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1 st Lab test of Transparency Meter for ALICE VHMPID

1 st Lab test of Transparency Meter for ALICE VHMPID. ALICE VHMPID meeting 20110530 . Jungyu Yi (Pusan National University) with Gyorgy Bencze , Pieter Ijzermans , Mario Mastromarco , Cosimo Pastore and Irene Sgura for VHMPID collaboration. Apparatus & Layout. setup (0).

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1 st Lab test of Transparency Meter for ALICE VHMPID

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  1. 1st Lab test of Transparency Meter for ALICE VHMPID ALICE VHMPID meeting20110530 Jungyu Yi (Pusan National University) with GyorgyBencze, Pieter Ijzermans, Mario Mastromarco, CosimoPastoreand Irene Sgurafor VHMPID collaboration Jungyu Yi @ ALICE VHMPID Meeting

  2. Apparatus & Layout setup (0) HV (-)750V [CAEN N470] Oscilloscope [LeCroy, 400MHz WavesurferXs], PicoAm.Meter [KEITHLEY, Model 6487] • PMT : HAMAMATSU R6836 • Response λ : 115nm to 320nm (Max.Q.E. atλ=240nm) • Gain : 5×105 at HV (-)1000V (Max. : ~107 at (-)1500V) • *Operation Gain : ~5×104 with HV (-)750V in the test. Monochromator • Monochromator : McPherson Model 234/302 • with Grating 1200 (G/mm) • [http://www.mcphersoninc.com/spectrometers/vuvuvvis/model234302.htm] LAMP • LAMP : McPherson Model 632 Deuterium Lamp • Output λ : 115nm to 380nm115~165nm : molecular lines predominate 165~380nm continuous. • Plasma Size : 1 mm dia. • life time :1000hour Monochromator PMT magnetic shield case socket assembly Jungyu Yi @ ALICE VHMPID Meeting

  3. Operation Test & Measurements setup (0) • § Setup(0-1) • LAMP : ON • PMT HV (-)750V • Air • Monochromator setup • hor. slit➀ :3mm, slit➁ :0.5mm • vert.slit➁ fully open = 20mm • Grating for λ=240nm • Oscilloscope : trig.level (-)4mV 1st Measured Signal slit➁ slit➀ vert. slit (manually changed) hor. slit LAMP micro-actuator to adjust slit width Monochromator PMT • § Setup(0-2) • Monochromator setup • hor. slit➀ : 0.2mm, slit➁ :0.04mm • vert.slit➁ : 4mm • Grating for λ=240nm • Measured by Pico ampere meter[KEITHLEY, Model 6487] Jungyu Yi @ ALICE VHMPID Meeting

  4. Measurements (II) with Long pipe • Setup (A-1) • Monochromatorsetup • hor. slit➀ : 0.2mm, slit➁ : 0.04mm • vert.slit➁ : 2mm • Setup (A-2) : To reproduce the same(similar) output current with setup (0-2) • Monochromator setup • hor. slit➀ : 0.2mm, *slit➁ :0.04mm  1mm • vert.slit➁ : 2mm • Grating for λ=240nm HV (-)750V setup (A) Oscilloscope, picoAmMeter 1.6 m LAMP • with 1.6m long pipe • PMT HV (-)750V, LAMP ON • Air • output current measured by PicoAm.Meter • No. of triggered signal measured by Oscilloscope Monochromator PMT long pipe trigger level :(-)2mV ~ (-)4 mV Jungyu Yi @ ALICE VHMPID Meeting

  5. Outlooks & Summary Full setup in advance Gas system Signal PMT2 long pipe windows scan controller • In progress / to be done by • PLC parts – Irene • Splitter, Windows – Pieter, Gyorgy • Gas system – Cosimo, Jungyu • LabTest – Gyorgy, Jungyu PMT1 Reference PLC Output Values(current / charge) Monochromator Splitter LAMP (Signal/Reference) for C4F10 or CF8O Transparency (%) = (Signal/Reference) for Ar or N2 • Operation test of parts of Transparency Meter. • Monochromator, LAMP & PMT are tested. • other parts are working in progress. • Output value • current : ~micro ampere for light signal • will be use for PLC programming. • Transparency is defined by ratios of output signal values (*see yellow box). Jungyu Yi @ ALICE VHMPID Meeting

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