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Ch. 20 Growth Development

Ch. 20 Growth

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Ch. 20 Growth Development

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    1. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development

    2. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Prenatal Period Begins at conception and continues until birth (about 39 weeks). Science of fetal growth called embryology. Fertilization to development requires 10 days. Occurs in outer 1/3 of oviduct. Fertilized ovum called zygote, is genetically complete. After 3 days of cell division, zygote develops into a morula.

    3. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Continued cell division of morula produce hollow balls called a Blastocyst. Blastocyst implant into uterine wall about 10 days after fertilization. Blastocyst forms amniotic cavity and chorion of the placenta. Placenta provides for exchange of nutrients between mother and fetus.

    4. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Periods of Development Gestation period is about 39 weeks. Embryonic phase extends from fertilization to the end of the 8 week gestation Fetal phase extends from 8 to 39 weeks Fetal Development

    5. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development 3 primary germ layers in embryonic development Endoderm – inside layer Ectoderm – outside layer Mesoderm – middle layer All organs are formed and functioning by 4th month of gestation

    6. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development

    7. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Histogenesis and Organogenisis Formation of new organs and tissues occurs from specific development from primary germ layers Each primary germ layer gives rise to definite structures Growth includes cell differentiation From 4 months to birth baby’s development is mainly growth

    8. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Birth of Parturition

    9. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Process of birth At 39 weeks, uterus becomes irritated Fetus takes head down position against. Muscular contractions begin, labor is initiated. Amniotic sac ruptures Cervix dilates Fetus moves through vagina to exterior

    10. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Stages of Labor Stage 1 – uterine contraction to cervix dilation Stage 2 – maximum cervical dilation to delivery Stage 3 – expulsion of placenta through the vagina

    11. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Postnatal Period Begins at birth and ends at death. Growth and development are continuous. Obvious changes in physical appearance. Divisions Infancy Childhood Adolescence and adulthood Older adulthood

    12. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Infancy Neonatal period are 1st four weeks Neonatology – medical specialty in disorders of newborns C.V. changes occur at time of birth. Must become complete sufficient Respiratory changes include forceful first breath.

    13. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Developmental changes in first 18 month Doubling birth weight by 4 months and tripling in first year. Then, overall rate of growth remains rapid but declines. 50% increase body length by 12 months. Normal spinal curvature by 15 months Raises head at 3 months Can crawl at 10 months Can stand alone at 12 months Can run at 18 months

    14. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Childhood

    15. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Childhood End of infancy to puberty, girls –13, boys –15 Overall rate of growth rapid but declining Continued development of motor and coordination Loss of baby teeth and eruption of permanent teeth.

    16. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Adolescence and adulthood Average age from 13 – 19 Period of rapid growth results in sexual maturity Appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. Growth spurts start Growth plates fully close, sinuses acquire adult placement. Adult hood maintains existing body tissues Degeneration of body tissue begins.

    17. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Older Adulthood Degenerative changes characterize older adulthood Every organ system undergoes degenerative changes Senescence culminates in death

    18. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Skeletal System Aging causes calcification and changes shapes of bones Spurs develop around joints Bones become porous and fracture easily Osteoarthritis is common

    19. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Integumentary System With age skin becomes Thin Dry Wrinkled Loses pigmentation Thinning or loss of hair

    20. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Urinary System Nephrons decrease by 50% from age 30 to 75 Blood flow to kidney decreases Muscle degeneration causes bladder to weaken

    21. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Respiratory System Calcification of coastal (rib) cartilages caused chest to remain expanded (barrel chest) Degeneration of respiratory muscles decreases efficiency Membrane thickens, passage of oxygen slows

    22. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Cardiovascular System Heart & blood vessel disease Fat Deposits Hardening of Arteries Hypertension

    23. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Senses

    24. Ch. 20 – Growth & Development Senses All organs decline Eye lenses become hardened Lens becomes cloudy Glaucoma Loss of hair cells in inner ear Decrease transmission of sound waves 60% of taste buds lost between 30 75 years.

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