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Hon Minister of Education.Hon Minister of State in Charge of Primary and Secondary Education. Permanent Secretary, MineducFacilitators to this Workshop: Mary Hooker Patti SwartsDifferent Presenters Invited Participants Ladies and Gentlemen
Theme: “Teacher Professional Development for Tomorrow, Today” • The theme should be considered, analyzed and treated in Rwanda’s context of Education which seeks to fit in with Rwanda’s vision 2020 that aspires to develop a knowledge-based and technology led Economy. In that general orientation, we learn that “in many of Rwanda’s Development policies, human resource development is highlighted as one of the pillars of National Development. The importance of education and training is underscored as a linchpin in achieving sustainable National Development.
To achieve the above, it is a direct call for Rwanda to develop a system of education which is capable of producing men and women who are well educated, qualified in various areas, citizens capable to uphold educational values, knowledge, skills and competencies that would enable them to be entrepreneurial in their own learning, thinking and doing.
In the policy document: Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy [EDPRS], education is sought: “to contribute towards economic development and poverty reduction by making education more relevant for social and economic progress. (2) • The challenge today is how to invent, adapt education to the national will and make more relevant and meaningful thus leading to the strategic goals of the Vision 2020.
Several directions leading to the achievement and the realization of the educational objectives should be seen towards relevant curriculum and it is not a surprise that we should be holding this seminar in the very space, NCDC where most educational programs originate. • Rwanda will have to inject in the renovated system of education based on the learner centered pedagogy a strong dose of ICT as an important pillar to move Rwanda forward towards greater heights in education. • In EDPRS, it is stated clearly that Rwanda adopts science and technology and it is stipulated that ICT in education as a matter of policy is put in place in 2008. Are we updated? What can be done to catch up?
Looking at MINEDUC’s ICT Policy statement on ICT, it puts emphasis on the support of its organizational activities and operations within the framework of the national ICT-led development vision. However, the intention is clear, MINEDUC seeks to make ICT more meaningful, more effective in the delivery of educational products for improved teaching and learning. • Partners in this educational enterprise are called upon to fall suit to ICT venture based on four major areas:
Preparing all sectors of education system to understand the investment in and value of technology. • Preparing schools to accept technology, preparing and installing the technology. 3. Implement education management, information system (MIS) and providing on going technical support 4. Developing and managing content and integrating curriculum”
The integration of IT in our way of life, in our education system come from the national consideration based on the will to change and adapt ourselves to global changes will lead to the betterment of all. The words of His Excellency, Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda are eloquent and say it all.
“Communications technology has fundamentally changed the way people live, work and interact socially, and we in Rwanda have no intention of being left behind or standing still as the rest of the globe moves forward at an ever increasing pace. Some might say that we are overarching but with a positive outlook, strategic work and support from our partners. • I am fully confident that we can exploit the potential of ICT in order to achieve our vision of a modern economy for Rwanda and a secure and prosperous future for all.”
We all know what are the different achievements so far in ICT, just to mention a few: • One laptop per child • Providing computers and their accessories to schools • General sensitization on the use of ICT • Internet in institutions, schools, internet cafes • Visibly Information Technology and Communication Technology are gaining the momentum in Rwanda, all that is needed is to give them a push. • Higher education with computer laboratories to train ICT graduates in general and particularly to train teachers who will become ICT teachers in Secondary Schools and Teacher Training Colleges. The latter will be able to train other future teachers in TTC’s for Primary Schools.
Allow show you, by using Kigali Institute of Education (KIE), by some examples how some initiatives could indicate attempts leading to the professional development of a teacher/a lecturer. • Through collective efforts and institutional support, all lecturers are equipped with individual laptops. This mechanism allows every lecturer to own a laptop and hence be able to do internet research and prepare the documents at will. This makes a lecturer autonomous and there is no rush as before when computers for lecturers were few. • The work has become better. The access to computers and internet in the respective staff offices has led to regular presence of the lecturers on the campus instead of going outside at the internet cafés or in campus collective room.
In May 2009, the first group of lecturers will undertake the training in the application of ICT mechanisms as applicable to teaching and learning. This will involve 20 lecturers from KIE and 20 lecturers from KIST. If this proves to be popular the program will be open as need arises. • The intention behind this training is to enable Professors, Senior Lecturers, Lecturers, and Assistant Lecturers to be at ease with the use of the communication / teaching tools which were not there at the time of their training in their respective universities. To catch up with the changing times of ICT it is a must and the response on part of beneficiaries is highly positive.
The bigger the number of students with limited number of computer obviously that leads to higher ratio of students for one computer. This presents challenges and obliges the Department of Computer Sciences the Faculty and the Management of KIE to continue search for solutions in order to meet immediate challenges. In short the challenges are: • Many students wanting to register for ICT module • Limited number of computers leading to high student/ computer ratio. • Few members of staff to cater for a high number of students (student/staff ratio remains high) • Limited number of space (laboratories/ classrooms) • Lack of qualified laboratory technicians
To strengthen the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) in an ICT improved environment in Rwanda, is not an isolated initiative. It must be a collective and coordinated effort by all stakeholders. Individual and scattered initiatives could be more useful and certainly be helped if integrated in district, provincial and national networks. • Amore structured and well elaborated curriculum on module system would avoid various initiatives some referred to as better than the other. This is where NCDC becomes instrumental an initiator and a coordinator. On top of it all why not imagine an ICT observatory at the Ministry of Education in order to monitor the progress, know what is going on and continue to see that Educational Sector is in line with ICT targets hence leading Educational Sector to meet its objectives and complement in the fulfillment of Vision 2020
In conclusion, getting to know through research, what has been going on, what is on now in ICT initiatives, remains the best way to plan and reinforce ICT capacity in order to reinforce the initiatives in Teacher Professional Development for ICT in our Country. It is our task during these three days to assess where we are with ICT initiatives, identify challenges, propose ways and means of how develop further TPD. • The ICT wheel is on, we are not inventing it in Rwanda. We are only trying to climb on ICT bandwagon with a determined will in order to benefit fully from it. Taking into consideration what exists and working out different scenarios to see which ones suit better for Rwanda is our task. In the process, show how to bridge the gap and up date old trends of training teachers and frame out new trends and scenarios for Teacher Professional Development particularly for ICT.
REFERENCES: • Cited from ICT in Education Policy “Draft 1”, Mineduc, Dec 2008, p.6 • Ibid, p.7 • 3. Ibid. p.10 • The National Information and Communication Infrastructure Policy (NICI-2010) cited in ICT Educational Policy (Draft1), p.10 • MINEDUC, Teacher development and management policy in Rwanda, Edit.2007