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Technology Assistance for Rural Development

This agenda focuses on enhancing productivity, cultivability, and market access in rural areas through the role of technology. It explores examples from agriculture insurance, banking, and disaster management to remove information asymmetry and improve processes. The goal is to enable rural development and improve weather risk management services.

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Technology Assistance for Rural Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Technology Assistance for Rural Development Weather Risk Management Services Pvt. Ltd.

  2. Agenda • Next leap of rural economy • Enhance Productivity & Cultivability • Role of Technology • Production technology • Knowledge input • Enhance Market Access • Role of Technology • Improve Processes • Remove information asymmetry and credibility

  3. Case of Khapa: A village in Betul (MP) Enhancing Productivity and Cultivability Role for Technology (soft and hard know-how)

  4. Creating a Knowledge Grid for efficient distribution of soft-Know-how Central Research Institutes Mobile National Krishi resources ICAR KVK SAMETI Web DEAL INDIA Info mediation ontology based Processing Rural Citizen International Agriculture resources Radio TV Study Hall Or Sharamik Bharti • Essential features • Exploit intra-community know-how • Information to also flow out of the villages Performance Other NGO’s Deployment Partners

  5. Requirements for Technology Delivery – Hard know-how (To be expanded) • Corporate Farming • Rural Infrastructure projects

  6. Enhance Market Access • Enable access to new markets • Technology Assistance to remove information asymmetry and credibility issues • Examples from Insurance • Examples from Banking • Improve Processes (To be expanded)

  7. Examples: Agriculture Insurance • Weather Insurance • Indemnity of losses due to abnormal weather event, e.g. excess/deficit rainfall, hail • Claims settled based on transparent weather data recorded at meteorological stations • Expedites claim settlement • Satellite Imagery based Insurance • Claims settled based on satellite based vegetative indices • Interim claim settlement

  8. Covering important agricultural zones real time, at a cost of approx. Rs.500 per sq.km or Rs.1 pr ha Generation of Historical records for any given long.- lat. Position Statistical & Neural Network model Geographic Calibration Generating current weather data and forecast through the network of indigenous sensors Examples :Creating Real Time Data Network On Site wireless Sensors Processing of data received from sensors and converting it according to specific product Farmers Console (GIS)

  9. Health & Livestock Insurance • Intricate sensors transmit information on possible irregularities in advance • Reduces overall cost • Biometric sensors can transmit information on health parameters • Information can be relayed through a GSM network • Possible applications in settlement of livestock & Health claims

  10. Disaster Insurance • Improved & Precise Cat Models • From Earthquake Zones to now ZIP code based modeling • Predicting Asset and post disaster economic losses due to a model • Agencies estimate losses post-disaster, based on models • Settlements based on these estimates, instead of time consuming verification of actual losses

  11. Disaster Management • Reconnaissance information relayed to ground control for post disaster missions • Damage Assessment • Aid to relief missions • Establishment of airborne communication setup for inaccessible areas • Cost Implications

  12. computer vision/aerial imaging • Mosaic generated from images taken from UAV of IITK campus (Courtsey Aurora Integrated Systems) aerial image mosaicing aerial image registration

  13. Requirements for Successful TA • Should be linked to an appropriate business model • Recognize the S-curve issues in technology related to financial markets • Pilots to be based on an average case scenario

  14. Thank You

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