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Aligning Coaching Supports for Student Success Across Tiers

Explore aligning coaching strategies for staff to effectively support students in diverse learning environments. Learn about a tiered framework and practices improving academic and behavioral outcomes. Discover real-world examples integrating systems of support in schools.

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Aligning Coaching Supports for Student Success Across Tiers

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  1. E6 - Coaching Teachers as We Support Students Receiving Support Across the TiersLead Presenter: Kimberly YanekCenter for Social Behavior Supports at Old Dominion University (VA) Exemplar Presenters: Teri Breaux, Dayla Brown, Anthony Gonzalez, & Laura McMahonVBCPS, (VA)Key Words: Coaching, Classroom

  2. Miami, FL Hyatt Regency Miami March 11-14, 2020 For more information, visit: conference.apbs.org

  3. Learning Objectives • Explore considerations for aligning coaching supports • Explore examples of using a three-tiered framework to design systems of support for adults • Learn about two school’s efforts to apply these objectives to support staff to use a continuum of practice to meet student needs

  4. Explore Considerations for Aligning Coaching Supports

  5. Coaching Process + Content Data-informed Partnership Intentionality

  6. Coaching in Schools Coaching for Individual Change: • focus on skill development, support and performance feedback (content specific: academic, behavior) Coaching for Team/Group Change: • focus on collaboration and facilitation, group dynamics Coaching for Systems Change: • focus on organizational change

  7. Why is alignment important? Stressors/ Teacher Wellness No one can do this work alone Behavioral Challenges are still a main reason for teacher burn out, turn over

  8. When should alignment happen? Alignment happens above the level of implementation

  9. Resource Mapping for Classroom Behavior Systems

  10. Explore examples of using a three-tiered framework to design systems of support for adults

  11. Building Capacity through a • Continuum of Supports Support for a Few Schools, Staff Support for Some: Small Groups of Schools, Staff Data-Informed Support for All Schools, Staff

  12. Social Emotional & Behavioral & Academic Competence OUTCOMES Outcome data (social behavior, academic achievement, Progress Monitoring, Fidelity) SYSTEMS DATA What we do to support adults to implement the practices PRACTICES What we do to support students

  13. Professional Learning Curriculum 8 Classroom Practices

  14. Active Supervision Physical Arrangement Class Expectations Routines and Procedures Behavior Specific Praise Error Correction Opportunities to Respond Positive Behavior Game (Group Contingencies) Invest in Tier 1

  15. Learn about two school’s efforts to apply these objectives to support staff to use a continuum of practice to meet student needs

  16. Getting to know us... • Virginia Beach, Virginia

  17. District Demographic Data • 12 high schools (charter) • 15 middle schools (gifted) • 55 elementary schools • 4 specialty centers • 15 Title 1 schools • Student Population 66,820 • Caucasian 48.6% • African American 23.8% • Hispanic/Latino 11.4% • Multi-race 9.4% • Asian 6.1% • Native H/Pacific I.5% • American I/ Alaskan N 2% • 2013 - PBIS came to VB • 2017 - 5 PBIS Coaches • 5 Cohorts - 2019 -> all onboard! • Division Implementation Team • Alignment - Psychologists, Social Workers, Behavior Intervention Specialists (BIS), Nurses, Transportation … ongoing!

  18. Salem ES: Coaching Support Tony Gonzalez - BIS - (18) supports 17 schools, 25 years VBCPS Dayla Brown - PBIS Specialist - (5) supports 15 schools, 14 years VBCPS Salem Elementary 470 students PK-5 Caucasian 41.1% African American 21.9% Hispanic/Latino 15.3% Multiracial 9.4% Asian 10.0% Native Hawaiian 1.5% American Indian .9% Econ. Disadvantaged 38.9% Special Education 8.6% Gifted 8.9%

  19. Alignment of Coaching Grade 1 Classroom Tony Gonzalez, BIS Coaching for Individual Change (students and teachers) Coaching offered because of an identified student challenge PBIS Coach, Dayla Brown • All Staff PD • Small Group Coaching/PD • Classroom coaching offered by teacher request Support for a Few Staff Support for a Few Students Support for Some/Small Groups Support for Some/Small Groups of Students Support for All Staff Support for All Students Admin role: Understanding of PBIS Implementation and Coaching within the Building, Initiated Communication between Coaches

  20. Coaching Support for Staff Across the Tiers • Classroom coaching support for 1 teacher • Data collection and feedback on 8 practices • Aligned with school-wide PD and grade level/small group support • CICO data for 2 students • Tier III data collection for one student (Tony) • Support for grade level/choice groups - 8 practices • PD for all staff: • Group Contingencies • Voice Level Charts • Tier 2 awareness and alignment of Tier 2 skills support • 8 practices Support for a Few Staff Support for Some/Small Groups Support for All Staff Communication with Tier 1 and Tier II PBIS Team Leads

  21. Coaching Support for Individual Students and Staff • Data collection for one student in multiple areas • Time on task, calling out, out of work area • Admin feedback • Interventions selected for one student to support social and academic behavior • Teacher feedback • BSP and error-correction • Writing (chunking strategy) • Section 504 meetings (class-wide supports) • Positive Behavior Game and other reinforcement strategies • Procedures and routines (transitions, classroom jobs) • Class Expectations Support for a Few Students Support for Some/Small Groups of Students Support for All Students

  22. Classroom Check Up Model • Teacher Interview • Classroom Observation • Provide Feedback • Develop Menu of Options • Choose Interventions • Action Planning & Self-Monitor (Reinke et al., 2008) 8 Classroom Practices

  23. Classroom Observation Classroom Walkthrough Tool November 29 (baseline) February 12 February 18 February 25 March 5(School-wide Fidelity Check) March 19 **May 14 **May 16 **May 23 **June 4 January - admin request for more frequent classroom support Class expectations Procedures & Routines Group Contingency Individual supports 8 Classroom Practices

  24. Coaching Feedback: A Common Language { • Active Supervision • Physical Arrangement • Class Expectations • Routines and Procedures • Behavior Specific Praise • Error Correction • Opportunities to Respond • Positive Behavior Game (Group Contingencies) 8 Classroom Practices

  25. Principal, Assistant Principal, PCST, TST, Library Media Specialist, Office Associate RESPECTFUL RESPONSIBLE SAFE

  26. Routines for Independent Work Group Contingency (Positive Behavior Game) R E S P O N S I B L E

  27. Routine for Stations

  28. Classroom Routine & Physical Arrangement

  29. Physical Arrangement

  30. Morning Routine & VOICE LEVEL CHART

  31. PBIS Coaching Support for Teacher

  32. Individual Student Data

  33. Lynnhaven Elementary Lynnhaven Elementary 426 students PK-5 Caucasian 30.5% African American 34.3% Hispanic/Latino 18.1% Multiracial 14.6% Asian 2.6% Econ. Disadvantaged 71.8% Special Education 12.9% Gifted 7.8% Teri Breaux - Administrator - 17 years VBCPS Laura McMahon - PBIS Division Coach - supporting 17 schools22 years VBCPS

  34. Balcony View

  35. “All, Some, a Few” Support for teachers & students

  36. Support for All Teachers • All Staff PD • Classroom and School-Wide Practices and Matrix • Function of Behavior • Articles and Videos - Staff Newsletter • Tier 2 awareness and alignment of Tier 2 skills support • Daily Affirmations • Observation Feedback Students • Lessons on the Matrix - Passport • School-wide acknowledgement - Paw Tickets • Morning Announcements • Challenge of the Week • Brain Breaks • Thought of the Day • School-wide monthly meeting - “Lion’s League” • Partnering/Collaborating Classrooms Support for All

  37. Support for Some Teachers • Book study - Lost at School • School Counselor • School Instructional Coaches • Math • Reading • Special Education • Gifted Students • Small group counseling • Tutoring • Reading • Math • Science • During & After School • Check in Check out Support for Some

  38. Support for a Few Students • Check in Check out + • Class Changes • Central Office Support • Instructional Specialists - Individualized Tutoring • BISs - FBAs and BIPs • Individualized Counseling • Mentoring Teachers • Central Office Coaching • Instructional Specialists • BIS • PBIS Coach Support for a Few

  39. Classroom Check Up Model • Teacher Interview • Classroom Observation • Provide Feedback • Develop Menu of Options • Choose Interventions • Action Planning & Self-Monitor (Reinke et al., 2008) 8 Classroom Practices

  40. Classroom Observation Classroom Walkthrough Tool Interview Baseline dataFeedback Plan of action Bi-weekly checks Modeling Peer observation Ongoing: Observations & Feedback Fall - admin request for classroom support Class expectations Procedures & Routines Group Contingency Individual supports 8 Classroom Practices

  41. Classroom Practices Class expectations taught & posted Procedures & Routines taught & posted 8 Classroom Practices

  42. Classroom Practices + Group Contingencymodeled/ co-taught with coach Peer Observation/Learning Walk at a similar PBIS school set up by coach 8 Classroom Practices

  43. PBIS Coaching Support for Teacher

  44. Show me the data! Interventions

  45. What made it work? • Administrator key role • Data T1/Classroom/T2 • Collaboration • Communication • Open to support • Safe space for teacher • Manageable chunks

  46. Reflections & Questions

  47. Contact Information • Kimberly Yanek, Center for Social Behavior Support at ODU,kyanek@odu.edu • Teri Breaux, VBCPS, teri.breaux@vbschools.com • Dayla Brown, VBCPS, dabrown@vbschools.com • Anthony Gonzalez, VBCPS, marcialanthony.gonzalez@vbschools.com • Laura McMahon, VBCPS, lmcmahon@vbschools.com

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