Historical Fiction • Historical fiction presents readers with a story that takes place during a notable period in history, and usually during a significant event in that period. Historical fiction often presents actual events from the point of view of fictional people living in that time period.
Eric Walters • Run • In conjunction with the Terry Fox Foundation, award-winning author Eric Walters brings Terry Fox and the Marathon of Hope to life. • Wave • It's December 2004 and Sam and his parents are leaving frostbitten Ontario for a vacation in lush, sun-soaked Thailand. Sam's sister Beth is staying behind. She drives her family to the airport to bid them farewell, not knowing that what awaits them is a natural disaster of unimaginable proportions.
Eric Walters • We All Fall Down • Follow Will as he goes to work with his father to the World Trade Center in Manhattan on September 11, 2001. Will discovers a new side of his father during an event that continues to affect the world. • United We Stand • It’s September 12th, 2001, and New York City is at a standstill: somber, bleak and shocked in the aftermath of the World Trade Center attacks. Will knows he and his father are lucky to have escaped; others, like his best friend James’ father are still missing . . . and soon presumed to be dead.
Jan L. Coates • A Hare in the Elephant’s Trunk . The year is 1987, and suddenly in the night soldiers from the north invade the village, looting, burning, and killing. The war has arrived, and the life of Jacob will never be the same. This novel is based on the real life experiences of a Sudanese boy who, with thousands of other boys from the region, fled for his life and spent seven years walking through deserts, grasslands and forests, crossing crocodile-infested rivers, surviving life in massive refugee camps.
Sharon E. McKay • War Brothers • In Uganda, where Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) has, since 1987, abducted up to 30,000 children from their villages and homes for use as soldiers and slaves. It is in these nightmarish times that the fates of 5 boys and a girl are entwined.
Laurence Yep • The Star Fisher • The Star Fisher is about prejudice and acceptance....15-year-old Joan Lee is a child of two worlds. As a Chinese American, she has never felt her separateness more than now, in 1927, in this new place in West Virginia. Only Miss Lucy, their landlord and neighbor, seems welcoming. • Hiroshima • Describes the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, particularly as it affects Sachi, who becomes one of the Hiroshima Maidens.
Virginia Frances Schwartz • If I Just Had Two Wings • Thirteen-year-old Phoebe has always dreamed of leaving her life as a slave behind. She has heard whispers about a secret path to freedom, and she has seen what can happen to those who take it and fail. But freedom means more to Phoebe than anything, and when she meets Liney, a strong young woman who picks cotton next to her, they form a plan to escape together.
Dear Canada Series • A Desperate Road to Freedom • Orphan at My Door • Blood Upon our Land • Whispers of War • Alone in an Untamed Land • Brothers Far From Home • Foot Steps in the Snow • A Ribbon of Shining Steel • Exiles From the War • Where the River Takes Me • A Prairie as Wide as the Sea • Days of Toil and Tears • An Ocean Apart • A Trail of Broken Dreams • Winter of Pearl • With Nothing but Courage • Banished from Our Home
Dear Canada Series • Days of Toil and Tears • Young Flora is happy to leave the orphanage behind and join her aunt and uncle, even though it means working at a textile mill where there is the constant threat of being injured or going deaf. She writes about her feelings in her diary, addressing her father and mother who died when she was five. Then her uncle loses several fingers at the weaving machine leaving him unable to work, and money is very tight. Can Flora help her aunt and uncle survive?(