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Principal Investigator/Project Director : Rachel Novotny Lead Site Co-Investigators/Co-Project Directors: Rachael Leon-Guerrero, Don Vargo , Jonathan Deenik , Bret Luick , Jang Ho Kim.
Principal Investigator/Project Director: Rachel Novotny Lead Site Co-Investigators/Co-Project Directors: Rachael Leon-Guerrero, Don Vargo, Jonathan Deenik, Bret Luick, Jang Ho Kim This research was supported by the National Research Initiative of the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, grant award #2011-68001-30335
Remember Bruddah IZ - Native Hawaiian Musician Died at 38 years of age, due to respiratory complications of obesity.
US Affiliated Pacific Region Alaska Alaska Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Hawaii Guam Republic of the Marshall Islands Hawaii Guam Republic of Palau Federated States of Micronesia Republic of the Marshall Islands Republic of Palau American Samoa Federated States of Micronesia American Samoa
Young Child Overweight & Obesityi(%)US Affiliated Pacific Region a Supplemental Feeding Program for Women Infant & Children (WIC): 2009 AL, 2010 AS, Baruffi et al. 2004 HI b 2-3, 4-6,7-10 y, Paulino et al 2008, cluster survey c Headstart Program d Kaiser Permanente Hawaii f 6-11y, http: // www.ctahr.hawaii.edu / adap /ASCC_LandGrant / technical_papers.asp, Reports 47, 48, 56 g 6-13y, Healthy Foods Hawaii, Hawaii (Novotny PI), predominantly Native Hawaiian h NHANES, Ogden et al 2008, JAMA i 6-11y, >85th percentile BMI for age & sex, CDC
CNMI Food Intake (servings /day)Very high meat & low grain consumption a Recommendations for 1-3 y, 4-8 y, 9-10 y, respectively. Uses Estimated Energy Requirement ranges for energy, Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for % of energy from macronutrients, Adequate Intake for fiber & calcium, & Tolerable Upper Intake Level for sodium (IOM, 2006). b Except for added sugar & discretionary fat, recommendations are from the Food Guide Pyramid number of servings per day at food energy levels of 1300 for 2-3 y, 1800 for 4-6 y, & 2000 for 7-10 y, respectively (Basiotis et al, 2002). c 1 tsp = 5 g
Healthy Foods Hawaii (HFH) Children’s Food Group Intake, 6 - 13 y (predominantly Native Hawaiian children), n = 156 (Novotny PI, unpublished data)Very high “added sugar” intake (eg. soda, sweets …) a. USDA Food Guide Pyramid Recommended servings, 2000 calorie level b. 1 teaspoon = 5 g “ Use sparingly”, 1 oz = 28.3 g
Goal: Capacity building, systems change & policy change to prevent child obesitySpecific Aims: Conduct program / data inventories & situation analysis (Degree) Train 22 professionals & paraprofessionals in obesity prevention Develop Pacific food, nutrition & physical activity data management & evaluation system Develop & conduct an environmental intervention (to prevent, maintain or decrease young child overweight & obesity in the Pacific Region) Evaluate the community - based primary - prevention environmental intervention Incur at least one obesity prevention policy change per state / jurisdiction
Goal: Build the social / cultural, physical / built & political / economic environment to promote active play and intake of healthy food to prevent young child obesity in the Pacific Region. Social / Cultural Env. Senator, Governor, Doctor, Chief, Pastor, Teacher Extended Family, Parents Healthy Food Intake Child Healthy Living / Obesity Prevention Political / Economic Env. Laws / Policies - International, National State / Jurisdiction; Program; Food / Activity Costs Active Play / Physical Activity Physical / Built Env. Mountain, Garden / Farm, Ocean, Health Center, Church, School, Store, Home
Formal Training/Education Plan • Formal degree training in accredited programs - multidisciplinary aspects of obesity prevention (Associates to Doctorate) • Requirements: • Enroll in an appropriate CHL degree program • Develop & execute CHL project in home jurisdiction • Translate CHL materials for local language & culture • Disseminate/feedback to community • CHL project supervised by CHL faculty & should align with local initiatives
Trainee Degree Program Total number of trainees = 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 AK HI Guam CNMI AS Palau FSM RMI 2 2 FAS
Training/Education Plan • Formal degree training in accredited programs - multidisciplinary aspects of obesity prevention (Associates to Doctorate) • University of Alaska • MA,MS, PhD – Interdisciplinary Studies • MS, PhD – Natural Resource Management • MPH • AA – Rural Nutrition Services • University of Guam • BS – Nursing • BS – Health Sciences (Public Health Track) • University of Hawaii at Manoa • BS – Food Science and Human Nutrition • MS, PhD – Nutrition
Training/Education Plan • Formal degree training in accredited programs - multidisciplinary aspects of obesity prevention (Associates to Doctorate) • University of Hawaii at Manoa • MPH, DrPH • MS – Public Health • PhD – Epidemiology • University of Hawaii at Kapiolani Community College • AS – Exercise and Sports Science • University of Hawaii at Windward Community College • AS - Nursing
Education Program: Capacity Building Community Colleges Key Partners • Program Development • Enhance/expand existing programs • Develop curriculum • Provide technical expertise • Distance Learning • Enhance/expand existing efforts • Training • Identify needs • Develop programs
Local Advisory Committees Formed • Role: • Provide guidance to CHL program • Ensure CHL activities align & support existing initiatives • Assist in judicious management of resources • Assist in advocating for policy change • Ensure sustainability of the program
Training Program Information • Website page live! • www.CHL-Pacific.org/program-overview • On-line application posted!