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Housing and Community Development Act.
Housing and Community Development Act Sec. 104 (e) Each grantee shall submit to the Secretary, at a time determined by the Secretary, a performance and evaluation report, concerning the use of funds made available under section 106, together with an assessment by the grantee of the relationship of such use to the objectives identified in the grantee’s statement under subsection (a) and the requirements of subsection (b)(3). Sec. 104 (b) Any grant under section 106 shall be made only if the grantee certifies to the satisfaction of the Secretary that— …it has developed a community development plan pursuant to subsection (m), for the period specified by the grantee under paragraph (3), that identifies community development needs and specifies both short- and long-term community development objectives…
Housing and Community Development Act Sec. 104 (a) (1) Prior to the receipt in any fiscal year of a grant under section 106(b) by any metropolitan city or urban county, under section 106(d) by any State, or under section 106(d)(2)(B) by any unit of general local government, the grantee shall have prepared a final statement of community development objectives and projected use of funds… National Affordable Housing Act Sec.108 (a) Performance Reports. (1) Each participating jurisdiction shall annually review and report, in a form acceptable to the Secretary on the progress it has made in carrying out its housing strategy, which report shall include an evaluation of the jurisdiction’s progress in meeting the goal established in section 105(b)(15) of this Act, and information on the number of types of households served, including the number of very low-income, low-income, and moderate-income persons served and the racial and ethnic status of persons served that will be assisted with funds made available.
Key Issues For Performance Measurement Systems Identify numeric goals and objectives Ability to link goals and objectives with projects and activities Identify projects/activities under each objectives Cross reference objectives and activities Long-term (multi-year) numeric goals/objectives Short-term (annual) numeric goals/objectives Ability to aggregate annual numeric goals Annual numeric goals in action plan
Matrix of Goals vs. Accomplishments by Priority2000-2001 Program Year
Savannah Housing Objectives Objective HS1.1: Help 150 low or moderate-income families become first-time homebuyers from 2000-2004 Objective HS1.2: Increase homeownership by 25 households per year in neighborhoods with rate of homeownership under the city average Objective HS1.3: Assist 100 low income families in avoiding foreclosure Objective HS2.1: Increase percentage of structures listed as from 74% to 79% Objective HS2.2: Rehabilitate at least 274 rental and 450 owner-occupied units Objective HS4.1: Provide 175 additional standard affordable rental units Objective HS4.2: Provide rental assistance to 2,390 very-low and low income rental units per year. This includes 1,043 tenant-based units per year and 1,347 project-based units per year.
Annual Action PlanGoals Clearly identify performance measures and units of measure Clearly identify annual number of expected units completed and/or annual number of expected units committed/obligated Include units based on prior year funding
Outcomes Impact on Individuals Reduction in cost-burden Increased self-sufficiency Impact on Neighborhoods Increased valuation of property Increase in homeownership Reduction in abandoned buildings Reduction in crime
RochesterBenchmarks • Increase the percentage of homeownership • Reduce the concentration of poverty, both in individual neighborhoods the city as a whole • Increase the value of residential and commercial property in constant dollars • Reduce the number of vacant commercial and residential structures
State of Pennsylvania Goal: Improve Quality of Housing Stock through Rehabilitation Measure: Number of homes assisted with housing code violations that are eliminated Goal: Preserve Neighborhoods and Communities Measure: Occupancy rates of neighborhood/community Goal: Improve Rental Housing Opportunities Measure: Number of affordable units developed for low-income households Goal: Provide Critical Street Improvements Measure: Percentage of low/mod income households served within 1/2 mile Goal: Improve Water and Sewer Infrastructure Systems Measure: Number of systems assisted and brought up to standard levels of operation
Charlotte, NC 2002 Quality of Life Variables Social Dimension Percent of Persons over Age 64 Average Kindergarten Score Percent of Children Passing Competency Exams Percent of Births to Adolescents Youth Opportunity Index Crime Dimension Violent Crime Rate Juvenile Arrest Rate Property Crime Rate Crime Hot Spots Economic Dimension Percent of Persons Receiving Food Stamps Percent Change in Income Physical Dimension Appearance Index Percent Substandard Housing Percent Homeowners Projected Infrastructure Improvement Costs Percent of Persons with Access to Public Transportation Percent of Persons with Access to Basic Retail Pedestrian Friendliness Index
How can the City use this report? • Currently, it is used as a resource for applying for grants and to make policy recommendations. • Neighborhood organizations utilize the report to compare themselves to other neighborhoods as well as use the City values as a benchmark. • Its potential use includes the basis for resource allocation and to evaluate their effectiveness. • Report and NSA Rankings can be accessed at http://www.ci.charlotte.nc.us/cindev/qol
Madison http://www.ci.madison.wi.us/cdbg/results/20002004/htm City of Los Angeles Matrix of Accomplishments http://www.lacity.org/CDD/pdfs/i1.pdf Cincinnati Action Plan http://www.rcc.org/part2.pdf Austin Projected Funding Level http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/housing/downloads/AP04P01.pdf City of Los Angeles Self-Evaluation http://www.lacity.org/CDD/pdfs/iv1.PDF Portland Service Efforts and Accomplishments http://www.portlandonline.com/auditor/index.cfm?a=5749&c=27103 Rochester Comprehensive Plan http://www.ci.rochester.ny.us/apps/dcd/roch2010.nsf/d0153f712163609d852565d600734a8d/9edb9 781b213fdc2852565dc00735c13?OpenDocument State of Pennsylvania Outcomes http://www.inventpa.com Charlotte, NC Quality of Life Study http://www.ci.charlotte.nc.us/cindev/qol