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Community Planning

Community Planning. Land Use Education Project Charlotte P. Burckhardt, AICP, PCP Principal Planner. Presentation Outline. Why communities plan How communities create a Plan Process Considerations How communities implement their Plan Zoning Site Plan Review.

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Community Planning

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  1. Community Planning Land Use Education Project Charlotte P. Burckhardt, AICP, PCP Principal Planner

  2. Presentation Outline • Why communities plan • How communities create a Plan • Process • Considerations • How communities implement their Plan • Zoning • Site Plan Review Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  3. Key ideas students would take away from this curriculum • Land Use issues affect our daily lives • Communities plan for their future • You have an opportunity to participate • Think like a planner Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  4. Presentation Outline • Why communities plan • How communities create a Plan • Process • Considerations • How communities implement their Plan • Zoning • Site Plan Review Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  5. Communities plan for their future • Similar to students planning for their futures • What are they good at now? • What would they like to do in the future? • What steps do they need to take to get there? Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  6. Communities come in all shapes and sizes • In what kind of community would they like to live in the future? • Urban • Suburban • Rural Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  7. Urban Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  8. Urban Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  9. Suburban Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  10. Suburban Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  11. Rural Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  12. Rural Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  13. Why do communities plan? • To prepare for change--puts the community in the driver’s seat Future Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  14. I-75 and I-696 in 1963 Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  15. I-75 and I-696 in 2002 Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  16. Why do communities plan? • To balance individual property rights against the greater good Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  17. Why do communities plan? • To create a sustainable community that people want to live in now and in the future • environmental • fiscal (tax base) • societal (someplace people care about) Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  18. Why do communities plan? • To develop policies for growth and communicate those policies in a document • A community master plan is the document that identifies those policies and shows what the community would look like in the future (future land use map) Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  19. Waterford Future Land Use Map Why communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  20. Presentation Outline • Why communities have a Master Plan • How communities create a Master Plan • Process • Considerations • How communities implement their Master Plan • Zoning • Site Plan Review Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  21. Type of local government • Home Rule • The most local unit of government is responsible for the planning and zoning • Cities, villages, and townships • Oakland County has 61 local governments How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  22. Map of Oakland County How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  23. Who creates the Plan? • Planning Commission is composed of citizens (5, 7, or 9) who represent everyone in the community. • Residents and business-owners are also asked for their input • One to two year process How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  24. Planning process identifies: • Where the community is now • Where the community has been • Where the community wants to be in the future How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  25. Master Plan Process • Collect information about the community • Analyze the data • Get public input • Review options • Select a preferred future • Prepare an implementation strategy How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  26. Types of Information Collected • Population • Land Use • Infrastructure • Economic • Natural Features • Other community-specific issues How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  27. Population Data • Current Population (Census data) • Age groupings • Income levels • Growth rates from previous data • Population projections • The population you are planning for. How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  28. Waterford – 1990 and 2000 Census • Population in 1990 was 66,692 • Population in 2000 was 73,150 • 9.7 % increase (6,458 people) • There were 1,568 12 and 13 year-olds in 1990 • There were 1,718 12 and 13 year-olds in 2000 • Increase of 150 How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  29. Waterford Age Comparison 2000 1990 Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  30. Waterford 2000 and 2030 Population by age How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  31. Land Use Data • Existing land use statistics • How much land is used for residential, commercial, parks, or industrial? • How much land could still be developed? • What opportunities exist for development? • Historic land use • Look at past statistics to see changes in different categories. • Development potential • Vacant, underutilized, or redevelopment areas How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  32. Waterford Land Use Map How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  33. Infrastructure Data • Circulation and access • Hand out street maps • Water and sewer How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  34. Economic Data • Where do people work--in or out of the community • Types of jobs available in the community • industrial/manufacturing • office • commercial/retail • commercial/service • Employment rate How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  35. Natural Features • Larry will cover the environmental and recreational topics • He will illustrate a process to plan with the environment How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  36. Community-Specific Issues • Lack of • Recreational land or open space • Housing for specific needs • Town-center • Community character • Housing • Commercial corridors • Image of public facilities • Traffic congestion • Lack of sidewalks • Growth rate – too fast • Loss of population and need for redevelopment How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  37. Planning Commission asks for Public Input • Public Meetings • “Prouds and Sorries” • Dot Voting • Surveys • Visioning Sessions (brainstorming) • Key Person Interviews • Public Hearing How communities plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  38. Presentation Outline • Why communities have a Master Plan • How communities create a Master Plan • Process • Considerations • How communities implement their Master Plan • Zoning • Site Plan Review Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  39. Methods of Implementing • Zoning • The legal requirements that govern what you can do with your property • Site Plan Review • The process to see how the building will be sited on the property Implementing the plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  40. Zoning • Parcel specific • Regulates • use • setback-front, rear, and side • coverage of the lot • parking • signage • landscaping Implementing the plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  41. COMPARING A MASTER PLAN TO A ZONING ORDINANCE Zoning Master Plan The master plan is a guide. The master plan is adopted by the planning commission (elected body may adopt too if desired). The master plan shows how land is to be used in the future. The zoning ordinance is law. The zoning ordinance is adopted by the elected body. The zoning ordinance shows how land is regulated today.

  42. Site Plan Review • Makes sure the zoning requirements for that particular use are met on that lot Implementing the plan Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  43. Suggestions for Teachers • Obtain copy of local master plan • Create a newspaper clipping file • Have students identify where they live in their community Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services

  44. Community Planning Land Use Education Project Charlotte P. Burckhardt, AICP, PCP Principal Planner

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