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One gold that inspires all Someone has said it right, inspiratjon is all around us, you just need to keep your eyes and ears open and a knowledge-seeking mind. If you want to see the face of success you should seek motjvatjon and stay dedicated and devoted towards your goals and aims in life. You might face some obstacles on the path that takes you to the fjnal stage. But the only point that you should keep in mind when you face a hurdle do not get disheartened and never leave the hope and your desire to achieve what you want. And at some point, you feel like giving up think about Karoly Takacs. I know you might have heard this name for the fjrst tjme in your like and you might think of him as a normal person. But he is not like any other man. Even afuer facing diffjcultjes in fulfjlling his dream he kept himself from giving up and held the hand of hope. His story has always been an inspiratjon for all of us. This blog tells the story of his struggle to fulfjll his dream and is dedicated to him and his never giving up nature, so many motjvatjonal speakers give his reference to motjvate others. “Karoly Takacs is was born in Budapest and he was serving the natjon in the Hungarian army. He was among the top pistol shooters and was expected to win a gold medal in the 1940s Olympic Games. But fate had other plans for him. He faced a brutal accident with which his dream to get a gold medal in shootjng got shatuered into pieces. Without knowing about what fate has in store for him, along with his companions he was practjcing and within a fractjon of second a hand grenade exploded in his right hand and the hand was blown ofg. Admitued in hospital he was grieving for both the major losses, his right hand and the dream of winning a gold medal in the Olympics. But even afuer losing his best hand at shootjng he did not abandon his dream. He started practjcing and training with his lefu hand. Karoly practjsed shootjng with his lefu hand for months and surprised everyone by winning the Natjonal Shootjng Championship in Hungary. But the happiness of this success didn’t last long. When the scheduled Olympic Games of 1940 and 1944 were cancelled because of the Second World War. His dream kept shatuering for years but he was stjll stjcking to his dream with all his heart and dedicatjon. In the year 1948, his passion, dedicatjon and hard work paid ofg. He partjcipated in the Olympics and won a gold medal. He also set a world record by winning another gold medal in the 1952 Olympic Games.” Unlike today’s youth Karoly never lefu the hand of hope, his focus was set on the gold medal he wanted to win in the Olympics. Even afuer losing his best hand he stayed motjvated to achieve his dream. Moral of the story The trait that one should learn from his story is that to never lose hope, stay dedicated and work hard to achieve your goals in life. Stop worrying about what you have lost and celebrate what you are blessed with. Thank you for reading the blog, I hope you like the blog and in the future, you want organized a session or any event related to motjvatjon visit starclinch they have a wide range of motjv speaker artjsts in their books. a tjonal