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Reality Check

Reality Check. What a new generation really thinks about Christianity … and why it matters. Kevin Bowman, kevinb@cordovachurch.com Dave Davis, daved@cordovachurch.com PowerPoint download , www.cordovachurch.com/reality. Anti-homosexual. Current perception

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Reality Check

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reality Check What a new generation really thinks about Christianity … and why it matters Kevin Bowman, kevinb@cordovachurch.com Dave Davis, daved@cordovachurch.com PowerPoint download, www.cordovachurch.com/reality

  2. Anti-homosexual • Current perception • Christians show contempt for gays & lesbians • Goal perception • Christians show compassion & love to all people, regardless of their lifestyle • Before we start: Thank you!

  3. Recap • Why this perception exists • The extreme: High-profile media grabbers • The subtle: Accepted & justified insensitive action • The omitted: Lack of balanced response • Shifting values • As this generation becomes the next, homosexuality will continue to gain acceptance • Clearing the air • Homosexuals are incapable of acting morally • Homosexuality is simple; black & white

  4. Is all sexual sin the same?

  5. Separation of church and sex • Sexual sin is more than gay or straight; a long list • Sex outside of marriage (Matthew 15:19) • Lust (desire) & sexual fantasy (Matthew 5:28) • Flirtation, joking, & comments (Ephesians 5:3) • Not fulfilling your spouse’s needs (1 Corinthians 7:5) • Sexuality is more than only good and only bad; it’s part of our created nature that’s often in need of repair • Homosexuality may be more “obvious,” but no worse

  6. Do you think ….. is going to hell?

  7. Demilitarizing • It is not Christians vs. homosexuals • It’s not a badge of honor; we don’t need to be defined by being anti-homosexual • As Christians, we should be seen as pro-love rather than anti-anything • Our battle should be waged against our own sin • This is not a deal-breaker • Homosexuality is not a ticket to hellany more than heterosexuality is a ticket to heaven

  8. So… are we preaching tolerance?

  9. People are people • Acknowledging character • Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control • Acknowledging feelings • Homosexuals are no less capable of love & no less susceptible to stress, pain, suffering • More than tolerating & coexisting • It’s being invested & developing genuine relationship

  10. Next week • Finish homosexual; begin Sheltered • Feedback & resources • Kevin Bowman, kevinb@cordovachurch.com • Dave Davis, daved@cordovachurch.com • PowerPoint download, www.cordovachurch.com/reality

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