-22 of age (Henderson, No Date) (VeganWiki, 2014) (Vecteezy, No Date)

  7. DataAnalysis: Thetoastieproject (2014)

  8. Love Hearts: Brand Image • Out of 20 responses I had gained from the questionnaire, 18 had spoken positive of the brand. • Majority of responses stated that Love Hearts were fun and original, reminding them of childhood. • There was very little criticism of the Love Hearts brand with only 2 respondents stating that the sweets were somewhat bitter and outdated.

  9. Research: Consumers Essentially what this graph shows is that in some form people are playing video games in some form as zero respondents had stated they don’t play at all. Therefore, it can be argued the subject matter of the advert was relevant to the target audience due to been an important aspect of society. Essentially as a result of focusing our advert on a subject which is relevant to the target audience, it can be argued that this reflects how favourable consumers are towards the advert with 15 people stating they liked it.

  10. Creative Aspects Of The Advert: The creative aspects of the advert had all been rated above average. However, there are creative aspects which could be improved. The music which we had used for the advert was the lowest rated at average of 3.10/5. It is suggested the audience did not know it was from the game Undertale (Fox, 2015B). When asked how creative do you rate the advert you have been shown, this was favorable with an average of 4.16 out of 5 was given based on 20 responses.

  11. Evaluation: DAGMAR Hierarchy of Effects (1961) • Using the DAGMAR hierarchy of effect model proposed by Colley (1961, as cited in Fathy, 2012), our advert was unable to make people arrive at the mental disposition to purchase the product. • In terms of converting consumers to purchase Love Hearts over the competition an average of 3.47 (out of 5) based on 20 response stated that they would buy Love Hearts as a result of viewing the advert . • Overall, this advert cannot be considered a success. Ogilvy (No date, as cited in Wai, 2014) states ‘It is useless to be creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create’. Although this advert was considered a creative approach by consumers, they were unlikely to act on this advert.

  12. Improvements To Advert Thetoastieproject (2014)

  13. Summary Of Improvements: Researched better ways of filming from a first person prospective. From the research I had conducted respondents had stated ‘Feel like the filming was a bit too shaky’ I would make the advert more simpler for the consumer to understand rather than adding little teasers hidden throughout. From the research I had conducted it was suggested that ‘Somecreative aspects were lost’.

  14. Creation Of Poster: Thetoastieproject (2014)

  15. Thoughts On Creative: • 35% of respondents (7 out of 20) had stated that the advert had made them nostalgic. Therefore, I felt it was important for the campaign to keep with an element of retro gaming • From the improvements of the advert, it was suggested ‘Somecreative aspects were lost’. Therefore, for the print advert, I had made it more simpler for the consumer to understand rather over complicating it with hidden messages. • The creative aspect which was rated highest (colours used) which we used a dark filter throughout the advert was liked by the audience. Therefore, as darker colours was preferred, I had used black as the primary colour as this is bold and an aspect audience liked.

  16. Poster Feedback: The colours used in the advert are bold and eye striking Using ‘Love Hearts’ as the barriers is a good touch Good way to expand on the original idea of video games

  17. My Poster Creation:

  18. ReferenceList Thetoastieproject (2014)

  19. Wai, J. (2014). 6 Tips On Becoming The Best In Your Field From Advertising Legend David Ogilvy.Business Insider. [online] [Accessed 4 March 2017].Available at: http://www.businessinsider.com/david-ogilvy-tips-for-success-2014-7?IR=T • Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R. and Jackson, P. (2015). Management and business research. 5th edition. Los Angeles: SAGE. • Antshez, (2011). Swizzel Matlow Factory. [Online Image] [Accessed 4 March 2017].https://www.flickr.com/photos/ants/5882648081/in/photostream/ • Henderson, L. (No Date) Male and Female Symbol. [Online Image] [Accessed 4 March 2017]. https://clipartfest.com/download/4babfbfa91861b9c6d5d513901f6a965bb4550a5.html • Vecteezy. (No Date) Birthday Cake. [Online Image] [Accessed 4 March 2017]. https://www.vecteezy.com/miscellaneous/56968-birthday-vector-symbol-pack/premium • VeganWiki (2014) Love Hearts Sweet. [Online Image] [Accessed 4 March 2017].http://www.veganwiki.co.uk/index.php?title=File:Loveheart.jpg • Thetoastieproject (2014) Love Hearts Sweets. [Online Image] [Accessed 4 March 2017].https://thetoastieproject.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/lh04.jpg • Fathy, E. (2012) Dagmar. Slideshare. [Online] [Accessed on 5 March 2017] https://www.slideshare.net/Strenghtofawoman/dagmar-12258855. • Fox, T. (2015) Undertale Soundtrack. Undertale. [Online] [Accessed on 10 December 2016] https://tobyfox.bandcamp.com/album/undertale-soundtrack.

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