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A Story about two pebbles Over photos of China!

A Story about two pebbles Over photos of China!. The difference between logical thoughts and “lateral” thoughts. There was once in a small village a farmer who owed an important sum of money due to be repaid to a very ugly old man. The farmer had a very pretty daughter

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A Story about two pebbles Over photos of China!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Story about two pebblesOver photos of China!

  2. The difference between logical thoughts and “lateral” thoughts.

  3. There was once in a small village a farmer who owed an important sum of money due to be repaid to a very ugly old man.

  4. The farmer had a very pretty daughter that the old lender was sweet on, the lender proposed a deal:

  5. He said he would annul the debt if he could marry his daughter

  6. .Both the farmer and his daughter were horrified about this proposition

  7. So, the old lender suggested hazard should determine the outcome of his proposition.

  8. He told them he would put two pebbles one black and one white in an empty money bag,

  9. And, the daughter would pick, without looking …

  10. One of the two pebbles.

  11. 1) If she picks a black one, she must marry me And the debt to her father is eliminated…..

  12. 2) If she picks the white pebble, she doesn’t have to marry me and the debt is also eliminated

  13. 3) If she refuses to pick a pebble, her father will go to jail

  14. While speaking, the old lender leaned forward and picked up two pebbles.

  15. As he was picking them up, the daughter with a sharp eye…

  16. Noticed he had picked up two black pebbles and put them in the money bag

  17. But, she said nothing.

  18. The old lender asked the daughter to pick a pebble out of the bag

  19. This discussion was taking place on the road in front of the farmer’s house and the road was paved with pebbles

  20. Imagine for an instant what you would have done.

  21. What would you have suggested the daughter to do?

  22. If we analyse the situation, there are 3 possibilities :

  23. 1) The daughter refuses to pick a pebble

  24. 2) The daughter picks out both pebbles revealing the old lender cheated

  25. 3) The daughter picks out a black pebble and sacrifices herself by marrying the old « coot » and saves her father from emprisonment

  26. Take a moment to reflect on this situation

  27. This story means to illustrate a point…..

  28. The difference between logical thought and so called “lateral”thought.

  29. The daughter’s dilemma cannot be resolved equitable manner

  30. By traditional logic

  31. Think of the consequences of each of the three possible options.

  32. So, what would you have done ?

  33. Here is what the young woman did :

  34. She plunged her hand in the bag picked a pebble and, clumsily, dropped it on the ground

  35. before it could be determined wheter it was black or white, it mixed with other pebbles on the ground

  36. Ah ! Gosh! I sure am clumsy, said the young woman….

  37. But no matter: if I remove the other pebble from the bag ….

  38. We will know which pebble I had picked first dont you think?

  39. Since the second pebble was black,,

  40. The first had to have been white

  41. . The old lender didn’t dare announce his cheating, ….

  42. The young woman transformed a seemingly impossible situation

  43. Into a very advantageous ending !

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