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Security Through Obscurity. Clark Thomborson Version of 7 December 2011 f or Mark Stamp’s CS266 at SJSU. Questions to be (Partially) Answered. What is security? What is obscurity? Is obscurity necessary for security? How can we obscure a computation or a communication?.
Security Through Obscurity Clark Thomborson Version of 7 December 2011 for Mark Stamp’s CS266 at SJSU
Questions to be (Partially) Answered • What is security? • What is obscurity? • Is obscurity necessary for security? • How can we obscure a computation or a communication? Obscurity 31Oct11
What is Security?(A Taxonomic Approach) • The first step in wisdom is to know the things themselves; • this notion consists in having a true idea of the objects; • objects are distinguished and known by • classifying them methodically and • giving them appropriate names. • Therefore, classification and name-giving will be the foundation of our science. [Carolus Linnæus, SystemaNaturæ, 1735] Obscurity 31Oct11
Standard Taxonomy of Security • Confidentiality: no one is allowed to read, unless they are authorised. • Integrity: no one is allowed to write, unless they are authorised. • Availability: all authorised reads and writes will be performed by the system. • Authorisation: giving someone the authority to do something. • Authentication: being assured of someone’s identity. • Identification: knowing someone’s name or ID#. • Auditing: maintaining (and reviewing) records of security decisions. Obscurity 31Oct11
A Hierarchy of Security • Static security: the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability properties of a system. • Dynamic security: the technical processes which assure static security. • The gold standard:Authentication, Authorisation, Audit. • Defense in depth: Prevention, Detection, Response. • Security governance: the “people processes” which develop and maintain a secure system. • Governors set budgets and delegate their responsibilities for Specification, Implementation, and Assurance. Obscurity 31Oct11
Security Security C P− I G A P+ C I G A Full Range of Static Security • Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability are properties of data objects, allowing us to specify “information security”. • What about computer security? Data + executables. • Unix directories have “rwx” permission bits. • If all executions are authorised, then the system has “X-ity”. • GuiJuFangYuanZhiZhiYe a new English word “guijuity” • Let’s use a classifier, rather than listing some classes! • Confidentiality, Integrity, and Guijuity are Prohibitions (P+). • Availability is a general Permission (P−), with 3 subclasses. W X R
Prohibitions and Permissions • Prohibition: disallow an action. • Permission: allow an action. • There are two types of P-secure systems: • In a prohibitive system, all actions are prohibited by default. Permissions are granted in special cases, e.g. to authorised individuals. • In a permissive system, all actions are permitted by default. Prohibitions are special cases, e.g. when an individual attempts to access a secure system. • Prohibitive systems have permissive subsystems. • Permissive systems have prohibitive subsystems. Obscurity 31Oct11
E11 E12 Recursive Security • Prohibitions, i.e. “Thou shalt not kill.” • General rule: An action (in some range P−) is prohibited, with exceptions (permissions) E1, E2, E3, ... • Permissions, i.e. a “licence to kill” (James Bond). • General rule: An action in P+ is permitted, with exceptions (prohibitions) E1, E2, E3, ... • Static security is a hierarchy of controls on actions: P+: permitted E2 E1: prohibited E3 Obscurity 31Oct11
Is Our Taxonomy Complete? • Prohibitions and permissions are properties of hierarchicalsystems, such as a judicial system. • Most legal controls (“laws”) are prohibitive: they prohibit certain actions, with some exceptions (permissions). • Contracts are non-hierarchical, agreed between peers, consisting of • Obligations: requirements to act, i.e. prohibitions on future inaction. • Exemptions: exceptions to an obligation, i.e. permissions for future inaction • Obligations and exemptions are not P-security rules. • Obligations arise occasionally in the law, e.g. a doctor’s “duty of care” or a trustee’s fiduciary responsibility. Obscurity 31Oct11
S S Pro Forbid Per Obl Allow Exe Pro Obl Per Exe Forbiddances and Allowances • Obligations are forbidden inactions; Prohibitions are forbidden actions. • When we take out a loan, we are obligated to repay it. We are forbidden from never repaying. • Exemptions are allowed inactions; Permissions are allowed actions. • In the English legal tradition, a court can not compel a person to give evidence which would incriminate their spouse (husband or wife). This is an exemption from a general obligation to give evidence. • We have added a new level to our hierarchy! Obscurity 31Oct11
Reviewing our Questions • What is security? • Three layers: static, dynamic, governance. • A taxonomic structure for static security: (forbiddances, allowances) x (actions, inactions). • Four types of static security rules: prohibitions (on reading C, writing I, executing G); permissions (R, W, X); obligations (OR, OW, OX), and exemptions (ER, EW, EX). • Most existing systems are underspecified on permissions, obligations, and exemptions. • What is obscurity? • Is obscurity necessary for security? Obscurity 31Oct11
Obscurity, Opacity, Steganography, Cryptography • Obscure: difficult to see • Opaque: impossible to see through • Not antonyms, but connotative... • Steganography: surreptitious communication • Axiomatically “obscure”, may be trustworthy. • Goal: adversary is unaware of comms (“stealthy”) • Cryptography: secret communication • Axiomatically “opaque”, may be untrustworthy. • Goal: adversary is unable to interpret comms. Obscurity 31Oct11
Unifying the Model • Transmitter (Alice) • Receiver (Bob) • Secret Message (M) Encryption: • Alice sends e(M, k) to Bob on channel C. • Bob computes M ← d(e(M, k), k’) using secret k’. • Charles, the adversary, knows C, e( ), d( ). Obscurity 31Oct11
SteganographicComms • Alice uses an obscure channel C. • Bob must know “where and when” to look for a message from Alice. • Alice uses an obscure coding e( ). • Bob must know “how to interpret” Alice’s message. • Alice & Bob must be stealthy: • Additional traffic on C must not be obvious. • Interpretation of e( ) must not be obvious. • e(M) must seem “normal” for C. Obscurity 31Oct11
An Example: Stegoblogging • Alice gains write access to a disused (or new) blog or wiki X. • Alice selects “covertext” from an existing blog or wiki on a similar subject • Alice writes her “stegomessage”, one bit at a time, by selecting homonyms or misspellings from a dictionary for words in the covertext that are selected at random with low probability from the covertext. • Bob must know (or guess) X; he can find the covertextby googling on the “stegotext”; then he can read the stegomessage. • Bob leverages his prior knowledge of X: the stegomessage should be longer than a URL! Obscurity 31Oct11
The Importance of Secrets • Charles has a feasible attack, if he locates the stegotextor can guess a cryptokey. • He needs a very long sequence of cryptotext, if the cipher and key are both “strong”. • It is generally difficult or expensive for Alice and Bob to establish the secret(s) required to set up their channel. Exceptions: • A memory stick can hold many gigabytes (but how can Alice transmit it securely to Bob?) • Alice and Bob can use the Diffie-Hellman algorithm, even if Charles is eavesdropping (but how can Alice be sure she’s talking to Bob?) Obscurity 31Oct11
Evaluating Cryptosecurity • Cryptography is assumed secure in practice, but we can’t measure this security. • Cryptographic methods are not used, unless they are trusted. Axiom 1: the “crack rate” 1/t is very small. • Big targets! Only a few methods in widespread use. • Axiom 2: if anyone cracks a widely used cipher, we’ll soon know (time parameter t’). • Design implication: we need a backup cipher, and an ability to shift to it quickly (parameter t”) • Axiom 3: trusted ciphers will be created at rate > 1/t. • Axiom 4: key secrecy is maintained (we need obscurity). • Design implication: any single-key breach and rekeying should have negligible cost. • Then: the cost of cryptosecurity is B/t, where B is the cost of a breach that persists fort’+t”. Obscurity 31Oct11
Evaluating Insecurity • Steganography is assumed insecure in practice. • If Bob knows where and when to look, and how to interpret, why doesn’t Charles also know this? • Bob must be stealthy when listening and interpreting: Charles may learn. • Axiom 1: our stegosystems will be cracked at rate 1/t (Poisson process). • Design implication: we must shift stegosystems at rate > 1/t. • The cost of stegosecurity is B/t, where B is the cost of each breach. Obscurity 31Oct11
Practicalities • Available stegosystems may have such large 1/t that they’re uneconomic, even for systems with small B. • It may be impossible to purchase insurance to cover B for a system which relies on a highly trusted (“small 1/t”) cipher to attain its moderate B/t. • Implication: don’t rely solely on cryptography (or steganography)! Obscurity 31Oct11
Defense in Depth • Ideally, security is preventative. • A single preventive layer may be insufficient. • “Defence in depth” through • Additional preventive layer(s); or • Layer(s) that “respond” to a detected breach. • Goals of detect & respond systems • To detect breaches more rapidly (reducing t’) • To respond more appropriately (reducing B) Obscurity 31Oct11
Security Techniques • Prevention: • Deter attacks on forbiddances using encryption, obfuscation, cryptographic hashes, watermarks, or trustworthy computing. • Deter attacks on allowances using replication (or other resilient algorithmic techniques), obfuscation. • Detection: • Monitor subjects (user logs). Requires user ID: biometrics, ID tokens, or passwords. • Monitor actions (execution logs, intrusion detectors). Requires code ID: cryptographic hashing, watermarking. • Monitor objects (object logs). Requires object ID: hashing, watermarking. • Response: • Ask for help: Set off an alarm (which may be silent –steganographic), then wait for an enforcement agent. • Self-help: Self-destructive or self-repairing systems. If these responses are obscure, they’re more difficult to attack. Obscurity 31Oct11
Too Much to Think About! • We can’t discuss all uses of obscurity in security during a single seminar. • Let’s focus on a subset of the forbiddances: the guijuities. • Obscurity is also helpful in assuring exceptions. (Bureaucracies rely heavily on this technique ;-) Obscurity 31Oct11
Opacity vs Obscurity in CIG • Confidentiality (access control on reads) • Encryption vs. stegocommunication • Integrity (access control on writes) • Cryptographic signatures vs. fragile watermarks • Guijuity (access control on executions) • Homomorphic encryption vs. obfuscation • Opacity is only feasible for very simple computations (mul-adds, FSAs). • In practice, we use obscurity to assure our guijuities. Obscurity 31Oct11
What is Obfuscation? • Obfuscation is a semantics-preserving transformation of computer code that renders it difficult to analyse – thus impossible to modify safely. • This enforces guijuityon the current platform. • To secure guijuity in cases where the code itself is the protected resource, we need a ‘tether’. • Tethered code uses a platform ID in its guijuity decisions (e.g. license-enforcement). Obscurity 31Oct11
How to Obfuscate Software? • Lexical layer: obscure the names of variables, constants, opcodes, methods, classes, interfaces, etc. (Important for interpreted languages and named interfaces.) • Data obfuscations: • obscure the values of variables (e.g. by encoding several booleans in one int; encoding one int in several floats; encoding values in enumerable graphs) • obscure data structures (e.g. transforming 2-d arrays into vectors, and vice versa). • Control obfuscations (to be explained later) Obscurity 31Oct11
Attacks on Data Obfuscation • An attacker may be able to discover the decoding function, by observing program behaviour immediately prior to output: print( decode( x ) ), where x is an obfuscated variable. • An attacker may be able to discover the encoding function, by observing program behaviour immediately after input. • A sufficiently clever human will eventually de-obfuscate any code. Our goal is to frustrate an attacker who wants to automate the de-obfuscation process. • More complex obfuscations are more difficult to de-obfuscate, but they tend to degrade program efficiency and may enable pattern-matching attacks. Obscurity 31Oct11
Cryptographic Obfuscations? • Cloakware have patented a “homomorphic obfuscation” method: add, mul, sub, and divide by constant, using the Chinese Remainder Theorem. • W Zhu, in my group, fixed a bug in their division algorithm. • An ideal data obfuscator would have a cryptographic key that selects one of 264 encoding functions. • Fundamental vulnerability: The encoding and decoding functions must be included in the obfuscated software. Otherwise the obfuscated variables cannot be read and written. • “White-box cryptography” is an obfuscated code that resists automated analysis, deterring adversaries who would extract a working implementation of the keyed functions or of the keys themselves. Obscurity 31Oct11
Practical Data Obfuscation • Barak et al. have proved that “perfect obfuscation” is impossible, but “practical obfuscation” is still possible. • We cannot build a “black box” (as required to implement an encryption) without using obfuscation somewhere – either in our hardware, or in software, or in both. • In practical obfuscation, our goal is to find a cost-effective way of preventing our adversaries from learning our secret for some period of time. • This places a constraint on system design – we must be able to re-establish security after we lose control of our secret. • “Technical security” is insufficient as a response mechanism. • Practical systems rely on legal, moral, and financial controls to mitigate damage and to restore security after a successful attack. Obscurity 31Oct11
Control Obfuscations • Inline procedures • Outline procedures • Obscure method inheritances (e.g. refactor classes) • Opaque predicates: • Dead code (which may trigger a tamper-response mechanism if it is executed!) • Variant (duplicate) code • Obscure control flow (“flattened” or irreducible) Obscurity 31Oct11
History of Software Obfuscation • “Hand-crafted” obfuscations: IOCCC (Int’l Obfuscated C Code Contest, 1984 - ); a few earlier examples. • InstallShield(1987 - present). • Automated lexical obfuscations since 1996: Crema, HoseMocha, … • Automated control obfuscations since 1996: Monden, … • Opaque predicates since 1997: Collberget al., … • Commercial vendors since 1997: Cloakware, Microsoft (in their compiler). • Commercial users since 1997: Adobe DocBox, Skype, … • Obfuscation is still a small field, with just a handful of companies selling obfuscation products and services. There are only a few non-trivial results in conference or journal articles, and a few dozen patents. Obscurity 31Oct11
Summary / Review • A taxonomy of static security: (forbiddance, allowance) x (action, inaction) = (prohibition, permission, obligation, exemption). • Some uses of opacity and obscurity, in the design of secure systems. • An argument that obscurity is necessary, in practice, for secure systems. Obscurity 31Oct11
The Future? • What if our primary design goal were … • Transparency (and translucency)? • Our systems would assure integrity. • We’d know what happened, and could respond appropriately. • Predictability (and guessability)? • Our systems would assure availability. • We could hold each other accountable for our actions – fewer excuses (“the dog ate it”, “the system crashed”). • Opacity and obscurity are preventative, fearful. • Would it be brave, or would it be foolish, to design forward-looking systems by relying on transparency or predictability, instead of opacity? Obscurity 31Oct11