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Explore the three-fold purpose, vision, and success factors of FGBMFI chapters, emphasizing effective leadership, operational, spiritual, and marketing programs for growth and unity.
OUR ORIGINAL THREE-FOLD PURPOSE • To reach men/women everywhere for Jesus Christ (same social, cultural, or business level) setting should be appealing to attract all • To provide a basis for true fellowship (inspiring members to be active in their respective churches) • To bring about greater measure of unity in the body of Jesus Christ
THE VISION • A vast global movement of laymen comprising of millions of men and women being used mightily by God to bring about the last great harvest through the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit.
THE CHAPTER OurChapters serve as the factory floors for training and equipping our members for our Mission (the Great Commission) through - “The Total Men” Concept
EXPLOSIVE HOLY GHOST POWER SUCCESS FACTORS Four Essential Activities: What kind of operational programme does your Chapter have? What kind of spiritual programme does your Chapter have?
SUCCESS FACTORS Cont’d Four Essential Activities: How do you market and present your Chapter? Leadership – What kind of leadership do you have in your Chapter
Operational Programme Have a well prepared programme with dates and role players Have a written agenda allocating time slot for meetings Have planned outreach programmes Start & close meetings on time President must lead by example Train members in all facets of Chapter life.
EXPLOSIVE HOLY GHOST POWER SSpiritual Programme Call for Salvation Call for healing Call for baptism in the Holy Spirit Established prayer meetings Leader must have the mantle of God upon him
EXPLOSIVE HOLY GHOST POWER SMarketing Programme Use the best venues and facilities Distribute FGBMFI literature Introduce new members at all meetings Encourage and equip/train members
EXPLOSIVE HOLY GHOST POWER SLeadership Programme Set and define targets Delegate effectively Define your target and determine how to reach them Participate in all training programmes Seek continuous improvement (Evaluation)
EFFECTIVE CHAPTER OPERATIONS – WHAT IS IT ? Managing the Chapter for growth Managing the Chapter Growing the Chapter
WHO IS RESPONSIBLE ? Both functional areas demand direct action from: President Executives and Committee Members.
EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP IS AN IMPERATIVE Know your roles and responsibilities Lead by example (spiritually & organizationally) Delegate effectively ( Exd.18:13-23) Be knowledgeable (Mal.2:7)
MANAGING THE CHAPTER - USEFUL INDICATORS !!! Active involvement of all members Regular attendance at meetings and on time. Members share effective testimonies Properly planned outreach meetings Accurate record keeping
INDICATORS CONT’D Prompt payment of bills including Tithes and offering to Head Office Promote the Voice Ministry Genuine and true fellowship Effective record keeping, analysis and sharing of information
OPERATE AN EFFECTIVE COMMITTEE SYSTEM Reduces pressure on executive Keeps members alive and active Provides opportunity for development Helps discover talents
OPERATE AN EFFECTIVE COMMITTEE SYSTEM CONT’D Gains commitment of members Encourages true fellowship Preparatory ground for higher responsibility
ENSURE REGULAR MEETINGS Monthly Outreaches Weekly Meetings Monthly Business meetings Executive meetings
GOOD PROGRAMMES Relevant to the needs of members (The Total Man) -LK 2:52 Good MC’s & testimonies Good Speakers ( right ratio and non controversial) Good Atmosphere Good honoraria
HONORARIA FOR SPEAKERS CONT'D A speaker must be given his honorarium immediately after the meeting Thank you letters must be given to all speakers promptly
SUSTAINABLE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Build membership Teach & create desire to bring others (1+2 project) Well-planned & coordinated follow ups Holy Ghost baptism Prayer & counseling sessions
BUSINESS MEETINGS There must be a distinction between Evaluation and a Business meetings The agenda for the two are different A Buz. Meeting must seek to address the core business of the Chapter prior to an outreach meeting Must be attended by all Chapter Executives
BUSINESS MEETINGS CONT'DAgenda : Financial matters & obligations Welfare issues Programming Membership Publicity Outreach, etc