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Access to HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment in Refugee S ettings Nadine Cornier M. Schilperoord , P. Spiegel C. Haskew , P. Njogu D. Yiwesa , S. Doraiswamy United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Background.

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  1. Access to HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment in Refugee SettingsNadine CornierM. Schilperoord, P. SpiegelC. Haskew, P. NjoguD. Yiwesa, S. DoraiswamyUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

  2. Background • UNHCR mandate includes ensuring that refugees have similar access to HIV prevention, care and treatment services to that of local surrounding pop. • Joint responsibility with WFP in “Addressing HIV in humanitarian Emergencies" under UNAIDS’ Division of Labour • HIV-related indicators are collected routinely at health facility level using UNHCR's Health Information System. • Additional information is collected annually through HIV focal points

  3. Results • By end of 2011: • 81% of pregnant women had access to PMTCT. • 89% of countries had camps with satisfactory universal precautions. • 78% of countries were implementing interventions addressing at least one high risk group. • In 15 countries implementing clinical mgt of rape survivors, 77% of survivors received PEP within 72 hrs. • %age of countries where refugees have similar access to ART as host populations reached 91%.

  4. Conclusions • Access to protection, prevention, care and treatment has increased in most of 21 countries hosting refugees in camps • Addressing HIV in refugee settings is feasible, effective and essential in global fight against HIV and AIDS • Contingency planning for emergencies needs to be included into national plans and funding mechanisms

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