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Buy world’s best door safety product from Safety Assured Limited.

I think you hopefully understand which type of device will be best suited for your doors to prevent finger trapping injuries. So, if you want to buy and install door safety products, contact us. We provide 10-year material warranty on Door Finger Protectoru00ae and best value guaranteed. For more information, visit us at https://www.safetyassured.co.uk/.

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Buy world’s best door safety product from Safety Assured Limited.

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  2. CONVENTIONAL FRAMED DOORS Conventional framed doors increase the risk of finger entrapment during their handle side when they are opened or closed. A slam stopper device is recommended for this type of door. This device works by locking or releasing itself to close the entrances slowly.

  3. SLIDING DOOR When the sliding door is opened or closed, the chances of finger and hand trapping between its leading edge and the closing jam increase. This is where a slide safe comes in! Slide safe works by maintaining a safe gap between the hinge sides and closing jam of the sliding door.

  4. RISING BUTT HINGED DOOR When you push it open and close automatically, this will allow your door to rise slightly. It’s one way opening to 90 degrees increases the risk of finger trapping injuries. For this type of entrance, you can use a door hinge finger protector. This is specially designed to prevent the finger from being trapped between the entrance hinges.

  5. WHY CHOOSE US? I think you hopefully understand which type of device will be best suited for your doors to prevent finger trapping injuries. So, if you want to buy and install door safety products, contact us. We provide 10-year material warranty on Door Finger Protector® and best value guaranteed.

  6. CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Safety Assured Ltd Home Farm Estate Fen Lane Essex RM14 3RD United Kingdom Telephone: 01708 855 777 Fax: 01708 855 125 Email: info@safetyassured.com Business Hours Monday – Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm Website:https://www.safetyassured.co.uk/

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