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QCM Report of Tver State University

QCM Report of Tver State University. Girenko F.I., Soldatenko I.S. Selected PTFM. Our selected PTFM is financial management – it is a core process contained on all levels of university management.

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QCM Report of Tver State University

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  1. QCM Report of Tver State University Girenko F.I., Soldatenko I.S.

  2. Selected PTFM Our selected PTFM is financial management – it is a core process contained on all levels of university management. Rector is head of the financial management administration of his university. A central administration represents a system of structural units dealing with the financial management of a university which are linked within one information network.

  3. Selected PTFM The organizational structure of such a system shows the following hierarchy: • Rector • Vice rectors of specific areas of activity • Head of financial administration • Head of book-keeping department • Heads of faculties That is why integration of financial management subsystem into general system for university management is a question of utmost importance.

  4. IT-based financial subsystems in Russia Russian universities have different approaches in choosing ways to implement automated systems for financial management. There are at least two main ideas: • Some prefer ordering a set of specialized programs developed by an independent software-development firm that keeps track on changes in the Russian legislation. • Another part of universities prefer to make the specialized software themselves with the help of their own IT-structures. Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  5. What needs to be reformed in TSU More than 10 years ago Tver State University chose the first way and used software of 1C company for financial management. This company keeps track of all changes in Russian legislation and has complete responsibility for its products – we only need to update our software in time. Things that really needs reformations are: • System level integration of all subsystems (current and future) with financial subsystem. • Development of all missing subsystems in order to make a general automated control system that covers all managerial processes. • As a consequence – information flows optimization and construction of analytical subsystem on the top of the general management system.

  6. ICT4UM project expectations We hoped that the project will give us the following: • Acquaintance with European experience of building integrated automated systems for university management. • Process modeling methodology which can be used for building models of university life-cycle processes. • Special software system for formalization of the models being built in order to document, analyze processes and performing reformations. • As a consequence – means and background for reformations in our university management processes.

  7. ICT4UM project gains During the first project year we obtained the following valuable experience: • General insight of European approach: orientation on business-proved IT-solutions. • Understanding of approaches used by Russian HEI when introducing automated systems for university management. • First acquaintance with main ideas of process-modeling approach. • Better understanding of what needs to be reformed in our university.

  8. Ideas and methodologies of reformation 1C company keeps track of all changes that have to be done in their system in order to comply with all recent changes in Russian legislation – we don’t have to worry. As for other subsystems – we have started development of missing subsystems – for entrance department, HR and others. Main ideas that we keep in mind here – we want to build separate but highly modular subsystems with distinct input and output information flows suitable for effective integration based on open-source systems and ideology. I.e. we want to build functional blocks that won’t be bound to commercial high-cost solutions from Microsoft, Oracle, etc.

  9. Reformation activities All activities for updating financial management subsystem is carried by 1C company. As for general integration processes – several meetings with participation of vice-rector for informatisation and heads of corresponding structural units were organized during which the corresponding questions were discussed.

  10. Risks and solutions • Lack of profound understanding of the problem by our rector.Nowadays we have new elections and all candidates have in their programmes questions of active uptake of information technologies for university management. • Conservativeness of managers and ordinary staff. Successful introduction of entrant department system changed this attitude of the majority of people. • Absence of specialized software for business-processes formalization and process-oriented methodology itself.This is an open issue.

  11. Experience for dissemination • Two approaches for automated systems introduction: • With the help of own IT-structures • With the help of independent commercial firms • Main idea of both approaches: deep integration with all other subsystems. • Idea that integration processes must be carried out only after deep analysis of university’s life-processes carried out with the help of specialized methodology (for example, process-oriented). • When financial situation allows it seems better to make top-down introduction of complete system for university management by means of external integrator (example: South Federal University).

  12. Future development Integration processes will continue their development after the project: • Corresponding ideas were included in “Informatisation statement” of our university that was introduced last year. • All these questions are reflected in the election programs of our current candidates for rector position.

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