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Unit 4 Dissertation: Blocks, Progress, & Approvals. Learning Outcomes. Upon successful completion of this unit, the participant should be able to: Visually demonstrate the dissertation blocks Describe the progress to be made in each block Describe the approval and grading process.
Learning Outcomes • Upon successful completion of this unit, the participant should be able to: • Visually demonstrate the dissertation blocks • Describe the progress to be made in each block • Describe the approval and grading process
Dissertation Tracks • Students will enter Track One or Track Two depending on when the student successfully completes the comprehensive exam. • Track One : • Student completes four 15-week semesters totaling 12 credit hours. • Track Two • Student completes one 7.5-week session, three 15-week semesters, followed by one 7.5-week session totaling 12 credit hours.
Track One • Students must complete 12 credit-hours of continuous enrollment in the dissertation courses (9001, 9002, 9003, 9004) • Track One students enroll in four continuous semesters of dissertation • Each semester is 15 weeks in length • Each semester is worth 3-credit hours toward the 12-credit hour requirement • Each semester is tied to objectives and goals • Course extensions may be taken in the event objectives and goals are not met
Track Two • Students must complete 12 credit-hours of continuous enrollment in the dissertation courses (9501, 9502, 9503, 9504, 9505) • Track Two students first enroll in a 1.5 credit-hour 7.5-week session of dissertation (9501) • Next, the students enroll in three 15-week semesters at 3 credit hours each (9502, 9503, 9504) • Finally, the students enroll in a 1.5 credit-hour 7.5-week session (9505) • Each session and semester is tied to objectives and goals • Course extensions may be taken in the event objectives and goals are not met
Objectives / Goals • The dissertation is divided into eight blocks • Each block is assigned 3 – 5 objectives and/or goals • Students may follow the prescribed objectives and goals, or the student may develop a personalized plan with the approval of the dissertation chair
Objectives / GoalsBlock One • Define a topic for a dissertation or that addresses an issue, concept, problem, course of action, or question relevant to their program outcomes and their profession. • Develop a prospectus • Submit a prospectus for approval • Form a dissertation or committee • Develop a proposal that includes: a concise statement of the issue, concept, problem, course of action, or question to be addressed; key terms and operational definitions; research questions, hypotheses, goals and objectives; and the rationale or purpose of the proposed research.
Objectives / GoalsBlock Two • Research the background of the selected topic area so that findings can be evaluated in the context of the wider body of knowledge and practice • Critically evaluate prior research that serves as a foundation for the proposed research • Conduct a review of literature and information sources related to the proposed research • Compile a reference list related to the proposed research • Complete a working draft of an introduction to the dissertation
Objectives / GoalsBlock Three • Complete a working draft of a literature or information source review • Describe the design of the dissertation • Complete a working draft of a methodology or approach to organizational improvement and problem resolution • Revise and refine the proposal
Objectives / GoalsBlock Four • Prepare for the proposal defense • Successfully defend the proposal • Complete and submit the IRB application • Prepare to conduct research
Objectives / GoalsBlock Five • Conduct the research after receiving IRB approval
Objectives / GoalsBlock Six • Analyze data • Interpret data and draw conclusions based on results • Write results
Objectives and GoalsBlock Seven • Write discussion, conclusions, implications and recommendations • Complete the final dissertation document, including appendices, reference list, acknowledgements, dedication, and table of contents • Submit document to Turnitin ® • Prepare for the oral defense • Successfully defend the dissertation
Objectives / GoalsBlock Eight • Revise the document, per the committee’s recommendations • Secure all necessary signatures and approvals • Submit the document for the final editing process • Submit the final version for approval
Grading • The dissertation chair issues a grade of PR (progressing), LP (Limited Progress) or NC (no credit). • PR = progress made toward completion • Student enrolls in the next module of the dissertation • LP = limited (>50%) made toward completion • Student enrolls in the extension course • If the student completes all objectives they enroll in the next course • If the student does not complete all objectives they received a grade of NC for both the core and extension course.
Grading • NC = little or no progress made toward completion • Student must re-enroll in the same module of the dissertation course • Students may re-enroll in the same module twice • Students may only receive a total of three NC grades
Change in Tracks • Track 2 begins with a 7.5 week course. • If a student received a grade of NC either at the end of the core course or at the end of the extension, they will be moved to the Track II
Track One Progress with Extensions:Length to completion 6 semesters
Track Two Progress with Extensions:Length to completion 6 semesters
Track One Progress with No Credit:Length to completion 6 semesters
Track Two Progress withExtensions and No Credit:Length to completion 7 semesters
Summary • The dissertation consists of 8 blocks. • Students follow Track One or Track Two depending on when they pass the comprehensive exam. • The blocks in each track are aligned to specific objectives and outcomes • The dissertation chair issues a grade of PR (progressing), LP (limited progress), or NC (no credit). Only 3 NCs are allowed. • Length to completion depends on progress made and number of extensions taken.
Self-Assessment • Indicate True/False for the following statements: • Students are placed in track one or track two based on when they complete the comprehensive exam. • Track two utilizes four 3-credit hour dissertation courses (9001, 9002, 9003, & 9004) • Each dissertation course requires a student to complete agreed upon objectives. • A student may receive no more than four NC (no credit) grades during the dissertation process.
Resources:American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington DC: AuthorArgosy University. (2007). Argosy University 2007-2008 Academic Catalog. Chicago: Author Argosy University. (2008). Argosy University Faculty Guide to the Dissertation Process. Seattle, WA: Author. Argosy University. (2008). Argosy University Student Guide to the Dissertation Process. Eagan, MN: Author.