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Differentiating Instruction Using A Flipped Model. Dr. Eric Carbaugh , PhD Department of Middle, Secondary, and Math Education James Madison University carbauem@jmu.edu. Our Essential Questions:. How do our students differ in their learning?
Differentiating Instruction Using A Flipped Model Dr. Eric Carbaugh, PhD Department of Middle, Secondary, and Math Education James Madison University carbauem@jmu.edu
Our Essential Questions: • How do our students differ in their learning? • How can flexibility be both a blessing and a curse? • Take a few minutes to: • Consider possible solutions to these questions. • Generate your own personal questions you would like to have addressed today. • Since this is a more informal discussion, your questions will drive our interactions today.
Qualities of a Differentiated Classroom • Supportive and efficient learning environment in which students and teacher share responsibility for learning and freedom to make and learn from mistakes • Learning revolves around clearly defined, high-quality learning goals • The teacher consistently uses formative assessment to examine each student’s progress in relationship to those goals • Instructional decisions revolve around formative assessment evidence and advance the entire range of learners toward growth • Flexible grouping ensures student’s varying needs are met (e.g., readiness, interest) • Decisions are made in a proactive rather than a reactive fashion (Sousa and Tomlinson, 2011)
Qualities of a Flipped Classroom • Time for reflection and practice • Moves information into long-term storage • Requires actively processing and reflecting (similar to an interactive lecture) • Knowledge • Students should be provided with chances to find patterns and relationships to “hang” new knowledge onto existing knowledge (think coat hangers). • Processing • Initial processing should be done socially when possible • Mental stimulation is key • In-class learning activities should provide students with opportunities to wrestle with content in the company of peers for support and challenge
Flipped Resources Tools for Online Student Interaction www.kidblog.com www.storybird.com www.scoopit.com www.todaysmeet.com Formative Assessment Tools www.socrative.com www.polleverywhere.com www.wiffiti.com • Creation Tools • Computer Based: • www.screencast-o-matic.com • Adobe Captivate • Apps • www.knowmia.com • www.showme.com • Publishing Tools • www.youtube.com • www.sophia.org
Putting it in Action: At Home • Pushing “Pause” is not enough to ensure active processing • Required students to demonstrate evidence of interacting with the video • Utilize both print and online sources • Graphic Organizers • Journal Prompts Image: http://printhut.co.uk
Graphic Organizers • Problems and Possibilities
http://www.edhelper.com/teachers/General_graphic_organizers.htmhttp://www.edhelper.com/teachers/General_graphic_organizers.htm Graphic Organizers – Repurpose old Standbys “Six Photos” Students fill in the six photo slots of this graphic organizer with words and pictures that convey the four main ideas from the lecture/demonstration, one application, and one question.
http://www.edhelper.com/teachers/General_graphic_organizers.htmhttp://www.edhelper.com/teachers/General_graphic_organizers.htm Graphic Organizers – Repurpose old Standbys “Cause and Effect” Used with a science demonstration, students can record their reflections on a lab experiment. For more fact-based lectures, students can record key people, places, times, and events on one side of the organizer and the significance of each on the opposite side. In either case, students should conclude their processing by recording one overarching take-away and one lingering question on the back.
http://www.edhelper.com/teachers/General_graphic_organizers.htmhttp://www.edhelper.com/teachers/General_graphic_organizers.htm Graphic Organizers – Repurpose old Standbys “Cycles” Ideal for science lectures and problems solving procedures, students record the cycle’s components inside the circle and record information about how those components affect each other on the periphery. Questions and insights can be included on the back.
Journal Prompts • Interest Based Image: www.clkl.com
Interest Based Prompts Original Problem: One method for estimating the cost of new home construction is based on the proposed square footage of the home. Locally, the average cost per square foot is estimated to be $46.50. • Sports You are working at the ticket office for a college football team. Each ticket to the first home football game costs $46.50. • Music You are helping to organize a concert where some local R&B artists will be performing. Each ticket to the concert costs $46.50. • Art You have been working for the school yearbook, taking pictures and designing pages, and now it’s time for the school to sell the yearbooks for $46.50 each. • Games You work for a Best Buy store that is selling the newest Rock Band game for $46.50. Source: ICLS (2012) – “Using Adaptive Learning Technologies to Personalize Instruction: The Impact of Interest-Based Scenarios on Performance in Algebra”
Interest Based Prompts - Effects Source: ICLS (2012) – “Using Adaptive Learning Technologies to Personalize Instruction: The Impact of Interest-Based Scenarios on Performance in Algebra”
Putting it in Action: At School • Graffiti • Learning Menus Image: http://printhut.co.uk
Graffiti – How it Works • Post poster paper w/ prompts at different spots in room • Students move in small groups and work to compile information in response to those prompts • Each group receives a different colored marker and begins at one of the posters. When time is called, they write all they know about the question, spending a limited amount of time at each station • Time is called and groups rotate. At new station, the new group reviews the other groups’ responses (use !, ✔, ? coding system) and adds new material to the information already recorded by other groups • Great way to begin (i.e., introduce) and close ((i.e., review) material, or to transition between activities
Learning Menus – How they Work • Learning menus outline a variety of instructional options targeted toward important learning goals. • Students are able to select the choices which most appeal to them. • The teacher directs the menu process, but the student is given control over his/her choice of options, order of completion, etc. • MENU: Main Dishes, Side Dishes, and Desserts • AGENDA: Imperatives, Negotiables, and Options
Science Learning Menu • What parts of this menu might be done at home? • What parts of this menu are better suited for school? • How might the class operate during “menu time”? Adapted from Ellyn Shaw, Environmental Science, Boise ID
Science Menu ONChemical Problems in the Environment • Intended student outcomes (e.g. big ideas, facts, skills) • Understandings: • The environment is a system; change to one part of the system results in changes in the other parts. • Humans and their natural environment exist in an interdependent relationship with one another. To be an effective citizen, it is necessary to know how to deal with problems related to science and technology • Facts • Chemical problems that currently affect our environment • Location and characteristics (cause & effect) of these problems • Skills: • Discuss environmental problems in terms of location and impact • Trace past and present trends and predict future patterns • Utilize charts and graphs to display findings
Select a chemical problem in the environment and Define and describe the difficulties is presents Be sure to discuss why, where, and to whom/what Your choices are: Global warming/Greenhouse effect Ozone depletion Acid Rain Pollution Water Pollution (including thermal pollution and land/ground pollution) Develop a multimedia presentation that… …includes an annotated map showing where the problem exists, what/who is affected by it, and the degree of impact …describes present and future solutions …presents your recommendations MAIN DISHES(You must do ALL of these…)
Determine the approximate costs of the problem of one badly affected region and develop a graphic that shows total costs and what makes the costs (for example: Health costs, clean-up costs, lost revenues from land, etc.) Develop a timeline of the evolution of the problem over the last 100 years, including significant dates, and factors that contributed to the change. Take the timeline into the future based on your current understanding of trends associated w/ the problem. SIDE DISHES(You must do at least one of these…) Common Learning Goals Addressed: Skills 2 and 3 (trends/graphs)
Create an editorial cartoon that makes a commentary on the problem. See your teacher for examples. Prepare a fictionalized account, but based on scientific fact, of a person who lives in a badly affected area. Your goal is to put a human face on the problem. Develop a 60-second YouTube public service announcement to raise audience awareness of the problem and introduce positive actions citizens might take to improve the prognosis for the future. DESSERTS(You may do as many of these as you like)
Khan Academy Video – Ted Talk • As you watch, jot down some ideas in the top two boxes of the graphic organizer provided. You will have a few minutes to reflect at the video’s conclusion http://www.ted.com/talks/salman_khan_let_s_use_video_to_reinvent_education.html