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Quality care for people with Down syndrome and Dementia

Explore age-specific rates of Down syndrome and dementia, focusing on Alzheimer's disease, thyroid dysfunction, and depression symptoms. Learn about effective communication strategies, changed behaviors, and person-centered planning in care models.

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Quality care for people with Down syndrome and Dementia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Quality care for people with Down syndrome and Dementia

  2. Age Specific rates N=201 • 40-49 Years –9.4% • 50-59 Years-36.1% • 60-69 Years-54.4% • Ref Prasher VP. Age specific Prevalence, Thyroid Dysfunction and Depression Symptomatology in adults with Down syndrome and dementia Demographics: Alzheimer’s disease in Down syndrome

  3. Victorian Down syndrome and dementia workshop. The nature of dementia. The relationship between Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease Communication strategies Responding to changed behaviour

  4. Issues: Diagnosis Lifestyle Models of care Changing roles for disability workers

  5. Diagnosis The role of the General Practitioner and Disability worker Centre for Developmental and Disability Services CDAMS

  6. Signs of dementia in a person with an I.D. Loss of speech Disorientation Loss of daily living skills Changes in personality Long periods of inactivity or apathy The development of seizures

  7. Lifestyle Unknown number of people living at home with ageing parents Community residential units Congregate care Day programs Supported employment

  8. Models of care: Person centred planning Design and deliver support services based on what is important to the person. Three steps: • Planning • Supports • Feedback

  9. Outcomes of Person Centred Planning Outcomes determined by the person being planned for are likely to result in a plan which increases: • Choice • Competence • Respect • Community participation

  10. Models of Care: Person centred planning vs person centred care • developmental vs support • increases choice vs limits choice to avoid confusion • maximises potential vs maintains existing abilities whenever possible

  11. Changes in program practices for disability workers • provide closer supervision • maintain present levels of independence by increasing staff supervision, prompts and hands-on care • modify the individual’s support plan to anticipate changing ADL needs • monitor and document increased episodes of confusion, disorientation or memory lapses

  12. The Way Forward Strengthen AAV’s links with the disability service sector Continued dialogue between AAV and disability stakeholders to promote understanding and relevance Provide ongoing support and education for disability support workers

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