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Sudan. By: Stephen Green. Map of Surrounding Countries. Egypt Red Sea Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya Uganda. Lybia Chad Central African Republic Dem. Rep. of the Congo. Capital. Khartoum. Geography. Nile River Blue Nile White Nile Darfur Region Kinyeti Mountain. Major Cities.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sudan By: Stephen Green

  2. Map of Surrounding Countries Egypt Red Sea Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya Uganda Lybia Chad Central African Republic Dem. Rep. of the Congo

  3. Capital Khartoum

  4. Geography Nile River Blue Nile White Nile Darfur Region Kinyeti Mountain

  5. Major Cities Omdurman Gedaref Khartoum Malakal Kutsi

  6. Historical Sites Temples of the Lion and Elephant Pyramids of Nuri Pyramids of Merwe

  7. Outdoor Activities Rafting on all of the Nile Rivers. Visiting the ancient Nubian Pyramids. Dinder National Park

  8. Flag

  9. Transportation • They use trains, planes to get around the country, and cars in the cities. Peasants use cart and donkey. • The major airport and train depot is in Khartoum

  10. Arts and Culture • The Nubian Temples • The National Museum in Khartoum

  11. Food • The staple food is beef stew and bread.

  12. Interesting Info. • Sudan was the biggest country in Africa until last month when the southern section split off forming the country of South Sudan. • Sudan is home to one of the oldest surviving cultures in the world, the Nubians. • Sudan is where the Blue and White Nile meet to form the Nile River.

  13. Natural Hazards • Flooding along the uncontrolled Blue and White Nile. • Huge dust storms in the desert.

  14. Import/Export • Imports • Food, Manufactured products, Medicine and Chemicals Exports • Oil, Natural Gas, Agricultural products • Food, Manufactured products, Medicine and Chemicals

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