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Discover the staggering costs of tobacco on society and the harmful effects of smoking on health. Learn about the declining smoking rates and the dangers of secondhand smoke exposure. Watch informative videos to understand the impact of smoking.
Costs to Society • About 443, 000 Americans die each year from smoke-related illnesses • Tobacco related costs to U.S. society is approximately $200 billion each year • Federal & state taxes collected by the government is about $25 billion • So, … the costs are 8x the total tax revenue collected (even if you don’t smoke, you are still paying for people who do!)
The Good News • The number of American smokers continues to decline (Why do you think that is?) • The CDC reports the % of American adults who smoked in 2010 was 19.3% • 3 million fewer smokers than there would have been with no decline, but still 45.3 million smokers • Teenage smokers: • 8th graders: 7.1% in 2010 to 6.1% in 2011 • 10th graders: 13.6% in 2010 to 11.8% in 2011 • 12th graders: 19.2% in 2010 to 18.7% in 2011 • http://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/AdultSmoking/
More Good News • As of July 2012, only 10 states have not enacted any statewide ban on smoking: • Alabama, Alaska, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, West Virginia, and Wyoming • http://www.no-smoke.org/ • U.S. rate of smoking decreasing (Yay!): • http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/22/america-drug-use-maps_n_5974592.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063
What’s in a Cigarette? • Nicotine • A poisonous stimulant • Very addictive • Video clip “Cigarettes Are Bullies”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G1Ma02K6Ys • Raises Blood Pressure, Increases heart rate • 1 drop of 100% PURE nicotine, placed on the tongue of a normal sized adult, would be enough to kill them!
Nicotine & the Brain • In adolescence, your brain is still “under construction”—as a result, it responds differently to the effects of nicotine than the adult brain • Nicotine acts on the brain’s “reward pathways” to create feelings of satisfaction and pleasure. The developing brain is highly sensitive to the addictive properties of nicotine. • Many teens show signs of addiction even at low levels of tobacco use. Exposure to nicotine during adolescence may alter brain development, rewiring the brain for addiction. • Smoking can damage your developing brain by stunting the growth of the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for “executive” functions (like impulse control and weighing the consequences of your actions). This can alter your ability to make rational decisions about your health, like the decision to quit smoking.
What’s in a cigarette? • Tar • Thick, sticky, dark fluid • Same substance used to pave streets! • Carcinogens: any cancer causing substance (at least 43 in cigarettes) • Destroys cilia: waving hair-like projections that work to keep the respiratory tract clear • What else could be added to a cigarette that could do the same thing as TAR?
What’s in a cigarette? • Carbon monoxide • Colorless, odorless, poisonous gas • Same gas from automotive exhaust that if inhaled directly could be fatal • Prevents red blood cells from carrying oxygen needed for body cells
Video Clips • What’s in a Factory-Made Cigarette: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScMESUWHo34 • Roosevelt’s Ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdmI35elnCQ • Buerger’s Disease: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WrWwUsKKN8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fndx4mjCFY
Effects of Tobacco Use • Decreases sense of smell & taste • Yellow teeth & fingernails • Smelly clothes, hair, breath, house, car, etc. • Long term use may lead to “smoker’s voice”
Video Clips • The Real Cost of Smoking “Teeth”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks2L6XFLAeA • The Real Cost of Smoking “Skin”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oJZm5YBCL0
Bad for environment too! • Cigarette butts are the most commonly discarded piece of waste worldwide. It is estimated that 1.69 BILLION pounds of butts wind up as toxic trash each year, creating an enormous environmental, health, and economic burden.
Types of Smoke • Passive Smoke - smoke inhaled by nonsmokers • Mainstream smoke: what a smoker exhales • Sidestream smoke: what comes off the end of a burning cigarette • This contains 2 times more nicotine & tar and 5 times more carbon monoxide
Mainstream Smoke • Mainstream smoke MAY be filtered twice: • Filter on the cigarette • Smoker’s body cilia and lungs absorb many of the chemicals. • Filters on cigarettes ONLY catch about 2-7% of the chemicals!
Passive Smoke • Passive smoke can cause: • Heart Disease -- Eye Irritation • More frequent ear infections -- Asthma • Lung Cancer -- Emphysema ***This especially applies to individuals who do NOT smoke, but live with people who DO smoke.*** ***Non-smokers living with smokers have 20-30% higher risk of dying from heart disorders than do nonsmokers***
Video Clips • “I Smoke” – Kid’s Voices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH-ZEOiYPgE • Nathan’s Ad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuE4vqGAlv4 • Ugly Truth 1075 vs. 137: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRvVWPBcWaA • Even Camel Bans Smoking!: http://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/camel-maker-reynolds-snuffs-out-workplace-smoking-n232216
Effects of Smoking on the Body • 1.) Chronic Bronchitis • Cilia become useless because covered with tar • Chronic coughing & excessive mucus secretion • Can be reversed if smoker quits • 2.) Pulmonary emphysema • Pulmonary = lungs • Destruction of tiny air sacs (alveoli) in lungs which absorbs oxygen into body • Instead of using only 5% of energy to breathe, a person with advanced emphysema uses 80% of energy to breathe
Effects of Smoking on the Body continued… • 3.) Lung Cancer • NO CURE! • Now kills more women than breast cancer • Many females incorrectly believe that smoking causes weight loss. There is NO proof of this!
Effects of Smoking Clips • Thailand Kids Smoking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO0qwl5k9R4 • Tobacco Kills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_56BQmY_e8 • Replacement Smokers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPaS2pbUWY4 • Body Bags: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4xmFcrJexk • Ugly Truth – More Than…: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xocyXiFeCXY • You Don’t Always Die from Tobacco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuh2w2sFRMI
Laryngectomy Video Clips • Terrie Hall’s Ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zWB4dLYChM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oneEv7pJqshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEDpJTTDZP8 • Sharon’s Ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7jAhwbUfNE • Shawn’s Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_j21l7Uxv8
Tips For Quitting • START Quitting Today!!! • S = Set a date to quit (Monday is best) • T = Tell family, friends, & coworkers that you plan to quit (support system) • A = Anticipate and plan for challenges you’ll face while quitting (identify “triggers”) • R = Remove cigarettes & other tobacco products (quitting “cold turkey” is best) • T = Talk to your doctor about getting help to quit (Be prepared for withdrawal symptoms)
Benefits of Quitting • In minutes – Decrease in heart rate & blood pressure • Within weeks – Circulation & lung function improve • A year later – Smoking-related risk of heart disease is cut in half • After 5 years – chances of many forms of cancer are the same as someone who has never smoked
Video Clip • Benefits of Quitting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErTyRkziXFg • Tips from Former Smokers • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVuRNZP5igo • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6iS44aHy4s#t=10
If that’s not enough…you’ll save money too! • With the average price of a pack of cigarettes nearing $6, a pack-a-day smoker could save more than $2,000 a year! • Think about how much that adds up to over time!!!
Electronic Cigarettes • Link with info and video clip about e-cigs • http://thehealthteacher.com/2014/04/29/e-cigarettes-and-the-fda/