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The Aoinagi Ken Shu Kai Masters Series Applying Ancient Martial Virtues on the Path to Self Mastery in the 21st Century. Green Willow Mini Camp November 12-15 2009. Whose Birthday is it today?.
The Aoinagi Ken ShuKaiMastersSeriesApplyingAncient Martial Virtueson the Path to Self Mastery in the 21st Century Green Willow Mini Camp November 12-15 2009
Whose Birthday is it today? Hint: A Famous Karate Master
Let’s always remember how we got here…
Remembering our Past: • Sensei Castilonia November 28, 1999 • Sensei Kim November 8, 2001 • (Birthday Nov 17th 1917) • Sensei Nishiyama November 7, 2008
“Wisdom tells me I am nothingLove tells me I am everythingBetween these two my life flows…” --Nisargadatta
The Earth’s Prayer Our Mother, who is here on Earth, Timeless may you reign and may we never take your compassion for granted. The time is now, your spirit be served, with our full intention and energy to create a Planet Earth as abundant and blessed as Heaven. Give each person today their daily grain so no one goes hungry, and affirm our inherent goodness to care for one another, as we give thanks for those who today in their actions put the collective good ahead of personal self interest and remind us to do the same. Inspire us in all things to maximize our potential for the greatest good as we preserve and protect the legacy we leave for future generations. For this is our planet, with problems and possibilities, to do with what we can in the time we have got. Now is forever. Aum, Peace, Amen
600 550 500 450 400 (560BC- 477BC)Buddha Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha (560- 477) Lao-Tzu (604- 521) Bimbisara (558 - 491) king of Magadha Confucius (551- 479) Pythagoras (582- 507) 539 AD – Cyrus the Great of Persia creates great empire, conquers Babylon 480AD - 300 Spartans and 5600 other warriors died at Thermoplylae 525AD - Founding of Athenian democracy Followed by Persian wars 490AD – The Battle of Marathon • Age of the Philosopher – China • Bimbisara promotes the popularization of Buddhism
Section 1: Self Discovery 520AD Daruma The 1st Patriarch of Zen Meditation & Zen “Who am I really?” Spiritual Law: Clear Intentions/Present Moment Awareness Gua North (black): Wisdom
400 450 500 550 600 (520)Daruma Theodoric (455 - 526) King of the Ostrogoths King Arthur I (?- 537) Justinian I (483- 565) Byzantine Emperor 542 Plague starts in Europe 455 – Rome Vandalized 527– Justinian I, the Great, becomes Byzantine emperor 476 - Western Roman empire ends Romulus Augustulus Overthrown 519 – Eastern and western churches reconciled 493 – Ostrogothic kingdom of Italy established by Theodoric the Great 484 – First schism between western and eastern churches • Buddhism appears in Japan (~560) • Germanic Kingdoms succeed the Roman Empire • Mayan Empire evolves in multiple city state
Our Three “States of Mind” • Reasonable Mind • The logical part that makes intellectual decisions • Emotional Mind • The reactive mind wherein emotions control thoughts and behaviors • Wise Mind • The integration of the two modalities that balance the intellect with intuition and emotions
Six Mindfulness Skills 3 “What” one does during Mindfulness Skills • Observing • Describing • Participating 3 “How” one does it Skills • Non-judgmentally • One-mindfully • Effectively
Section 1: Self Discovery 1127-1279 General Yue Fei The Standard of Loyalty The8 Brocades “How do I experience optimum health?” • Spiritual Law: Communing with Nature Gua East (green): Health
1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 General Yue Fei Henry II (1133- 1189) King of England Saint Francis (1182 - 1226) (founder of Franciscan) Chu Hsi I (1130 - 1200) (Neo Confucianism) Saint Dominic (1170 - 1221) (founder of Dominicans) General Yue Fei (1103 - 1142) 1096 (-99) - First Crusade 1211 - Genghis Khan invades China 1144 (-49) - Second Crusade 1150 University of Paris founded 1200 (-04) - Fourth Crusade 1150 University of Oxford founded 1189Richard I (“the Lion heart”) succeeds Henry II 1189 (-92) - Third Crusade • Zen Buddhism appears in Japan • Final separation between Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Roman) churches (1054) • Emergence of strong papacy when Gregory VII is elected (1073)
Section 2: Self Protection 1668-1758 Chatan Yara Karate Pioneer (taught Takahara) Chatan Yara no Kon Dai “When do I use my martial arts training for self defense?” • Spiritual Law: Extend Ki Gua West (white): Righteousness
1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1668-1758 Chatan Yara Benjamin Franklin (1707 - 1790) Louis XIV (1638 - 1715) G.F. Handel (1685 - 1759) J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750) Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727) Moliere (1622 - 1673) Voltaire (1694 - 1778) Chatan Yara (1668 - 1758) 1751 – Publication of the Encyclopédie begins in France 1620 Mayflower Lands 1729 – Newton’s principia translated to English 1707 – United Kingdom of Great Britain formed 1689 – Peter the Great becomes Czar of Russia 1643 Taj Mahal Completed 1667 – Milton publishes “paradise lost” 1665 - Great Plague in London kills 75,000 1644 – End of Mind dynasty in China. Descartes Publishes: Principles of Philosophy • Ch'ing dynasty which ruled China from 1644 until 1911. • Benjamin Franklin begins publishing Poor Richard's Almanack(1732)
Section 2: Self Protection 1733-1815 Tode Sakugawa “Karate Sakugawa” (learned from Takahara and Kushanku) Sakugawa no Jo “Who and How do I serve?” • Spiritual Law: Wu-wei or Non-resistance Gua North West (grey): Helpful People Sakugawa’s Son
1733-1815 “Karate” Sakugawa Benjamin Franklin (1707 - 1790) Beethoven (1770 - 1827) Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826) Mozart (1756 - 1791) George Washington (1732 - 1799) Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849) Immanuel Kant (1724 - 1804) Sakugawa (1733 - 1815) 1700 1750 1800 1850 1751 – Publication of the Encyclopédie begins in France 1754-1763 – British/French wars in North America 1804 – Lewis and Clark expedition begins 1799 - Rosetta Stone discovered in Egypt 1763-1783 – The American Revolution 1975 - Napoleon appointed commander of the French revolutionary troops 1765 – James Watt invents the steam engine 1773 – The Boston tea party 1789 – The French revolution 1778 – James Cook discovers Hawaii 1787 – US constitution signed • Napoleonic Wars 1795-1815 .
Section 2: Self Protection 1797-1889 Sokon “Bushi” Matsumura- “First Knight” (learned from Sakugawa) Bassai Dai Matsumura Bucho Ikko Combine Literary and Martial skills How do I not just survive, but Thrive?” • Spiritual Law: ACT! Gua South East (purple): Prosperity
1797-1889 Sokon “Bushi” Matsumura Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865) Karl Marx (1818 - 1883) Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870) Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882) Beethoven (1770 - 1827) Thomas Edison (1847 - 1931) Sokon Bushi Matsumura (1797 - 1889) 1750 1800 1850 1900 1804 – Lewis and Clark’s expedition begins 1879 – Thomas A. Edison invents practical electric light 1821 – Guatemala, Panama, and Santo Domingo proclaim independence from Spain 1824 – Mexico becomes a republic 1877 – Samurai uprising and defeat 1825 – First passenger-carrying railroad in England 1869 – First U.S. transcontinental rail route completed 1826 – Joseph-Nicéphore Niepce takes the world's first photograph 1867 – Shogun was forced to resign Emperor Mutsuhito begins his reign Feudal system was abolished Meijin reforms begins 1831-1836 – Darwin’s voyage on the Beagle 1849 – Gold Rush starts 1837 – Victoria becomes Queen of Great Britain 1846 – US declares war on Mexico 1843 – Wagner's opera The Flying Dutchman • Industrial revolution • Suez Canal (1859-1869)
Section 3: Self Actualization 1889-1957 Mabuni Kenwa Founder of Shito Ryu His Birthday is today Nov 14th Kensei Makoto Misogi “How do I en-lighten myself?” • Spiritual Law: Manifesting Effortless Effort-Try Softer Gua South West (pink): Happiness
Makoto… …Misogi
1889-1957 Mabuni Kenwa, Founder of Shito Ryu Joseph Stalin (1879 - 1953) Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939) Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973) Mao Tse-Tung (1893 - 1976) Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948) F.D. Rossevelt (1882 - 1945) Kenwa Mabuni (1889 - 1957) 1850 1900 1950 WWII WWI 1879 – Thomas A. Edison invents practical electric light 1955 – Rosa Parks refuses to sit at the back of the bus 1894 – Sino/Japanese war begins 1947 – Pilot Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier 1895 – X-rays discovered 1906 – San Francisco earthquake and three-day fire; more than 500 dead 1945– The United Nations established / Sensei Castilonia born 1909 – North Pole reportedly reached by American explorer Robert E. Peary 1933 – Hitler appointed German chancellor 1922 – Mussolini marches on Rome 1929 – Great Depression Nov 17th 1917 Sensei Kim is born
Section 3: Self Actualization 1922 Funakoshi Gichin Founder of Modern Karate Nijyushiho (24) “How do I maximize my time on earth?” • Spiritual Law: Clear Intentions/Present Moment Awareness Gua North East (blue): Education & Knowledge
1922 Funakoshi Gichin, “Founder of Modern Day Karate” 1920 • U.S. Dept. of Justice “red hunt” nets thousands of radicals; aliens deported. • Women's suffrage (19th) amendment ratified. • First Agatha Christie mystery. • Sinclair Lewis's publishes Main Street. • League of Nations holds first meeting at Geneva, Switzerland. 1921 • New economic policy introduced by Lenin in Russia • First sound in films • Soviet states form USSR 1922 • Mussolini marches on Rome; forms Fascist government. • Kemal Atatürk, founder of modern Turkey, overthrows last sultan. • James Joyce's publishes Ulysses 1923 • Adolf Hitler's “Beer Hall Putsch” in Munich fails; in 1924 he is sentenced to five years in prison where he writes Mein Kampf; released after eight months. • Widespread Ku Klux Klan violence in U.S. • Earthquake destroys third of Tokyo. • George Gershwin releases Rhapsody in Blue. • Bessie Smith, ( “the Empress of the Blues”) makes her first record. • December 23rd Sensei Robert Leong is born… 1924 • Death of Lenin; Stalin wins power struggle, rules as Soviet dictator until death in 1953. • Robert Frost wins first of four Pulitzers.
Section 3: Self Actualization 2008 Paul Schwartz “Stud-man Extraordinaire” Hoiku Kaze “What is the Greatest Gift I have do offer?” • Spiritual Law: ACT! Gua South (red): Recognition and Fame
2008 Paul Schwartz creates Hoiku Kaze 2008 • Election of 1st US African American president – Barack Obama • World wide financial melt down • Oil barrel reaches $150 • First high jacking of an oil tanker by Pirates • Michael Phelps wins 8 gold medals at the summer Olympics • Mumbai, India, attacked by terrorists • Russia and Georgia start a War • Polar bear make it to the “threatened species” list • Kosovo declares independence • Condition deteriorates in Afghanistan • Vladimir Putin steps down but retains power • Large Hadron collider switched on, Earth is not destroyed • Paul Newman Dies • Lance Armstrong does not win the Tour de France. • Everyone can map their entire genome for $399 • Usain Bolts runs 100m in 9.69s • George Clooney becomes single again! Data from www.hyperhistory.com www.infoplease.com www.time.com
Daily Rituals to Harmonize with the 7 Spiritual Laws Sunday: Communing with Nature (Shakuraki) Monday: Extending Ki (Intentional Giving & Receiving) Tuesday: ACT! (Conscious & Peaceful Assertiveness Training) Wednesday: Manifesting Effortless Effort -Try Softer (Cognitive, Emotional & Behavioral Flexibility) Thursday: Clear Intentions/Present Moment Awareness (inattention attention connection regulation order health) Friday: Wu-wei or Non-Resistance (Nyunanshin) Saturday: Moving from Reactive Proactive Harmonizing (reactive/reflexive reflective restful awareness creative intuitive)
The 4 BIG Questions of Right Living • How to be Happy • How to be Healthy • How to cultivate Loving, Nurturing Relationships • How to discover and express our true and unique Purpose in Life
To Be Happy… • Be aware of the body • Find true self esteem • Detoxify your life • Give up being right • Focus on the present • See the world as it is • Live for enlightenment
The Happiness FormulaH=S50+C10+V40 • S Set point in the brain (50%) Brain mechanism is genetically encoded and wired in childhood 3 things to change set point: • Drugs that alter neurotransmitters (transient + side effects) • Cognitive reframing/therapy to reflect on negative beliefs • Meditation (left pre-frontal cortex causes release of neuro-transmitters naturally)
The Happiness FormulaH=S50+C10+V40 • C Conditions for living Only constitutes 10% of total happiness • Lottery: At end of 1 year back to set point • Tragedy: At end of 1 year back to set point or even stronger! Darwin: “Adaptable Survival”
The Happiness FormulaH=S50+C10+V40 • Voluntary choices (40%) Intentional actions done for either: • Personal Pleasure • Shopping, eating, sex, alcohol, entertainment, etc. But pleasure exhausts • Fulfillment • Meaning & Purpose, Creativity, Making Someone else happy
“Therapeutic”: Curative, tending to cure or restore to healthMeta-analyses of the voluminous research has shown only small differences in outcomes between bona fide treatments across a wide range of therapies and clients Luborsky et al., 2002
Successful Outcomes Success = SF40+CE15+T15+ CF30 • The largest proportion of variance in therapy outcome comes from relatively static factors related to client characteristics such as; age, gender, prior history of depression, social support and other extra-therapeutic factors is 40%
Successful Outcomes • 15% is accounted for by client expectancies or the placebo effect • A similar amount (15%) is accounted for by specific techniques unique to the treatment modality
Successful Outcomes • Leaving 30% of the variance in outcome which has been attributed to common factors that are present in most therapeutic encounters • Lambert 1992
The 5 Common Factorsin most (therapeutic) encounters • Relationship Variables • Expectancies • Confronting Problems • Mastery • Attribution of Outcomes with Relationship Variables being the most important and strongest predictor of therapeutic outcomes
Attention & Empathy • Carl Rogers and others believed that the therapist characteristics of empathy, genuineness, and unconditional positive regard,may not only be necessary but indeed sufficient to stimulate change • Empathy: “the ability to sense another’s private world as if it was your own, but without losing the ‘as if’ quality” • Perls- “Attention in and of itself is curative”
Creating Your FutureAs the Master of your own Destiny “The future is not the result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created – created first in the mind and will, and created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.” --John Scharr