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Hwæt ! We Gardena in geardagum , þeodcyninga , þrym gefrunon hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon . Oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena þreatum , monegum mægþum , meodosetla ofteah , egsode eorlas . Syððan ærest wearð feasceaft funden , he þæs frofre gebad weox under wolcnum , weorðmyndum þah ,
Hwæt! We Gardena in geardagum, • þeodcyninga, þrymgefrunon • huðaæþelingasellenfremedon. • Oft ScyldScefingsceaþenaþreatum, • monegummægþum, meodosetlaofteah, • egsodeeorlas. Syððanærestwearð • feasceaftfunden, he þæsfrofregebad • weox under wolcnum, weorðmyndumþah, • oðþæt him æghwylcþaraymbsittendra • oferhronradehyranscolde, • gombangyldan. Þætwæs god cyning!
Anglo Saxon Warrior Characteristics Followers/warriors (thanes) pledge service to a lord or leader. The lord or leader provides treasures of gold, weapons, jewels, and celebrations in the mead hall as reward for service to his warriors. The Anglo Saxon warrior values bravery, courage, and prowess in battle.
Anglo Saxon Warrior Characteristics The most honorable death is death in battle. Often retold battles in the form of songs sang by scops. After the Christian influence, the literature displayed a mixed belief of pagan influence (fate) and God’s control over all aspects of life.
Beowulf, hero, fights three menaces GRENDEL GRENDEL’S MOTHER DRAGON
Beowulf is one of the earliest pieces of literature Stemming from The Anglo-Saxons who lived from 449-1066 A. D. The Anglo-Saxons were fierce, pagan (polytheistic, different beliefs than major world religions) warriors who invaded Britain and took over Celtic Land.
The four Germanic tribes which make up the Anglo-Saxons are: Angles Saxons Jutes Frisians/Danes
Although fierce pagans, the introduction to Christianity softened Anglo Saxons over time. Emergence of Christianity among the Anglo-Saxons was also due to the work of missionaries. The most important was probably St. Augustine. The recording of Anglo-Saxon Literature was done by Monks with heavy Christian influence.
A poem of epic proportions!! Hero larger than life. Captures the cultural and religious values of the people. A long narrative poem developed orally.
You can’t have a monster story without style. Anglo-Saxon writing has STYLE!! Alliteration – the repetition of initial consonant sounds in accented syllables. Kenning – two word poetic renaming of people, places and things. Caesura – rhythmic breaks in the middle of lines, where the reciter could pause for breath.