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Ⅲ. Background Information p15

Explore the rich history and global spread of the English language, from its humble beginnings to over 400 million native speakers today. Delve into its vast vocabulary, unique word formations, pronunciation quirks, grammar rules, and more.

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Ⅲ. Background Information p15

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  1. BI Ⅲ. Background Information p15 English Language Characteristics of English American English New Zealand The Big Apple

  2. BI-EL English Language The English language is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is used as either a primary or secondary language in many countries. During the 1500s, fewer than 2 million people spoke English. All of them lived in what is now Great Britain. Through the centuries, as the result of various historical events, English spread throughout the world. Today, about 400 million people speak English as their native language. Most of them live in Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States.

  3. BI-CE1 Characteristics of English Vocabulary. has a larger vocabulary than any other language. There are more than 600,000 words in the largest dictionaries of the English language. Some English words have been passed on from generation to generation as far back as scholars can trace. These words, such as woman, man, sun, hand, love, go, and eat, express basic ideas and feelings. Later, many words were borrowed from other languages, including Arabic, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Russian, and Spanish. For example, algebra代数 is from Arabic, fashion from French, piano from Italian, and canyon from Spanish. English

  4. BI-CE2 Characteristics of English A number of words, such as doghouse and splashdown, were formed by combining other words. New words were also created by blending words. For example, motor and hotel were blended into motel. Words can be shortened to form new words, as was done with history to form story. Words called acronyms are formed by using the first letter or letters of several words. The word radar is an acronym for radio detection and ranging.

  5. BI-CE3 Characteristics of English Pronunciation and spelling in English sometimes seem illogical or inconsistent. Many words are spelled similarly though pronounced differently. Examples include cough, though, and through. Other words, such as blue, crew, to, too, and shoe, have similar pronunciations but are spelled differently. Many of these variations show changes that occurred during the development of English. The spelling of some words remained the same through the centuries, though their pronunciation changed.

  6. BI-CE4 Characteristics of English Grammar is the set of principles used to create sentences. These principles define the elements used to assemble sentences and the relationships between the elements. The elements include parts of speech and inflections.

  7. BI-CE5 Characteristics of English Parts of speech are the word categories of the English language. Scholars do not all agree on how to describe the parts of speech. The traditional description lists eight classes: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. The most important relationships of the parts of speech include subject and verb, verb and predicate, and modifier修饰语 and the word modified.

  8. BI-CE6 Characteristics of English English has fewer inflections than most other European languages. An English noun has only two inflections, the plural and the possessive. Inflections are used to change the tense and number of a verb or the case of a pronoun. Inflections can change adjectives to the comparative or the superlative — for example, big, bigger, biggest. (From the 1998 World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia)

  9. BI-AE1 American English American English is a variety of the English language spoken in the United States. Although all Americans do not speak the same way, their speech has enough in common that American English can be recognized as a variety of English distinct from British English, Australian English, and other national varieties. American English has grown up with the country. It began to diverge from British English during its colonial beginnings and acquired regional differences and ethnic flavor during the settlement of the continent.

  10. BI-AE8 country’s separate political development. Webster’s most successful changes were spellings with or instead of our (honor, labor for the British honour, labour); with er instead of re (center, theater for the British centre, theatre); with an s instead of a c (defense, license for the British defence, licence); with a final ck instead of que (check, mask for the British cheque, masque); and without a final k(traffic, public, now also used in British English, for the older traffick, publick). Later spelling reform created a few other differences, such as program for British programme. Canadian spelling varies between the British and American forms, more British in eastern Canada and more American in western Canada.

  11. BI-AE9 D. Grammar The grammar of educated speakers of English differs little among national varieties. In the speech of people with less access to education, grammatical variations in regional and social varieties of American English are very common as normal, systematic occurrences (not as errors). One major difference between British and American English is that the two attach different verb forms to nouns that are grammatically singular but plural in sense. In American English, the team is…, or the government is… (because they are viewed as single entities), but in British English, the team are…, or the government are… (because teams and

  12. BI-AE10 government are understood to consist of more than one person). Sometimes function words are used differently: The British stay in hospital but Americans stay in the hospital. (From Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2004)

  13. BI-TBA1 The Big Apple The term dates to 1921 and was originally a reference to the race courses in and around New York City. These were the big money courses, and the “apple” was associated with a prize, something desirable. By the late 1920s, the term had been adopted by jazz musicians and generalized to the city as a whole.A tourism advertising campaign in the 1970s that used the

  14. BI-TBA2 term as a theme reinvigorated its usage and brought the name to the attention of millions who had not otherwise heard it. Today it’s a common colloquial expression used by New York City dwellers to refer with some pride to their city. (From http://www.wordorigins.org/wordorb. html)

  15. Class list Ⅳ. Class Presentation Listening & Speaking Reading & Writing Time for Fun

  16. LS Listening & Speaking The Language for Asking For and Giving Clarification Asking For and Giving Clarification Listening Practice

  17. Lp-main1 Listening Practice Listen to the following people speaking and decide what they are talking about. Listen to the following five short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers. Listen to the following short story twice. Listen carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the story you have heard.

  18. Lp-main2 Listening Practice Listen to the following talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The talk is given twice. Listen to the talk again and then answer the following questions orally. Have an open discussion on the topic given below.

  19. TL1 The Language for Asking For and Giving Clarification You are going to listen to an instructor talking about asking for and giving clarification. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Instructor: In our daily conversations, we can not help asking for clarification (澄清,说明) when we are not clear about , or have become puzzled about a particular point . A conversation is a form of . During interaction, what has been said ________________ mentioned earlier ______________ two-way interaction ________________

  20. TL2 a breakdown ___________ misunderstanding can lead to in communication. To avoid misunderstanding or , we tend to have an impulse (冲动) to ask for clarification. even confusion ____________ This is especially true when a Chinese learner of English talks with . This skill can help him or her avoid embarrassment caused by misunderstanding, and keep the conversation . a native speaker _____________ going on _______

  21. TL3 You can develop the skill by reading and familiarizing yourselves with the language for asking for and giving clarification: — I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand what you mean by market economy. — I’m sorry, could you (possibly) explain what you mean by globalization? — I don’t understand what you mean by black lie. — What (exactly) do you mean by sick humor?

  22. TL4 And the language for giving clarification: — (Well,) what I’m trying to say is (that) + SENTENCE. — (Well,) the point I’m trying to make is (that) + SENTENCE. — (Well,) I think what I mean is (that) + SENTENCE. — What I mean is (that) + SENTENCE. — What I’m saying is (that) + SENTENCE. — All I’m trying to say is (that) + SENTENCE.

  23. TL5 Now come up with a particular subject on which you voice your opinion or attitude, and expect others to ask for clarification about something that might be unclear to them. Try to use the language you have just learned in Exercise 1.

  24. available 有空的 innocent 无害的 fib 小谎 CP-gtn1 Asking For and Giving Clarification • Before you listen to the first conversation, read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.

  25. CP-gtn2 Listento the following conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Wang Ying: Tom Chang: Wang Ying: Tom Chang: Wang Ying: Are you going to the party tonight, Tom? They told me it was going to . I know, but I’m available tonight. Are you? Well… . I’ll tell them a little white lie. Tell them what? ? be fun _____ I don’t think _________ it depends _________ What’s that _________

  26. CP-gtn3 Tom Chang: Wang Ying: Tom Chang: Wang Ying: Tom Chang: Wang Ying: Tom Chang: I said: “I will tell them a little white lie.” I don’t understand by white lie. Oh, it is an innocent social fib or excuse. Oh, I’ve now! Sometimes we have to do it in our daily lives. So what’s your little white lie? Well, ? what you mean ____________ got it ____ what would you say ________________

  27. CP-gtn4 Nowlisten to the conversation again and answer the following questions. 1. Who won’t be able to attend the party tonight? Tom Chang. 2. Is Wang Ying going to the party? It depends. 3. What will Tom Chang tell them? He’ll tell them a little white lie.

  28. CP-gtn5 4. What is a little white lie according to Tom Chang? It’s an innocent social fib or excuse. 5. What’s their little white lie? Not mentioned.

  29. CP-gtn6 2)Beforeyou listen to the second conversation, read the following words which may be new to you. hearing problems 听觉疾病 hearing aid 助听器 device 装置 will 遗嘱

  30. CP-gtn7 Listen to the following conversation twice, and then complete the passage according to the conversation you have just heard. There was an elderly gentleman who had had for years. He went to the doctor who was able to have him fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed the man . The old fellow went back in a month to the doctor and the doctor said, “Your hearing . Your family must be really pleased that you can .” serious hearing problems _____________________ to hear 100% ___________ is perfect ________ hear again _________

  31. CP-gtn8 To this the gentleman replied, “Oh, I haven’t told my family yet. I just sit around and I’ve changed my will!” listen to the conversations _____________________. three times _________

  32. CP-gtn9 Now listen to the conversation again, and complete the form as the speaker recounts it. After that, act it out in class. Doctor: Gentleman: Doctor: What brought you here? What did you say? Would you speak louder please? __________________________________________________________ What is bothering you today? Do you have any pain?

  33. CP-gtn10 Gentleman: Doctor: Gentleman: Doctor: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ No. I’ve been having serious hearing problems for years. I can’t hear people well. That’s why I’m here. I suggest you wear a hearing aid. What do you mean by hearing aid? What’s that? ______________________________________________________________ It’s a device that allows you to hear 100%.

  34. CP-gtn11 One month later the elderly gentleman comes to see the doctor again. Doctor: Gentleman: Doctor: Good. Your hearing is perfect. Your family must be pleased that you can hear again. Oh, I haven’t told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to the conversations. ________________________________________________________________ Why?

  35. CP-gtn12 Gentleman: You know what? I’ve changed my will three times! ________________________________________________________________

  36. CP-gtn13 Try to figure out something that may elicit (引出) questions, write it down on the chalkboard and expect others to ask for its clarification. Get ready to clarify. In your conversations, try to use the language you learned in Exercise 1.

  37. M: W: Q: This room is so crowded. I can hardly hear or see a thing. I don’t understand why they didn’t have this lecture in a bigger room, do you? What are they talking about? KEY script CP-lp1 Listening Practice Listen to the following people speaking and decide what they are talking about. 1. A) A lecture. B) A room. C) An instructor. D) A movie.

  38. M: W: Q: How are we going to get home? It’s so late the buses and subways have all stopped running. It looks as though we have no choice but to call a taxi. What are they talking about? KEY script CP-lp2 2. A) How to get home. B) Why the buses stopped running. C) When a taxi will come. D) Where to spend the night.

  39. W: M: Q: Jack, have you finished your research paper for economies? Not yet, I always seem to put things off until the last minute. What are they talking about? KEY script CP-lp3 3. A) A scientific experiment. B) A college course. C) A time schedule. D) A research paper.

  40. W: M: Q: Tim missed the deadline for the assignment again. He’s got to adjust his study habits in order to survive the university. What are they talking about? KEY script CP-lp4 4. A) Tim’s excellent performance. B) Tim’s assignment. C) Tim’s study habits. D) Tim’s graduation day.

  41. W: M: Q: Watching the news on TV is a good way to learn English. It’s especially helpful when you check out the same information in the newspaper. What are they talking about? KEY script CP-lp5 5. A) How to learn English. B) How to get informed. C) How to compare TV and newspaper. D) How to get a job.

  42. W: M: Q: I can’t get through to this number. You must first dial 1. What can we learn from this conversation? KEY script CP-lp6 Listen to the following five short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers. 1. A) The post office is closed. B) A department store is having a sale. C) They are discussing a math contest. D) The woman is making a telephone call.

  43. W: M: Q: Are there any dogs around? No, they’re not allowed in this community. What does the man mean? KEY script CP-lp7 2. A) No dogs are allowed in the area. B) Unfortunately, they don’t have any dogs. C) It’s good to have a dog around the house. D) The law is too complicated to understand.

  44. M: W: Q: This one is much cheaper. But it may not last as long. What does the woman imply? KEY script CP-lp8 3. A) This is the last one. B) The longer style is better. C) It might not be of good quality. D) You should buy cheaper things.

  45. M: W: Q: Did you ever get in touch with your friend? No, when I called, all I got was a recorded message. What did the woman do? KEY script CP-lp9 4. A) She arranged to meet her friend later. B) She fixed her friend’s tape recorder. C) She tried to telephone her friend. D) She went to her friend’s house.

  46. W: M: Q: Is it possible to see the apartment before we rent it? Sure, it’s vacant. What does the man mean? KEY script CP-lp10 5. A) It’s a beautiful place. B) No one lives there now. C) You can see it after your vacation. D) You had better make an appointment.

  47. blonde 金发碧眼的白种女人 gallon 加仑(液量单位) bathtub 浴缸 pasteurize 用巴氏法消毒 chest 胸腔 CP-lp11 Listen to the following short story twice. Listen carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the story you have heard.

  48. script CP-lp12 1. The blonde was beautiful because she took a milk bath every day. 2. A bath took 15 gallons of milk. 3. The milkman doubted that the blonde could drink 15 gallons of milk. 4. The blonde corrected her mistake. 5. The blonde said that it would be wonderful if the milk was pasteurized. ____ F T ____ T ____ ____ F ____ F

  49. CP-lp13 Tapescript A blonde heard that milk baths make you beautiful. So she left a note for her milkman to leave 15 gallons of milk. When the milkman read the note, he felt there must be a mistake. He thought she probably meant 1.5 gallons, so he knocked on the door to clarify the point. The blonde came to the door and the milkman said, “I found your note to leave 15 gallons of milk. Did you mean 15 gallons or 1.5 gallons?” The blonde said, “I want 15 gallons. I’m going to fill my bathtub with milk and take a milk bath.” The milkman asked, “Pasteurized?” The blonde said, “No, just up to my chest.”

  50. CP-lp14 Listen to the following talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The talk is given twice. Two doctors were in a hospital hallway one day Nurse Nancy. “She’s incredibly mixed-up (糊涂),” said one doctor. “She absolutely backwards (背道而驰). Just last week, I told her to give a patient 2 milligrams (毫克) of morphine (吗啡) She gave him 10 milligrams . He damn near (几乎) died on (因为) us!” complaining about _______________ does everything _____________ every 10 hours ____________. every 2 hours ___________

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