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PRINCE OF PEACE. Pastoral Team. Catholic Community. Father Peter Nguyen, Pastor. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday – 1700 – Nelles Chapel Sunday - 1030 – Chapel Center DAILY MASS Tuesday - Friday – 1130 Nelles Chapel Blessed Sacrament Room CONFESSION Saturday –1615 ;
PRINCE OF PEACE Pastoral Team Catholic Community Father Peter Nguyen, Pastor MASS SCHEDULE Saturday – 1700 – Nelles Chapel Sunday - 1030 – Chapel Center DAILY MASS Tuesday - Friday – 1130 Nelles Chapel Blessed Sacrament Room CONFESSION Saturday –1615 ; Nelles Chapel Blessed Sacrament Room and by appointment (call Chapel Center) BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL At Chapel Center Open for Prayer Daily from 0730 - 1630 Emergency Contact: Duty Airman: 864-9086 or Command Post: 448-6900 Parish Coordinator’s Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 9am – 1:30pm Sunday 10am – 12pm Religious Education Coordinator’s Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 9am – 1:30pm Sunday 8 – 10:30am Communication: Chapel Center: 808-449-1754 Chapel Center Fax: 808-448-1505 Email: 647 ABG.HC@hickam.af.mil Bulletin Deadline: Monday 4:30 pm.Contact Cece449-1754 GLORIFYING GOD * SERVING AIRMEN * PURSUING EXCELLENCE 647ABG/HC • 180 Kuntz Avenue • JBPHH, HI 96853808-449-1754 GLORIFYING GOD * HONORING AIRMEN * PURSUING EXCELLENCE 15 AW/HC180 Kuntz Avenue • Hickam AFB, HI 96853808-449-1754 • https://wwwmil.hickam.af.mil/hc/limited/ 28 & 29 Sep Considering becoming a member of the Catholic Church? Contact Father Peter Nguyen (449-1754), Nancy Lamkin(449-1754) for more info. Weddings:Couples planning to be married should contact the Parish Coordinator and schedule an appointment with FrPeter at least six/eight months prior to your planned wedding date. PEARL HARBOR MEMORIAL CHAPEL MASS SCHEDULE Saturday—1700 Sunday—0900 DAILY MASS Monday – Friday—1135 CONFESSION Saturday--1615 Welcome New Members: Please see Ceceafter Mass or call her at the Chapel Center during duty hours, 449-1754. Hospitalized & Homebound Members: Please call Ceceor FrPeter at the Chapel when hospitalized or homebound. FrPeter will want to avail the Sacrament of Anointing and/or Holy Communion in your time of need. Please inform him. We’ve got the grace… pick up the pace! “Praise the Lord my soul!” Psalm 146
MINISTRY SCHEDULING – 28 & 29 Sep ACTS RETREAT (Adoration, Community, Theology and Service) Prince of Peace will host a men’s retreat 23-26 Jan and a women’s retreat 13-16 Feb at St. Anthony’s Retreat Center on Oahu. Find out more about ACTS at www.actsmissions.org or contact Ken Dalfonso at ken.dalfonso@gmail.com MINISTRY SCHEDULING – 5 & 6 Oct MINUTE MEDITATIONS … When we begin things in adoration and prayer, God can and will work through our fears, uncertainties, and inefficiencies to allow the Holy Spirit to do impossible things through us. Contact Tami Cortez, 206-9113/222-3265 Designated Offering Archdiocese for Military Services, USA 9 & 10 Nov 22 Sep Attendance: 442 Offering: $1269.11
PANCAKE BREAKFAST: The Catholic Men of the Chapel and the Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a pancake breakfast this Sunday, 29 Sept immediately following the 10:30 Mass. Please plan to stay after Mass to join in food and fellowship. CYO: The Catholic Youth Organization meets Sunday nights at 5:30 pm at the Chapel Center for fellowship and fun.You must be a Confirmed high school student to attend. They have a Facebook page, check it out at “PoP CYO”. CATHOLIC WOMEN OF THE CHAPELwould like the ladies to join in food, fellowship and fun on Monday mornings, 9 am. Childcare is not provided, but please feel free to bring your little ones along. Contact Marla Ferguson at Ferguson5@msn.comfor more information. NEW FACEBOOK AND WEBSITE: We are starting up a new FB page and website. Check us out at princeofpeacehickam.weebly.com and like us on FB at Prince of Peace Catholic Community. Don’t forget to also check out “Hickam CWOC” and “Hickam CMOC” on FB. ARE YOU SERVING IN AT LEAST ONE MINISTRY? Please volunteer for at least one ministry. We need help with lectors, EMEs, ushers, and altar servers. Contact Cece, 449-1754. JUST ARRIVING ON ISLAND AND AT PRINCE OF PEACE? Welcome to our Ohana (family). We are so pleased the Lord has brought you here and we indeed have room for you! Please hand in your registration to Cece and sign up for at least one ministry. Mahalo… RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is offered here at Prince of Peace Catholic Community. The program started 8 September and runs through May. If you are 18 years old or older and have questions about our Faith or haven’t received all of your sacraments, this is what you have been looking for. Please see Nancy or Father Peter if you have any questions. ACTS RETREAT : What is ACTS? A Catholic spiritual renewal program focused on Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service. Prince of Peace Catholic Community will host a men’s retreat 23-26 Jan, and women’s retreat 13-16 Feb 2014 at the St. Anthony Retreat Center on Oahu. Find out more about ACTS at www.actsmissions.org or for local information contact our ACTS Core Director, Ken Dalfonso, at ken.dalfonso@gmail.com. Been on an ACTS retreat already at another location? Contact Ken and be added to the Prince of Peace ACTS community. Announcements What did Jesus say one must do to see the Kingdom of God? Who was Haman’s wife? What part of Absalom’s body got caught in the tree? Who was the youngest king in the Bible? “Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s ____” So you think you know the Bible. Test your knowledge here. Answers are on the next page. Bible Trivia CHOIR PRACTICE “The Spirit of the Lord is upon us”…Won’t you give your voice to assist our prayer? Remember, “those who sing, pray 2X” See/contact Laurel (485-0744) for information. JOIN TODAY!!! LOOKING AHEAD BAPTISM CLASS Tuesday, 1 October , 5 pm BAPTISM Saturday, 12 October, 5 pm Please call Cece at 449-1754 to register for class or for a Baptism or to schedule a mandatory appointment with Father Peter prior to baptizing.
BRING CANNED GOODS AND NON-PERISHABLES TO THE CHAPELS FOR OUR OUTREACH TO THE POOR! Children can place these into the basket by the alter during the offering at the Chapel Center. (Or bring to the office during the week) These will be taken to St. Rita’s Church on the Waianae coast. Contact Candace Mazur at kgamom97@yahoo.com. Thank you for your generosity! A good time was had by all last Sunday at the Hickam Bowling Center as the Religious Education families gathered for fun and fellowship. Bible Trivia Answers Be born again (John 3:3) 2. Zaresh (Est. 5:10) Head (II Sam. 18:9) 4. Joash (II Chron. 24:1) 5. Throne (Matt. 5:34)