Forests Bye Eve and Katie
Global Warming Imagine if this was the last polar bear in the hole world. It would be one very lonely bear it might not even make the journey across the sea. I can tell you i wouldn't want them to be extinct , they are amazing animals. Also there are penguins, as well though polar bears and penguins can swim they still might die.
TIMBER!!!!! When trees die, carbon dioxide escapes back into the atmosphere so it is extremely important to chop them down before they start to die to stop this happening. Then when we've chopped them down we could make them into paper or other useful objects.
Ozone layer The ozone layer is like a protection blanket to help stop getting hurt from the suns harmful rays. What is happening is the suns heat is coming in but not back out because the carbon dioxide is trapping it in.
Bandaged up!!!!! Just because we said to chop down trees it does not mean to chop down all trees, only chop trees down if there dying. Make shore when you chop down trees you plant more.
Thank you Hope you enjoyed are slide show, and remember please help to put this right.