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Office of Student Standards and Conduct: 2012-13 Report to Faculty Senate including Code of Student Life Revisions. Rachel E. Eikenberry M.Ed. Director ARKU 634 Ethics.uark.edu reikenbe@uark.edu 479-575-5170. 1 Director 1 Associate Director
Office of Student Standards and Conduct: 2012-13 Report to Faculty Senate including Code of Student Life Revisions Rachel E. Eikenberry M.Ed. Director ARKU 634 Ethics.uark.edu reikenbe@uark.edu 479-575-5170
1 Director • 1 Associate Director • 1 Assistant Director (Dual Reporting to Housing and OSSC) • 1 Coordinator for Outreach and Education • 1 Administrative Assistant • 2 Graduate Assistants • 2 Work-Study Students Make-Up of the OSSC
Mission The mission of the Office of Student Standards and Conduct (OSSC) is to create a safe and inclusive community by upholding the Code of Student Life which promotes responsibility, accountability, and student learning through; • Educational opportunities and outreach. • The enforcement behavioral standards. • Providing a consistent, fair, equitable, educational student conduct process. • The development of ethics and adherence to their personal values. • Education on the norms and values of the University of Arkansas. Mission of the OSSC
Numbers are all based on the 2012-2013 Academic Year (May 14, 2012 through May 12, 2013 Code of Student Life Annual Report
Hearing Outcomes * 19 cases were reviewed by the AUCB
Number of overall violations were down • Number of cases were down 2011-12 & 2012-13 Comparison
Student Standards of Conduct Policy Revisions: Addition of the following new policies; 2 & 18 2. Domestic and/or Dating Violence includes violence against a spouse, former spouse, or an individual who has had a dating or engagement relationship. a. Dating Violence is defined as violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors: i. The length of the relationship ii. The type of the relationship. iii. The frequency of interactions between the persons involved in the relationship. b. Domestic Violence includes violence committed by a current or former spouse of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabiting with or has cohabited with the victim as a spouse, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction. Immediate Family Member means: i. a spouse, parent, brother, sister, or child of that person, or an individual to whom that person stands in loco parentis; or ii.. any other person living in the household of that person and related to that person by blood or marriage 18. Use or possession of prescriptions medication other than for the person prescribed, and/or for use other than the prescribed purpose. Code of Student Life Revisions
Revisions to the current D2. policy (Harassment, Abuse, Coercion) split to make 2, now policy D 3 & 4. • Complete Revision to Section 10. Special Procedures for Cases Involving Alleged Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Stalking, Domestic Violence, and/or Dating Violence. Revised to maintain compliance with Violence Against Women Act, Dear Colleague Letter-OCR, and Campus Save Act (Must be in compliance by Feb. 1, 2013) • Section 2. Presumption of Non-Responsibility – Standard of Proof: Clarification of language • Section 5. Summoning a Student for a Pre-hearing Conference: Revisions to notify students of date/time of hearing instead of allowing student to schedule an appointment based on utilization of new database. • Section E Administrative Actions: • Language Clarification and slight revisions to intro, Part 1, Part 2. Part 3 entirely revised for compliance with ADA and HIPPA. Part 4 completely new (was previously a standard operating procedure but added as a policy due to student questions, concerns) Code of Student Life Revisions