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Forests of Lublin province. Forest cover in the analysed countries ( SoEF 2011).
Forest cover in the analysed countries (SoEF 2011) In our climatic and geographical zone, forests are the least distorted natural formation. They are a necessary element of ecological balance and, at the same time, a form of land use which ensures biological production with a market value. Forests are the common good which enhances the quality of human life. Nowdays, forestsaregettingsmaller and smallerdue to socio-economic developments such as expansion of agriculture and growing demand for timber. At present, the total area of forests in Poland is 9163.8 thousand hectares (the Central Statistical Office figure as at 31 December 2012), which puts forest cover at 29.3%.
Information about Lublin Province • Lublin provinceis one of the leastwoodedprovince in Poland with forestsoccupyingonly 22,6 % of the province. • In Lublin province we canfindsomenationalparks as well as naturereserves. For example: • Now we want to present one of them. •Poleski Park Narodowy •Roztoczański Park Narodowy •Chełmski Park Krajobrazowy •Kazimierski Park Krajobrazowy •Kozłowiecki Park Krajobrazowy •Krasnobrodzki Park Krajobrazowy •Krzczonowski Park Krajobrazowy •Nadwieprzański Park Krajobrazowy •Park Krajobrazowy Lasy Janowskie •Park Krajobrazowy Podlaski Przełom Bugu •Park Krajobrazowy Pojezierze Łęczyńskie •Park Krajobrazowy Puszczy Solskiej •Poleski Park Krajobrazowy •Południowo roztoczański Park Krajobrazowy •Skierbieszowski Park Krajobrazowy •Sobiborski Park Krajobrazowy •Strzelecki Park Krajobrazowy •Szczebrzeszyński Park Krajobrazowy •Wrzelowiecki Park krajobrazowy Forest cover in Poland by province
history • The beginning of natureprotection in Roztocze is closely connected with the Zmoyski family estate, which was founded in 1589. In the Zamoyski’sestatedeer, lynxes, boars, wolves, wildcats and tarpansoccurred . The estate was dismantledat the end of XVIII orat the beginning of XIX century, because of badfinancialsituation of the family. One part of Roztocze national park was created in 1934 inBukowa Góra. Now, it is a strictly protected area. In 1938, for the first time in Poland, thegovermentpassed a bill stating that prey birds on the area of the Zamoyski family estate were protected. Finally , in 1974, the National Park was establishedthere.
Attractions • The park isknown for forestswhichhave a very large dynamic development and very good health. This is reflected in the ease of natural regeneration, the presence of all Polish species of forest trees whichachieved significant size and old age. The park also has almost every type of forest habitat, from deciduous to coniferous ones. The prevailing species is pine, covering about 55% of forest area, followed by fir (26%), beech (11%), alder (2%), spruce (1%) and larch (1%) with the balance made up by birch, linden, hornbeam, elm, oak, ash, maple, mountain ash and others. The combinations of these species often appearing together create beautiful mixed thickets in which individual trees reach monumental sizes. • Among mammals living in the Park we candistinguish: deer, boar, red fox, grey wolf and eurasian badger. In 1979 European beaver was reintroduced and now, the colonies of this mammal thrive in the Wieprz valley. In that region we canalsofindPolish ponies becausetheywerebroughttherein 1982 . Amongotheranimals we canfind190 species of birds, including eagles, storks and woodpeckers. Reptiles are represented by lizards, thecommon European adder, grass snakes, as well as endangered European pond terrapin. Therearealsomore than 2000 species of insects.
Someinformationaboutnature • Forestecosystems The main objective of the establishment of the Roztocze National Park was to protect diverse forest ecosystems of Central Roztocze. A great variety of habitat conditions in this area determine the presence of many interesting forest communities, rich vegetation, including very many species of trees and shrubs forming the skeleton of these communities. Forests include 93.81% of the Park • Vascular plants • The Flora ofRoztocze National Park is characterized by high species richness, which determines the share many geographical elements and the presence of taxa typical for both the forest communities, as well as other types of ecosystems. It was found thatthis region ishome to over 900 species of vascular plants, representing nearly half of the total of the group forming the Polish flora. Among them are 70 species under strict protection and partial, and a similar number of taxa considered rare in the region, and about 20 are threatened with extinction in the country. • The largest group in the flora of vascular Park are plants frequent and common in the country, while the species referred to as very rare and rare, they represent only 5% of this flora. On the other hand, the percentage of species considered rare and very rare in the region is much higher - up to 20% • On the other hand, hydrophytes (aquatic plants) and helophytes (marsh plants) represent only 8 % of this flora. It reflects both a small part of aquatic ecosystems and peat in the Park, as well as their considerable species richness, compared to other types of ecosystems. • The species of trees and shrubs Park represent approximately 10% of its flora. A significant part of the flora of the Park are plants ranges of Central European and Siberian. • Relatively large in the flora of the park is a group of boreal species, originating from northern areas. • Other geographical elements of flora are represented in the Park by a few species. Plants included in the sub-element Pontic (steppe) and South-Siberian require solar positions and at the same time the alkaline soil.
Bryophytes • With the terrain park and buffer zone 239 taxa of bryophytesareknown, including 237 species, one subspecies and one variety. Flora bryophytes RPN is approx. ¼ of our native brioflora, including 24% of the flora of liverworts, mosses 26% and 25% of glewik flora. In the case of bryophytes, the share element in the flora of the mountain is also significant - mountain taxa represent 25% brioflory Park. Among the 59 mountain species occurring in the RPN, thereare 21 liverworts and 38 mosses. • Lichen • The richness and diversity of habitats, which can grow lichens made Roztocze were found 298 species and areas Roztocze National Park on 229. Graphisscripta Arthoniaspp Pertusariaspp
Animals-fauna • Fauna Roztocze National Park (species - including foreign - found so far in its current borders) has more than 3630 species - which meet about 5,700 species recorded in the macro-region, the mite is the number of significant, confirming the high rank RPN fauna Polish south-east. • Invertebrates Park comprises about 3300 species. Roztoczenational Park is about 10% of the national fauna, with more than half of invertebrate taxa Park this taxa representing an average of 30-60% of Polish fauna. Rhysodessulcatus Neptisrivularis Boloriaeunomia Xylomoiastrix
Mushrooms • Fungi are a group of extremely varied and numerous, but still very poorly understood. • In the area of mites found a total of more than 1,100 species of fungi, of which the vast majority - approx. 850 species - found at the area of the National Park. Erysiphales Taphrinales
Objectives and methods of conservation • National park , in accordance with its legal definition, covers an area of outstanding value for the environmental, scientific, social, cultural and educational values, which are protected all nature and landscape values. • The objectives of conservation Roztocze National Park are: • • maintaining and ensuring the smooth running of ecological processes, • • the continuity of existence and sustainability of ecosystems, • • conservation of biodiversity and geological heritage • • and paleontological, • • ensuring continuity and sustainability of species of plants, animals and fungi, along with their habitats, through their maintenance or restoration of a favourableconservation status, • • maintenance of landscape values and afforestation, • • appropriate attitudes to human nature through education, information and promotion in the field of nature conservation. • Park in designated areas of strict protection, active and landscape are a way to protect the individual surfaces. The aim of strictly protected area - 12.1% of the Park - is to maintain the course of natural processes. The area of active protection, at which human interference is possible to achieved the desired effect of conservation measures represents 85.4% of its surface. Landscape protection, having its lowest conservation status on a scale park is subject to 2.5% of its surface. Its aim is to maintain or restore regional characteristics of the cultural landscape. • Protection of inanimate nature is based on the elimination of erosion processes initiated as a result of anthropogenic pressure, reducing the outflow of water ditches and prevention of overgrowth of surface outcrops and rocky outcrops. Active protection of forest ecosystems is to restore properforestcompositionwhichwould be appropriate for the habitatsof species and for age and spacial structure. • On the other hand in aquatic ecosystems active measuresaretakento prevent waterpollution from external sources and to removesolid impurities, plotted in periods of flood waters. • Protection of flora and fauna is carried out primarily by protecting habitats and microhabitats, protection against treading and browsing by wild herbivores. In the case of the animals is to provide the required conditions of reproduction (especially amphibians and reptiles), places of refuge and adequate base of zero. It is also important to create opportunities animals safe passage across routes. For both flora and fauna are carried out conservation activities involving the elimination of invasive alien species. • To achieve all of the objectives, Park collaborates with many institutions and organizations and use of domestic and foreign sources of financing.
endangered animals ukrainian minog (Eudontomyzon mariae) Caprimulguseuropaeus Fire bellied toad (Bombina bombina) Green toad (Bufoviridis)
Sources: • PuszczaBiałowieska | fot. Fot. P. Fabijański (photographslide 16) • "Zwierzęta chronione w Polsce " author Paweł Czapczyk (book) • http://roztoczanskipn.pl/pl/przyroda/przyroda-ozywiona/swiat-roslin-i-grzybow • http://roztoczanskipn.pl/pl/przyroda/przyroda-ozywiona/ekosystemy-lesne • http://roztoczanskipn.pl/pl/przyroda/przyroda-ozywiona/swiat-zwierzat • http://roztoczanskipn.pl/pl/ochrona-przyrody/cele-i-sposoby-ochrony-przyrody • Forests in Poland (documentfound on the webside of PolishForests) • http://cites.zoo.waw.pl/zwierze/kumak-nizinny • http://cites.zoo.waw.pl/zwierze/ropucha-zielona • http://ptaki.info/lelek • http://atlas-zwierzat.pl/1/minogi/minog-ukrainski • http://lichenportal.org/portal/taxa/index.php?taxon=51828 • http://mushroomobserver.org/observer/show_observation/206103 • Stefan Reszel, Tadeusz Grądziela : Roztoczański Park Narodowy. Przyroda i człowiek. Wyd. I.Tadeusz Wilgat: Roztoczański Park Narodowy. Zwierzyniec: Roztoczański Park Narodowy.Roztocze Środkowe. Mapa turystyczna 1:50.000. Wyd. IV. Lublin: Kartpol, 2013. • http://tonno.flog.pl/wpis/3708181/roztoczanski-park-narodowy • http://lepidoptera.eu/show.php?ID=88&country=PL • Http://lepidoptera.eu/show.php?ID=38&country=PL • http://lubelskie.bix.pl/ • http://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/152525-Taphrinales
Autors from IX Liceum Ogólnokszatałcące im. Mikołaja Kopernika: Karolina Jabłońska (2c), Katarzyna Pleszczyńska(2c), Michał Lisowski(1h)