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Coordinator: PIAP - Cezary Lichodziejewski

Coordinator: PIAP - Cezary Lichodziejewski. BEATRICE-SME Project overview Best Enterprises Practise - BEP Methodology overview Expected results and some useful informations. Contents. General Information.

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Coordinator: PIAP - Cezary Lichodziejewski

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  1. Coordinator: PIAP - Cezary Lichodziejewski

  2. BEATRICE-SME Project overview Best Enterprises Practise - BEP Methodology overview Expected results and some useful informations Contents

  3. General Information • Ten SMEs active in the recycling domain from five European countries have identified the common need: establish new, smart forms of collaboration and operation, and benefits of advanced IST solutions in order to achieve optimal balance between economical and ecological demands of the recycling chains. • In the Project participate 14 institutions from five countries: Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Poland and the Netherlands as follows: • Four Scientific/Research Institutes, as Catalysts: • 1. PIAP - Poland • 2. ATB - Germany • 3. CIMRU - Ireland • 4. SZTAKI - Hungary

  4. General Information - continuation • ten industrial SMEs, as Members: • 3 - from Poland • 2 - from Germany • 1 - from the Netherlands • 2 - from Ireland • 2 - from Hungary • Co-ordinator: Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements - PIAP, Warsaw, Poland, which since 1993 has been involved in International Co-operation in Car Recycling Domain. • The Project started 01.April 2002 and will last 18 months, it is up to the end of September 2003.

  5. Planned General change of recycling enterprises

  6. Overall objectives • The overall objective of the project can be seen as an attempt to foster the introduction of innovative forms of co-operation, supported by advanced IST solutions, in an industrial sector which still has not used advantages of the modern IST solutions and new organisation forms. • The application of the common Best Enterprise Practice (BEP) methodology, successfully applied in the scope of previous industrial and EC-funded projects, will enable both users and catalysts to exchange experience on the best new forms of collaboration. The methodology will also enable SMEs to increase their capability to initiate and realise, smart forms of co-operation with other partners in the long-term.

  7. Business Objectives • The main common business objectives of the 10 SMEs in the consortium are: • To identify the appropriate forms of collaborative work leading to the following benefits: • Considerable increase in sales of dismantled parts and material, by better co-ordination of selling and exchange of information on parts and material, of minimum 15% expected. • Decrease of logistics costs by better common organisation of at least 10%. • Better utilisation of the available capacity (to increase of minimum 15%) is expected. • Increase profitability of processes by at least 20% through improved process information exchange (e.g. via market driven dismantling processes).

  8. Business Objectives-continuation • To identify and eliminate bottlenecks in the current, traditional form of organisation. • To improve their ability to create and exploit the opportunities of an Internet worked economy. • For the 4 catalyst the business objectives are to further enhance the existing BEP methodology and a further exploitation of the methodology on a commercial basis.

  9. Technical objectives To achieve the above listed business objectives the SMEs will have considerably improve their co-operation on selling of parts and material and organisation of logistics. The common technical objectives of the project are defined as follows: • To investigate models for smart organisation and collaboration among the companies to suit the specific needs of the SMEs. • To identify the optimal organisation of common selling and logistics among SMEs in the recycling area • To make and to introduce into all to SMEs a multi language dictionary of used definition and names for the most important spare parts and materials recovered from dismantled/recycled products (cars). That is necessary for co-operations be sure that we all think about the same things (we understand the same).

  10. Organisation structure of the project • Project is organizationally based on the network scheme as presented in Fig. below - SMEs closely co-operate among themselvess in BEP Methodology being all the time in care of catalyst. - Each Catalyst overtake responsibility to support one of the business Case which describe work for SMEs being in care of him. BEATRICE-SME network scheme

  11. Management structure of the project a

  12. Co-operation with other EU and national projects • The BEATRICE-SME consortium made a thorough survey of the past and current projects dealing with technology to support new forms of strategic collaborations and other related domains • Special attention given to project SMART-SME (ATB is a partner) which addresses the introduction of new forms of collaboration among SMEs in different sectors focusing on joint production planning and monitoring • BEATRICE-SME will use the solutions developed within these projects as far as applicable for the specific needs of SMEs in the recycling domain. • Several current IST projects are dealing with technology to support new forms of strategic collaborations among companies: e.g. Smart organisation for small services ”SOSS”), Web-enabled Information Services for Engineering ”WISE” • Within the previous ESPRIT projects (e.g. PLENT, OPAL, PASO, BAT-CIME, MARVELOUS, MARVIN, LOGSME, VIRTUALQ, COWORK, CHAMAN, X-CITTIC, Co-OPERATE, QUETA)

  13. The business objectives are best known by the management of the company. Management and employees of the companies are well informed about most problems. The planning and installation of ICT supported business processes have to be driven by the employees to ensure a solution which will meet the needs of the company. Consultancy has to increase the competence for innovation of the employees across all levels of the company and all introduction phases (“Help for Self-Help”). Starting point of the BEP-Methodology

  14. Stepwise realisation of ICT procurement by the strong involvement of staff and the consideration of organisational aspects across all levels in the company. The BEP “Coaching-Approach”: Training of the methodical approach. Support during the realisation of the method within the company. Results achieved in the company will be verified. Introduction V R T Selection V R T Analysis V R T Seminar T: Training R: Realisation V: Verification V R T BEP Concept

  15. BEP-Method: Supporting Companies in Business Improvement Each phase is characterised by different aspects and goals. Analysis Selection Installation • How to ensure an efficient realisation of the improvement measures? • How to realise organisational changes? • How to ensure an efficient ICT installation by the supplier? • What are the milestones along the introduction planning? • How to track schedule and costs? • Which testing procedures should be applied? • Which training measures for employees have to be initiated? • How to ensure the Quality of the system implementation? • Which strategical objectives have to be achieved? • Which critical bottlenecks in the companies are avoiding the achievement of the co-operation business objectives? • Which sub-processes have to be changed in the companies and how? • Which activities should be supported by ICT systems? • Which increases in performance could be achieved by improvement measures? • How long is the “PAY BACK PERIOD” w.r.t. the required investments? • How to design the concrete organisational changes of the sub-processes in the companies? • Whom to involve in the planning and refining of organisational changes w.r.t. ICT support? • How to realise the specification of an ICT system to support teamwork? • How to compare the different systems/suppliers? • What is the valid criteria for selecting the systems/suppliers? • Which potential supplier is “the right one”?

  16. Definition of Co-operation Objectives Correlation between Mechanisms Relevant Mechanisms Correlation between Mechanisms and Social & Cultural Constraints Critical Mechanisms Critical Rules Discussion of Critical Mechanisms and Correlations BEP-Method: Analysis

  17. Determination of Objectives andAnalysis of Bottlenecks BusinessObjectives CriticalRules Presented in the Analysis Report CriticalMechanisms Prioritisation ofactivities to beimproved BEP ProcessModel PrioritisationCriteria Key ProcessBottlenecks Critical Sub-Processes Activities CriticalActivities Presented in the ImplementationConcept Redesign ofActivities (w.r.t. org & ICT) ActualExecution ofActivities FutureExecution ofActivities BEP-Method: Transition - Analysis Report to Implementation Concept

  18. Elaboration of the ICT Concept Planning of Activities WorkpackageBreakdownand Description ProjectBarchart (schedule) Definition ofMilestones OperatingConcept SoftwareConcept HardwareConcept Rough Calculationof Costs and Efforts Labour Effort Estimation Costs Calculation Estimation ofInvestments Estimation ofCosts and Benefits BenefitAnalysis PerformanceIndicators Determination of the Pay-Back Period QuantitativeValues Estimation of Benefits Summary of Costs BEP-Method: Implementation Concept

  19. · Change the level of the organization, management and activities by using Information Technology (IT). · Find practical ways for close co-operation among SMEs within the recycling area in partner countries, by making their information systems compatible and by agreeing on common definitions of recovered parts, assemblies, materials and dangerous materials. · Strengthen the economic position of recycling SMEs. · Establish a pilot network between the project members, which could be extended into the recycling area in the EU later. · Realize a share of experience among SMEs in recycling technology. · Build up added European value. Expected results

  20. List of Participants

  21. Project Manager: Dr. Cezary Lichodziejewski, Assoc. Prof. Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów - PIAP (Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurement – PIAP) Al. Jerozolimskie 202 02-486 Warsaw, Poland Tel.: + 48 22 863 8233 Fax: + 48 22 874 0204 e-mail: celich@zsi.piap.waw.pl Coordinator contact details

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