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Back to School Night. Mrs. Gilchrist 7 th and 8 th Grade Language Arts. 7/8th Grade Course Description. VISION STATEMENT
Back to School Night Mrs. Gilchrist 7th and 8th Grade Language Arts
7/8th Grade Course Description VISION STATEMENT A student graduating from the Tri-District will have demonstrated mastery of skills and knowledge learned in a rigorous, interdisciplinary English language arts curriculum developed by Tri-District educators from Henry Hudson Regional, Highlands Elementary, and Atlantic Highlands Elementary Schools. This comprehensive course of study uses the Common Core State Standards to articulate a multi-layered program that will engage and enrich students as they move from basic reading foundations and strategies to more advanced manipulation of text in order to make strong arguments that reflect informed, higher-order thinking and reasoning. Henry Hudson Regional graduates will be students who are college and career ready in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language by demonstrating the following characteristics:
They demonstrate independence. • They build strong content knowledge. • They respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose and discipline. • They comprehend as well as critique. • They value evidence. • They use technology and digital media strategically and capably. • They come to understand other perspectives and cultures.
English 7 is the second course in the Grades 6-8 Cycle and English 8 is the Final Course of skills and dispositions taught in grades K-6. English 7 and 8 enables studentsto acquire and master the skills identified in the Common Core State Standards for ELA andbuilds a foundation for learning that will take place in subsequent courses, as all three yearsof the Grades 6-8 Cycle have identical unit titles and similar kinds of assessment.
This course includes an increasingly complex combination of activities and texts, in which students shall continue to read, write, interpret, and speak/listen critically to the ideas/texts found in the reading series. In addition, students will master grade-level appropriate vocabulary, grammar/mechanics, and writing samples identified in the Tri-District K-12 Writing Portfolio Program, as these experiences provide opportunities for learners to master the entire range of literacy skills.
COURSE DESIGN TEMPLATE UNIT PLAN ONE: COMING OF AGE 1ST Interdisciplinary Project(Gr.7) “Name That Team” UNIT PLAN TWO: Changes and ChoicesUNIT PLAN THREE: Quest for Freedom1st Interdisciplinary Project (Gr.8) “Movers & Shakers”UNIT PLAN FOUR: The Music of LanguageUNIT PLAN FIVE: Meeting Challenges2nd Interdisciplinary Project (Gr.7) “Feudal Fun”UNIT PLAN SIX: Extraordinary Occurrences2nd Interdisciplinary Project (Gr.8)”Believe It or Not”UNIT PLAN SEVEN: All the World’s A StageUNIT PLAN EIGHT: Vocabulary Acquisition Quarterly Benchmark AssessmentsUNIT PLAN NINE: Standard English Grammar and Mechanics Quarterly Benchmark AssessmentsUNIT PLAN TEN: Writing Portfolio Quarterly Benchmark Assessments
Classroom Policies You must bring to class EACH DAY: • pencil / pen • English binder • current text or novel • homework
Class Rules 1. Arrive on time and prepared. You will NOT be allowed to go to your locker. 2. Complete the Do Now and be ready to learn when the bell rings. 3. Only one student is allowed out of the classroom at a time. You must have your agenda/passes with you. 4. Practice correct behavior: a. raise your hand b. respect yourself and others c. listen and contribute d. do not interrupt when another student is speaking
Grading Policies Your grade will be determined by : Homework: 10 % Homework will be checked daily and is expected to be turned in as assigned. Homework will NOT be accepted late. Quizzes: 25 % vocabulary and literature unannounced quizzes Tests/ Projects : 45 % Class participation: 10 % Notebook : 10 %Projects or presentations will be counted as test grades and will be assessed on a group and/or individual basis.
Make Up Work If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to get the work you missed. You can check with me when you return or check the website. You will have 1 day for each day absent to make up the work. Absences are NOT excuses for missing work. Quizzes, tests and exams must be made up within one week of returning to class. If you do not make up these in the time frame you will receive a “0” for that quiz, testexam or project.
Textbooks / Novels Text: Prentice Hall – 2007 Edition, Grade Seven and Eight Vocabulary Workshop- Level B (7th Grade) Level C (8th Grade) Novels – chosen by teacher (see attached lists)
7th Grade Supplemental Novels That Was Then, This Is Now , S.E. Hinton The Acorn People , Ron James Dear Bully: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories , Megan Hall, Carrie Jones Freak the Mighty , Rodman Philbrick Diary of Anne Frank, Anne Frank Stargirl, Jerry Spinelli We Beat the Streets, Drs. Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, Rameck Hunt Robert Frost Poetry Anthology, Robert Frost Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life, Wendy Mass Gathering Blue, Lois LowryThe Misfits, James HoweRoll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Mildred TaylorInherit the Wind, Jerome Lawrence & Robert E. LeeBad Boy, Walter Dean Myers (a memoir)Best American Science and Nature Writing,(2011) Mary Roach & JanFolger Various cultural myths Various short stories
8th Grade Supplemental Novels Flowers for Algernon, Daniel Keyes Chicken Soup for the Soul, Teens Talk Middle School, Dave Canfield I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare Max the Mighty , Rodman Philbrick Poetry Anthology of 20th Century American Poetry, Rita DoveLove That Dog, Sharon CreechBetween A Rock and A Hard PlaceThe Lottery, Shirley Jackson A Mango Shaped Space, Wendy Mass The Messenger, Lois LowryNight, Elie WieselWith Their Eyes:Sept. 11:The View from a High School at Ground Zero, Annie ThomsThe Sunflower, Simon WiesenthalBest American Science and Nature Writing:2011, Mary Roach & Tim FolgerMost Dangerous Game, Richard ConnellShakespeare AnthologyFast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser Various short stories and poetry
Closing THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR INTEREST AND SUPPORT. Please contact me with any questions: • email: jgilchrist@hhrs.us